Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (DocumentQ) provides an update of work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team during 2022/2023.


Recommended –


1.    That the work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team during the year 2022/23 that contributed to addressing Community Safety priorities within the Ward Plans for the Keighley Area be noted.


2.    That the positive partnership working to address crime and community safety between the Police, Elected Members, Parish and Town Councils, Bradford Council Officers, community organisations, volunteers and residents within the Keighley Area be noted.


(Jonathan Hayes – 01535 618008)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (DocumentQ) provided an update of work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team during 2022/2023.


Police Inspector John Barker addressed the meeting and presented an interim annual report.  The report highlighted work which had been co-ordinated across the Keighley constituency.   The report presented a breakdown of crime figures April 2022 to January 2023 and it was agreed that a full years’ figures would be provided after the meeting. He asked Members to understand that comparisons in the report with previous years must be considered whilst recognising the impact of COVID during that timescale.  It was explained that places which were not fully open during the COVID period had resulted in reduced crime figures.


In addition to the information presented in the report Members were advised of a change to Department for Transport (DfT) guidelines for the use of speed cameras and the ability for cameras to be deployed in areas where there was evidence of excessive speed. 


The change in driver behaviour in the four to five months since the cameras had been deployed on roads without warning signage was reported and it was confirmed that the cameras had changed behaviour.  It was explained that the presentation of evidence was also more efficient when presented via a camera.


A Member referred to off road vehicles being driven on private roads and questioned the fines imposed for such behaviour.  It was reported that the vehicles had been towed away but had left tracks in roads and damaged dry stones walls. Inspector Barker confirmed that fines of up to £2,000 could be imposed and that the police needed to take preventative measures to stop driving on private land.


A Member praised the Police Cadet initiative which had been developed and was advised that 10 cadets had attended meetings during the year.  Although it had previously been difficult to encourages attendees, the scheme would be promoted.


A Member questioned if Operation Steerside was still being utilised and was referred to Appendix B of the report which revealed that results of Operation Steerside pre-planned operations in Keighley and the resulting actions from 15 operations.


The provision of surveillance cameras at Hard Ings Retail Park was queried and it was confirmed that community warnings could be considered to deter bad behaviour.


Members discussed ‘Violence Against Person’ statistics contained in the report and expressed a belief that those crimes dwarfed other offences.  In response it was explained that the statistic included other issues such as harassment which was a distance based crime. It was agreed that the statistics could be broken down to include more information such as night time or youth related data.


Staffing issues were discussed and it was confirmed that the Keighley area had two PCSO and one Police Constable vacancies.  It was reported that recruitment to PCSO posts were more challenging as people were more attracted to Police Constable roles.


Resolved –


1.    That the work undertaken by the Keighley Neighbourhood Policing Team during the year 2022/23 that contributed to addressing Community Safety priorities within the Ward Plans for the Keighley Area be noted.


2.    That the positive partnership working to address crime and community safety between the Police, Elected Members, Parish and Town Councils, Bradford Council Officers, community organisations, volunteers and residents within the Keighley Area be noted.


Action: Strategic Director, Place


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