Local democracy

Agenda item


The Director of Health and Wellbeing will submit a report (Document “Q”) which sets out data relating to health and wellbeing in Bradford South. 


Recommended –


The views of the committee are requested on issues outlined in the data appendix and on the further information to be discussed at the meeting.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Health & Social Care


(Angela Hutton - 07582 109265)




The Director of Health and Wellbeing submitted a report (Document “Q”) which set out data relating to health and wellbeing in Bradford South. 


The data appendix to the report showed that many indicators of health and wellbeing outcomes for people living in the Bradford South area were slightly or significantly worse than the average for the district as a whole.  For example, the 2018-20 life expectancy for males living in Bradford South was 76.4 years, which is lower than the district average. The female life expectancy females in Bradford South was higher at 80.3 years. Male life expectancy is lower than the district average in three of the six Bradford South wards and female life expectancy is lower than the district average in five out of the six Bradford South wards.


Additional information setting out trend data as well as services and interventions in place to support improvement in wellbeing and protect the public’s health, was tabled at the meeting.


During the discussion a Member stated that the effect and impact of deprivation on health outcomes was self-evident from the data presented.


In relation to the data set out in the report relating to self-harm, it was acknowledged that this data could be presented in a way to provide better clarity, particularly at a ward level.


A similar point was also raised in respect of drug addiction and the need to have a breakdown of the figures by ward, in order to understand the scale of the problem and target interventions accordingly.


A Member stated that access to GP services varied widely even within a small geographical area and he also raised the issue of the proliferation of fast food takeaways which was adding to the health inequalities we faced as a district.  In response it was stated that initiatives were ongoing to work with takeaways to provide healthier menu options.


The Chair stated that early interventions were key to achieving good health outcomes and getting key messages out could be a determining factor. He added that encouraging children to walk to schools was another way of addressing childhood obesity and at the same time this would address the issue of parking outside schools.


A Member expressed concerns around poor quality housing and the impact this was having on health, particularly where damp and mould was an issue.  In response it was stated that there was a link between public health and the housing standards team to address this issue.


A discussion followed around the introduction of the Clean Air Zone and that there was anecdotal evidence to suggest that the displacement of traffic to avoid the charge, was having an impact on air quality, in particular as many areas of Bradford South were adjacent to some of the major road network, and it was therefore:


Resolved –


That the Clean Air Zone team be requested to undertake an analysis of air quality in Bradford South, following the introduction of the Clean Air Zone.


ACTION: Strategic Director Place


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Health & Social Care                                                                       


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