Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous Reference: Minute 40 (2014/15)


The Director of Public Health, the Interim Strategic Director of Adult and Community Services and the Clinical Chair of Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group will submit Document “E” which outlines the challenges posed by overweight and obesity to health outcomes.




(1)       That the Health and Wellbeing Board endorses and adopts NICE Guidance to Health and Wellbeing Boards on working with communities to tackle overweight and obesity and to achieve healthy weight at a population level.


(2)       That the Health and Wellbeing Board mandates the Local Authority to lead a system-wide approach to achieving healthy weight for the population of Bradford and Airedale to include:


Board members to ensure that the policies and practices of their respective agencies that might impact on healthy weight are reviewed; that these practices and policies are further improved and developed in line with a whole system approach and that the involvement and endorsement of their governing bodies is secured.


Appropriate governance is put in place and 6 monthly updates on progress are provided to the Board.


Bradford Health and Care Commissioners to review their commissioning and to take action to ensure that commissioned activity contributes to achieving Healthy Weight at a population level, with particular emphasis on prevention and early intervention.


(3)       That the Chair of the Board writes to Bradford District Partnership seeking their endorsement and commitment to be involved in a system wide approach to achieving healthy weight.



                                                            (Ralph Saunders – 01274 434782)


The Director of Public Health, the Interim Strategic Director of Adult and Community Services and the Clinical Chair of Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group submitted Document “E” supported by a power point presentation which outlined the challenges posed by overweight and obesity to health outcomes.


Members commented on a number of issues which included:


  • The approach presented was not appropriate in reducing the impact on health; location of fast food takeaways did not make a difference to obesity; there was no evidence to support this; there was no evidence that sugar tax would work; focus should be on people who are obese rather than a whole population issue.
  • There was a relationship between poverty and obesity; level of obesity in certain wards with a high ethnic population needed looking at; it was important that the right outcomes were looked at.
  • Needed to look at why a higher proportion of children in year 6 are obese?
  • Focus needed to be on early years and not just on people who were obese; agree that focus should be on outcomes that achieved the best results.
  • Report not clear on where focus should be; research on Born in Bradford was missing.
  • The ethnicity element was not simplistic; some of the ethnic population lived in the most deprived areas; as Cities develop the obesity rises but not in rural areas; it was about lifestyles not just culture.
  • Royds had a high level of obesity but not did not have a lot of BME population in the ward; it was more about peoples lifestyles and genetics.
  • Schools in the district were promoting a pilot walk a mile; would be good to see results of the programmes better start was running to reduce weight.
  • Planning and transport infrastructure around cycling needed looking at.  
  • Needed to speak to children in school and with their families; number of dessert parlours being opened up was ridiculous; needed to encourage young people to exercise.
  • What were the reasons for improvements in the weight of 4 and 5 year olds?
  • It would be useful to see the number of people and their ages in each tier of the pyramid on page 105 of the report; would like to see spend based on age; when was the last time work in this area was reviewed? What was the spend by other organisations around the table; target should be prevention rather than cure.


In response to Members comments it was reported that:


·        Needed to get the message to parents about issues on child obesity before the child starts school.

·        6 million school meals were provided by the Council which had low salt and nutritional value and operated within legislation; majority of meals prepared at schools on site; academies did not have to follow the same legislation; rules were different when children got to high schools.

·        Getting people into employment was important as people in work had better health.

·        Investment in cycling was being made such as the super cycle highway from Bradford to Leeds; there had been a hug increase in cycling.




(1)       That the Board leads a system-wide approach to healthy weight for the population of the District.


(2)       That a Programme Delivery Board be established to develop an action plan for an integrated system wide approach to healthy weight; the Programme Delivery Board to comprise of representatives from the Local Authority, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Health Providers and the Voluntary and Community Sector and led by the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing and the Director of Public Health.


(3)       That the Terms of Reference for the Programme Delivery Board be submitted to the Health and Wellbeing Board in 2016.


Action:          Director of Public Health/Interim Strategic Director Adult and Community Services/Clinical Chair of Bradford Districts Clinical Commissioning Group.



Supporting documents: