Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place will submit a report (Document “Q”) which provides an update on Bradford Libraries Service since the previous report on Libraries to this Committee in December 2022. It summarises overall developments in the Service, as well as a more detailed update on libraries in the South area.


Recommended –


Members are recommended to note the progress that has been made since the previous report to this Committee and ways in which local libraries can contribute to the priorities in the Local Area Plan.


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration & Environment


(Christine May – 07970 829265)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place provided an update on Bradford Libraries Service since the previous report on Libraries in December 2022. The Head of Libraries and Archives summarised overall developments in the Service, and gave a detailed update on libraries throughout the Bradford South area. The Committee were informed that following a management restructure there was now a specific Area Manager for each of the Bradford constituencies.


A Member asked about the figure in brackets in relation to Wibsey Library and was informed that the figure in brackets indicated a full year prediction based on data from the previous year.


The Head of Libraries and Archives was asked about libraries in Holmewood and if it would be possible to improve links and connectivity between community managed libraries. The Committee were advised that there had been attempts in the past to link community managed libraries together. The Head of Libraries and Archives explained that work was underway to build the volunteer base with plans to work with the Youth Service as well as local groups. The Bradford South Area Coordinator added that more projects that would utilise the library space would be taking place in Holmewood such as coffee mornings and fitness projects.


A Member asked what the Red Letter Project was in response to the summary of the report and was informed that it was based in St John’s in Great Horton and that they organised community events and also created opportunities for grant funding.


Members of the Committee asked about the decrease in numbers in relation to library loans and visits at both Queensbury and Wibsey Library. It was explained to the Committee that there had been a decline in numbers both in terms of visitors and loans during COVID and the impact of this was still being witnessed. Members were infirmed that figures varied across libraries and that there was not always a correlation between number of visitors and library loans as computer usage was another reason people visited. The Head of Libraries and Archives stated that different patterns of use could be seen across libraries as they were also utilised as warm spaces and to combat social isolation.


A Member asked if the decrease in library loans was due to the genres of book available and was informed that Bradford libraries had an intelligent stock management system that produced reports and that books could be moved to different libraries to reflect lending patterns.


The Committee queried the IT equipment on offer in libraries and asked whether it was up to date. The Head of Libraries and Archives told the Committee that a survey had been carried out which provided useful feedback and stated that the team were constantly striving to make updates to the IT equipment on offer. The Committee were informed that a bid had been submitted to Arts Council England for new devices in order to enhance the digital offer in libraries.


A Member asked about Wi-Fi printing in libraries, in particular when this would be implemented in libraries across the district. In response the Committee were informed that a bid had been submitted to the Arts Council and implementation would be dependent on this.


Resolved –  


That the update on the work of Libraries in Bradford South as set out in Document “Q” be noted.


No Action


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration & Environment


(Christine May – 07970 829265)



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