Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous Reference:  Minute 27 (2015/16)


The Working Better Togetherreport is a standing item at the Health and Wellbeing Board that brings regular updates on development of a whole system approach to health, social care and wellbeing; for example supporting further integration between health and social care organisations and processes and directing the health and wellbeing system to develop integrated strategies.

The Interim Strategic Director of Adult and Community Services and the Director of Collaboration Bradford City, Bradford Districts and Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Groups will submit Document “A” which gives an update on the development of a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bradford, Airedale and Craven for discussion, and for Board members to provide strategic direction.



That the Health and Wellbeing Board receives the update paper and presentation, provides feedback to shape and inform the development of the joint strategy and schedules a further update to the Board for Autumn 2016.


                                                                        (Mick James – 01274 237290)



The Working Better Togetherreport is a standing item at the Health and Wellbeing Board that brings regular updates on development of a whole system approach to health, social care and wellbeing; for example supporting further integration between health and social care organisations and processes and directing the health and wellbeing system to develop integrated strategies.


The Interim Strategic Director of Adult and Community Services and the Director of Collaboration Bradford City, Bradford Districts and Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Groups submitted Document “A” supported by a power point presentation which gave an update on the development of a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Bradford, Airedale and Craven for discussion, and for Board members to provide strategic direction.


It was reported that Bradford was seen as a leading economy for its work on Crisis Care, Dementia and the Physical/Mental Health interface/Parity of Esteem agenda.


Members commented on a number of issues which included:


·        Were all agencies/partners working together to achieve the joint Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy development

·        Airedale had not been adequately engaged; needed a more joined up approach; more acute providers could offer to help other organisations. 

·        The district spent below national spend on mental health but it was more important to ensure that investment focussed on where it was needed.

·        What was the budget involved in providing joint mental health services?

·         The budget involved was 9.1% of the health economy money but what was needed was the exact spend on mental health such as primary care; what care pathways there were and what the outcomes were; if not achieving the outcomes then more needed to be invested; emphasis was needed on outcomes.

·        Were we given a model by NHS England to follow in terms of the funding?

·        A timeline for achieving the objective and outcomes for the joint mental health strategy was needed.

·        A simple way of patients accessing mental health services needed looking at.

·        Welcomed the holistic approach but needed to be clear on what the outcomes and objectives were.

·        How would this strategy link into the West Yorkshire Mental Health work.

·        Voluntary Sector was a key player in providing mental health services and all concerned needed to ensure the VCS was involved.









In response to Members comments it was reported that:


·        All agencies and partners involved were working together and the support from the Bradford District Care Trust as a provider was very impressive especially around planning clinical pathways.

·        Acute Care was being looked at; joined up work was happening; more work will be undertaken with teaching hospitals.

·        A formula for the funding was given by NHS England; the piece of work that was being undertaken was looking at where the income flows were; voluntary sector organisations provided direct mental health services; some funded by the Local Authority; some funded through health and some through a charity.

·        Officers were working on a set of figures which included public health spend; Adult and Social Care and the three CCG’s.







That a further report be submitted to the Board in 2016 which addresses the comments made at the meeting and includes the following information:


·        The outcomes and objectives of the joint mental health and wellbeing strategy.

·        The timeline for achieving those outcomes and objectives

·        The budget involved in providing joint mental health services


Action:          Interim Strategic Director Adult and Community Services/Director of Collaboration Bradford City, Bradford Districts and Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven Clinical Commissioning Groups


                                                            (Mick James – 01274 237290)


Supporting documents: