Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Environment and Sport (Document “C”) provides an update to information presented to meetings of the Bradford East Area Committee in 2015 relating to Council Wardens and Street Cleansing. It highlights a developing approach that delivers on the cleaner/greener agenda at an Area-, Ward-, neighbourhood- and street-level that is supported by residents, businesses and community organisations as part of the People Can Make a Difference Campaign.


Recommended –


That Bradford East Area Committee notes and welcomes the information in this report which is intended to inform decisions on this devolved service in Bradford East.


(Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee)   

(Louise Williams - 01274 431066)                                                                               



The report of the Strategic Director, Environment and Sport (Document “C”) provided an update to information presented to meetings of the Bradford East Area Committee in 2015 relating to Council Wardens and Street Cleansing. It highlighted a developing approach that delivered on the cleaner/greener agenda at an Area-, Ward-, neighbourhood- and street-level that was supported by residents, businesses and community organisations as part of the People Can Make a Difference Campaign.


The Bradford East Area Co-ordinator gave a synopsis of the report.


A question and answer session ensued:

·     How successful had the “new ways of working and recruitment” in Bradford Moor and Heaton wards been?

o        The Heaton trial had been going on for a longer period than Bradford Moor. The trials had been very successful with compliments from residents, businesses and Council staff who work in the area.  There had been a noticeable improvement in the wider visible environment, and the ethos of the new methods was to make longer-lasting improvements and impact rather than constantly chasing litter;

·     Had levels of staffing reduced or increased?

o        In terms of recruitment, presently 14 apprentice street cleansing operatives and four Driver Co-ordinators were being advertised district wide.    All new apprentices and starters would work a 30 hour week and the campaign will continue to encourage people from under-represented groups and communities to apply;

·     How many agency staff was presently on the Bradford Moor trial?

o        There was a total of 4 staff working a 30 hour week;

·     Who is responsible for unadopted streets?

o        These we generally the responsibility of the owners of the adjacent properties to maintain;

  • Who is responsible for cleaning litter from unadopted streets?
    • This was the responsibility of occupiers of properties on unadopted streets to keep the street clean and tidy. The service had developed a more proactive way of dealing with waste on unadopted streets that involved Ward Officers working with other ward-based staff identifying unadopted streets where waste was most frequently dumped. This was then targeted by the Enforcement Officers and Council Wardens who would engage with residents through home doorstep visits promoting Council services and encouraging residents and businesses to participate in a community clean-up with street cleansing staff removing the rubbish. Whilst this was the preferred approach, it may not always be possible due to lack of engagement from residents and therefore other options, including enforcement, had to be considered;

·     How would the new way of working be allocated throughout the East area?

o        Two new teams will initially be working in the Bradford East area and deployed in the wards with the most vacancies at this present time;

·     What was the cost of a Big Belly Bins?

o        In the region of £1,000 but the cost was insignificant in comparison to the amount saved in expenditure due to the amount of waste the bins were able to compact; and,

·     Where were covert CCTV cameras situated?

o        Some were setup on lamppost columns and a further 10 had been purchased for the district.


Resolved –


(1)        That the information contained in Document “C” which is intended to inform decisions on this devolved service be noted and welcomed.


(2)        That all Bradford East Councillors be consulted during the development of bespoke plans for street cleansing for each ward.


(3)        That the substantial contributions already made by local volunteers especially in light of the Aire Valley Flooding be welcomed.


(4)        That the Bradford East Area Committee affirms that, volunteering activities should be a positive addition to, and not a, substitute for Council Services in the drawing up of bespoke plans.


OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE: Environment and Waste Management

ACTION:         Strategic Director – Regeneration and Culture


Supporting documents: