Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place will submit (Document “O”) to provide Members with information on Capital Highway Maintenance funding and to make recommendations on the allocation for Non-Classified road resurfacing schemes and Surface Dressing sites.


Recommended –


That the Bradford East Area Committee approves the proposed programme of works as shown in Appendix 1 and 2 to Document “O”.


(Andrew Whelan – 01274 434409)


The Strategic Director, Place submitted a report (Document “O”) that provided the Committee with information on Capital Highway Maintenance funding. The report also made recommendations on the allocation for Non-Classified road resurfacing schemes and Surface Dressing sites. The Principal Engineer for Highway Maintenance summarised the report and briefly explained the information contained in Appendix 1 and 2.


The Committee asked several questions regarding repeat visits, cancellations and sites being deferred. The Principal Engineer explained that any particular issues could be looked at further and that if repeat visits had taken place the amount paid remains the same, the Council only pay once. The Committee were informed that the Council worked with a company for surface dressing and this included a maintenance warranty on sites for a 2-year period. The Principal Engineer upon request from the Committee indicated that it may be possible for the company to give residents a morning or afternoon indication regarding site work and that residents should be informed if any works would be deferred or delayed.


A Member queried what the situation would be if a site had to be picked from the reserve list due to a priority site being deferred. The Principal Engineer told Members that ideally no sites in the priority list would be deferred but in such a case a site with a similar cost would be chosen.


A Member expressed concern that no sites from Bradford Moor were included in the priority list and asked how this expressed equality and diversity if Bradford Moor was neglected. The Member was advised that several Bradford Moor sites were included on the reserve list, but roads in the worst condition were addressed first. The Principal Engineer explained that allocation was based on where the need was greatest not by Ward. Other Members of the Committee echoed the sentiments of the Principal Engineer and agreed that sites should be prioritised based on road condition.


The Committee asked how building works could affect the lists, specifically if building work was taking place close to a priority site would it be deferred and if any damage was caused to the road who was liable. The Principal Engineer told the Committee that if any damage to the road was caused by building works, then the company responsible would be liable and they should inspect the condition of the road. It was further explained that consideration to defer work at a particular site may take place if exceptional damage was found and building works had not finished. Members of the Committee stated that resources could not be wasted, and sites should be avoided if any drainage- works that would involve excavating the surface were scheduled.


A Member brought attention to Roundhill Street and stated that the road surface was poor and littered with potholes in response the Principal Engineer said it could be looked at and if necessary, patchwork could be undertaken.


Resolved –


That the proposed programme of works as shown in Appendix 1 and 2, attached to Document “O”, be approved.


Action: Strategic Director, Place


(Andrew Whelan – 01274 434409)


Supporting documents: