Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “E”) sets out the background and purpose of the Keighley Development Framework.  It outlines the approach being taken to public engagement on the draft report and considers the opportunities for member involvement.


The views of Members on the Draft Development Framework are requested.


(Sarah Carling / Will Ridley-Ellis – 07816351362 / 07582101342)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “E”) set out the background and purpose of the Keighley Development Framework It outlined the approach being taken to public engagement on the draft report and considered the opportunities for member involvement.


It was explained that whilst the development framework was not funded it provided a guide to future regeneration, a basis for future funding bids and aimed to attract investment.  The work was being undertaken in broad stages as described in the report and was currently in the visioning and targeted stakeholder engagement phase. The open engagement period would continue until 20 November 2023 and Members were asked to promote the engagement period in their local areas.


A Member queried the ambitious proposals such as knocking down buildings and removing the market car parks when the funds were not available. In response it was explained that the plan was for a 15 to 25 year period by which time the car park would have come to the end of its life. The expectation of the framework was that when opportunities for funding came a fast response could be provided.   Having a sense of what kind of interventions were required provided the ability to talk to potential investors.  A full business case would include more level of detail.


The sources of the proposals were questioned and details of sessions including with Councillors, one to one interviews, open consultation sessions, stakeholder sessions and the current meeting were reported.  The level of public engagement was questioned and details of on line consultation and open sessions were explained. Members were advised that any people they wished to involve could be facilitated.  The challenges of public engagement with a plan which took a longer term view were reported.  It was acknowledged that there would be more interest if funds were attached to the framework. 


A Member questioned the Active Travel Scheme and was disappointed to have learnt that the funds which had been available no longer existed.  It was confirmed that the scheme he was referring to was a separate scheme to the framework under consultation.  Contact details to assist that Member were provided. 


It was explained that the framework was the first step in the process and more details would be added over time.  Members requested that the public be kept informed.  It had been felt in the consultations that Keighley had a wealth of assets and a Member reported that in the session that she had attended people had felt united and happy to discuss those assets and their aspirations for the town.


Members welcomed the report and the opportunity to feedback their views.  It was acknowledged that the framework would help with future funding opportunities and they provided offers of help in any way they could assist.


A Member, whilst recognising the promotion of the consultation through social media, suggested that posters could also be displayed.  In response it was confirmed that these were available and would be provided to the Area Co-ordinator. 


The Chair reported that the Town Council were consulting on a ‘town vision’ and requested that this be referenced in the framework.  It was felt that the plan, whilst separate to the framework, should be dovetailed and it made clear to the public that they were separate pieces of work.


In summation it was explained that Members had until the 19th November to promote the consultation.  It was envisaged that the results of the consultation would be available within six months and could be shared with Members at that time.


Resolved –


1.    That the report and the consultation with Members, residents, the Parish and Town Councils and community groups be welcomed.


2.    That the Strategic Director, Place, be requested to provide a progress report in six months’ time.


To be actioned by Strategic Director, Place


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration & Environment


Supporting documents: