Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous reference: Minute 12


The Strategic Director, Place, will present a report (Document “L”) which reveals that the Council, working with partner agencies, is undertaking work to strengthen its approach to Locality Working. A key part of that approach is the development of Locality Plans.


The Keighley Locality Plan 2022-25 was approved by the Area Committee in June 2022. Document “L” provides an update on the progress achieved towards addressing the Locality and Ward priorities set out in the Locality Plan.


Recommended –


1.    That the progress made towards addressing the locality-wide and ward-based priorities set out in the Keighley Locality Plan 2022-25, as detailed at Appendix A to Document “L” be noted.


2.    Members are asked to comment on any revisions they would like to see made to the Keighley Locality Plan for 2023-25, including the six Ward Plans.


3.    That the Keighley Area Co-ordinator be requested to present a revised Locality Plan 2023-25 for approval at the first meeting of the Area Committee in the new Municipal year.


(Jonathan Hayes – 01535 618008)


The Strategic Director, Place, presented a report (Document “L”) which revealed that the Council, working with partner agencies, was undertaking work to strengthen its approach to Locality Working. A key part of that approach was the development of Locality Plans.


Members were reminded that the Keighley Locality Plan 2022-25 was approved by the Area Committee in June 2022.  Document “L” provided an update on the progress achieved towards addressing the locality and ward priorities set out in that plan. 


It was explained that comments made at the meeting or later would be considered in a revised document and that the updated plan would be presented in June 2023.


A Member questioned if additional funding was available for the priorities in the plan and was advised that existing resources and partnerships would be utilised as additional funding was not available.  Assurances were provided that where opportunities were presented to source additional funding they would be utilised.


The locality wide priority to ensure that new house building included affordable homes that were accessible to young people was queried and whilst acknowledging that this was not within the powers of the local authority it was identified as an aspiration of the plan and the work with partners. 


A Member referred to difficulties in gaining access to GP appointments.  It was recognised that whilst that was a national problem and not within the committee’s remit, there were measures which could be undertaken to make the local population more active and healthy and to consider the health of residents in a holistic manner. The benefits of remaining active and accessing the local countryside were discussed.


The development of a national scheme, Our Future Health, was discussed and it was questioned if that would feed into the priorities and something which residents would be encouraged to join.  It was explained that work was undertaken with health partners in a community partnership a key theme of which was to reduce inequalities.


Resolved –


1.    That the progress made towards addressing the locality-wide and ward-based priorities set out in the Keighley Locality Plan 2022-25, as detailed at Appendix A to Document “L” be noted.


2.    That the Keighley Area Co-ordinator be requested to present a revised Locality Plan 2022-25 for approval at the first meeting of the Area Committee in the new Municipal year.



ACTION: Strategic Director, Place

Supporting documents: