Local democracy

Agenda item


The Council is in the process of preparing a new Local Plan which will replace the current statutory development plan for Bradford District (the Replacement Unitary Development Plan) which was adopted in 2005.


The first of the Local Plan documents is the Core Strategy which sets out the strategic approach to managing development and change to 2030.  It was submitted for Examination in December 2014 with Hearings held in March 2015. Proposed modifications were published in November 2015 and resumed hearings held in May 2016.


The Council has now received the Inspector’s final Report and recommendations. The Inspector has considered all the matters before him including the plan, the evidence underpinning it, and the objections and representations made and the published modifications. In his report he concludes that the Plan can be considered to be legally compliant and sound, providing a limited set of Main Modifications are made to the plan, as submitted.


The purpose of the report of the Strategic Director Regeneration (Document “Z”) is for the Executive to note the contents of the Inspector’s report and to seek authority to proceed to Full Council to request the legal adoption of the modified Core Strategy in line with the Inspector’s recommendation.


Recommended –


(1)       The Executive is recommended to note the contents of Document “Z” and contents of the Inspector’s Report and recommend that Full Council formally adopt the Core Strategy as approved by Full Council on December 2013 and submitted to the government for examination with the Main Modifications contained in Appendix 1, as proposed by the Inspector pursuant to Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.


(2)       That the Assistant Director (Planning Transportation and Highways) in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder be authorised to make other minor amendments of redrafting or of a similar nature as may be necessary prior to formal publication.



(Regeneration, Planning

 and Transport Overview & Scrutiny)          (Andrew Marshall - 01274 434050)



The Council was in the process of preparing a new Local Plan which would replace the current statutory development plan for Bradford District (the Replacement Unitary Development Plan) which was adopted in 2005.


The first of the Local Plan documents was the Core Strategy which set out the strategic approach to managing development and change to 2030.  It was submitted for Examination in December 2014 with Hearings held in March 2015. Proposed modifications were published in November 2015 and resumed hearings held in May 2016.


The Council had received the Inspector’s final Report and recommendations. The Inspector had considered all the matters before him including the plan, the evidence underpinning it, and the objections and representations made and the published modifications. In his report he concluded that the Plan could be considered to be legally compliant and sound, providing a limited set of Main Modifications were made to the plan, as submitted.


The purpose of the report of the Strategic Director Regeneration (Document “Z”) was for the Executive to note the contents of the Inspector’s report and to seek authority to proceed to Full Council to request the legal adoption of the modified Core Strategy in line with the Inspector’s recommendation.


The City Solicitor reported that a temporary Holding Direction had been received from the Department of Communities and Local Government under S21A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  The Direction was made by Gavin Barwell MP Minister of State for Housing and Planning following a request from Philip Davies MP.  As a result of the Direction the Executive was not able to consider this item.


The Leader expressed concern at the actions of the MP for Shipley in requesting the holding direction as he had already had the opportunity to make recommendations on the Core Strategy and she would take up her concerns with the government.


The Regeneration, Planning & Transport Portfolio Holder stressed that the actions of the Local MP would not stop houses being built but would only hinder the Council in ensuring that houses were built in appropriate places.  He added that without a Core Strategy the green belt could not be protected from inappropriate development.  He went on to state that the MP wanted no development of the green belt until all brown field sites were developed which he stressed was illegal and confirmed that the Planning Inspector had agreed with the Council in this regard.  He added his concerns that the actions in issuing a Holding Direction could delay the Bradford City Centre and the Shipley and Canal Road Development Plans and that it increased the possibility of poor quality development in the MP’s own constituency.


The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder referred to the Housing and Planning Act 2016 in accordance with which the Secretary of State would intervene if the Local authority did not have a Core Strategy in place.  She stressed the authority’s desire to prioritise building on brown field sites.  She emphasised that there had been two public inquiries at which the MP had opportunities to express his concerns.  She added that the Inspector had accepted the Core Strategy  and that in rejecting the professional view of the Planning Inspector the MP was putting Bradford in a very difficult position.


The Education, Employment and Skills Portfolio Holder expressed disappointment at the delay caused by the actions of the MP.  He pointed out that the plan would create access to jobs and increase jobs in the City Centre by 16,000.  He added that it would identify a new supply of employment land and support rural diversification and employment and have a massive impact on the economic prosperity of the district.  He added that without a Core Strategy in place the authority would lose control over where additional school places were located.


The Environment, Sport and Culture Portfolio Holder emphasised that the Core Strategy related not only to housing but also to climate change and green infrastructure.  She pointed out the impact on slowing the process of managing waste.  She added that it also affected the development of flood resistant houses and use of low carbon options.


The Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Portfolio Holder stressed the potential effect on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).  He expressed disappointment on behalf of Parish Council’s that had identified local priorities to which the CIL could be allocated at the last Parish Council liaison meeting.


The Leader summed up by advising members that she was taking up the issue at a high level of government  to ensure that the Core Strategy was adopted as soon as possible.  She added that there was no reason why the Strategy could not be adopted as it was a good plan.


No resolution was passed on this item

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