Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “D”) will be submitted to the Committee to seek approval for the 2023/24 Safe Roads programme for the Keighley Area constituency.


Recommended –


1.          That the Keighley Area Committee approves the programmes of Safe Roads and Traffic Management schemes for 2023/24 listed in Appendices 2 and 3.


2.          That any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which are necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


3.          That any valid objections to the advertised Safe Roads schemes be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Orders be sealed and implemented, and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.


4.          That should inflationary pressures on the projects listed in Appendices 2 and 3 make delivery of the full programme impossible a further report be brought to the Area Committee to reconsider scheme priorities.


(Simon D’Vali – 01274 434674)



The report of the Strategic Director, Place, Document “D” was presented for Members to consider and approve the 2023/24 Safe Roads Programme for the Keighley area constituency.


Following a summary of the report it was explained that the majority of schemes in the previous year’s capital programme had been completed and any outstanding works were to be completed within the next couple of months.  The delays encountered had been due to utility companies or a lack of engineers.  The lists were compiled on an evidence based assessment and aimed to reduce casualties and accidents.


Appendix four to the report detailed Traffic Regulation Orders required for the Safer Roads Schemes and it was explained that these had been bundled into one constituency wide TRO in the interests of cost efficiency.   The schemes were non contentious but if there were objections the schemes would be not be progressed. 



In response to queries about a replacement vehicular activated sign on the A65 Addingham Bypass it was explained that the sign had not been working for some considerable time and the work to replace that would likely been undertaken in September. 


Members reported, in relation to proposals West Lane, Keighley, that there was already a zebra crossing in place.  It was explained and there was a school crossing patrol in that area and that the traffic calming and zebra crossing proposed would be located higher up that road near to Our Lady of Victories School. 


It was questioned if road markings proposed in Silsden were in addition to those already in the location and it was explained that the circulatory road markings were to be located on the actual roundabout and were in addition to those in the lead up to the junction.  A similar scheme to that at Silsden would also be done on the Marley roundabout at Keighley. An extension to the 20mph zone on Queens Rd, Keighley was proposed along with some traffic calming features.


The Traffic Regulation Orders included an increase in parking on Briggate, Silsden and, in response to questions, it was explained that no decision had yet been made and the proposal would be subject to consultation.


A Member queried if objectors to schemes had to provide their reasons and it was confirmed that clarity on the site specific objections were requested.


The conversion of an existing Zebra crossing to a Puffin crossing on the previous year’s schemes was discussed and it was explained that this scheduled to commence on 1 August 2023 but the completion date was unknown at the current time.


The schemes contained on a reserve list to be undertaken if other schemes did not progress were questioned and it was agreed to let the Member who had raised that issue of any proposals.


Previous requests for traffic measures at Spring Gardens Lane, Keighley were discussed with a Member raising concerns about accidents; residents parking and traffic calming near to Holy Family School.  In response it was agre4eed to look into those issues, however, there was no funding available for residents parking in the current programme.



A Member raised concerns about the national speed limit being in place on Holme House Lane as this was a single traffic road without footpaths and was a regular walking route for pedestrians.  It was reported that there was continuous destruction done to walls caused by vehicle damage and it was requested that the speed be reduced to 40mph.  It was also suggested that a 20mph zone be implemented near to Nessfield School.   It was agreed to consider those proposals as a reserve scheme. 


In response to questions about a one-way traffic proposal on Surrey Street, Riddlesden, it was confirmed that the schemes inclusion was an error and would be removed from the list of TRO/Movement orders. 


It was queried if resident parking on Elliot Street, Silsden included Aireview as there was an issue with parking by the visitors to shops in that location.  It was confirmed that Aireview was not included but could be added if necessary.


A Member queried the acronym CRSTS and it was confirmed that the abbreviation was City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement as listed in full in paragraph 2.4 in the report.


It was questioned in there was a district wide policy to replace belisha beacons with the halo type beacons.  It was explained that there wasn’t a policy for replacement and it was unknown what funding streams would support that work. 


It was requested that Members be informed of the type of works coming under each category in the Safer Roads Programme and it was agreed to respond after the meeting to the Member who had made that request.


It was agreed that all comments made at the meeting would be taken into account when future financial allocations were considered. 


Resolved –


1.         That the programmes of Safe Roads and Traffic Management schemes for 2023/24 listed in Appendices 2 and 3 be approved.


2.         That any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which are necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


3.         That any valid objections to the advertised Safe Roads schemes be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Orders be sealed and implemented, and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.


4.         That, should inflationary pressures on the projects listed in Appendices 2 and 3 make delivery of the full programme impossible, a further report be brought to the Area Committee to reconsider scheme priorities.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place

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