Local democracy

Agenda item


The Director of Finance will submit a report (Document “AP”) which provides the Executive with an update on the 2023-24 budget position following national announcements outlined in the Provisional Local Government Settlement (20th December 2022), and the impact following the setting of the Council Tax and Business rates bases for 2023-24.


The report also provides a revised estimate of inflationary pressures in 2023-24, and an update on estimated savings associated with changing the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy following further review.


It also identifies issues and uncertainties which could still have a bearing on the final size of the budget for 2023-24 and future financial years. This includes for example the agreement of the contract price for the new Bradford Children’s and Families Trust.


The report also outlines responses that have been received to the consultation so far. Executive will need to have regard to this report when considering the recommendations to make to Council at their meeting on 21st February 2023 in advance of Budget Council on the 23rd February 2023


Recommended –


Executive is asked to:


(1)       Note the contents of Document “AP” and to have regard to the             information contained within this report when considering the             recommendations to make to Council on a budget for 2023/24 at       their meeting on 21 February 2023.


(2)       In accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, to have

            regard to the information contained in Appendix B and the Annex       to Appendix B to Document “AP”, together with the equality   assessments when considering the recommendations to make to    the Council on budget proposals for 2023-24.


Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Corporate


                                                            (Andrew Cross – 07870 386523)




The Director of Finance submitted a report (Document “AP”) which provided the Executive with an update on the 2023-24 budget position following national announcements outlined in the Provisional Local Government Settlement (20th December 2022), and the impact following the setting of the Council Tax and Business rates bases for 2023-24.


The report also provided a revised estimate of inflationary pressures in 2023-24, and an update on estimated savings associated with changing the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy following further review.


It also identified issues and uncertainties which could still have a bearing on the final size of the budget for 2023-24 and future financial years. This included for example the agreement of the contract price for the new Bradford Children’s and Families Trust.


The report also outlined responses that had been received to the consultation so far. Executive needed to have regard to this report when considering the recommendations to make to Council at their meeting on 21st February 2023 in advance of Budget Council on the 23rd February 2023.


The Director gave a brief overview of the details contained in Document “AP” as well as tabling an Addendum (Addendum 2) which following the completion, review and submission of the NNDR1 form, revised levels of Section 31 grants had been estimated, and the Council now expected to receive c£2.246m more than previously estimated for Multiplier compensation on the Council’s Top Up Grant, and it is also forecasted to have a £263k higher Business Rates deficit for 2022-23 at £2.067m.


Attention was also drawn to the consultation feedback on the budget proposals which were set out in the report. Addendum 1 was tabled setting out additional responses that had been received following the conclusion of the consultation exercise on 25 January 2023.  At the conclusion of the consultation, the Council had received comments from 873 people or groups through the online questionnaire. It had received two postal questionnaires and 14 representations had been made through emails or letters.

The level of response was significantly increased compared to recent years’ budget proposals consultations. The majority of the response is in relation to the proposal R41 – Waste Review, but in particular the potential to close the Keighley Household Waste and Recycling Centre.

In addition, a public petition opposing the potential closure of the Keighley Household Waste and Recycling Centre was presented at Full Council on the 24 January 2023.

A Keighley Central Ward Councillor was present at the meeting and stated that the proposed closure of the Keighley Waste and Recycling Centre would have a detrimental impact on the residents of Keighley and the surrounding areas, as this was a well-used facility and could lead to increased incidents of fly-tipping, and that many people had responded to the consultation, and although he appreciated the context of the proposed closure, he and has fellow Councillors were urging that this facility be kept open.

The Health and Wellbeing Portfolio Holder welcomed the feedback on the budget consultation and the strength of feeling that had been expressed, she stressed that the responses would be looked at and potential solutions worked up, however at the same time Government needed to adequately fund Councils.

The Leader echoed the above comments and welcomed the responses from residents, and stated that all options would be looked before reaching a decision on the final budget proposals.

Resolved –

(1)       That the contents of Document “AP” be noted and that Executive        has regard to the information contained within Document “AP”          and the tabled Addendum 2, when considering the      recommendations to make to Council on a budget for 2023/24 at          their meeting on 21 February 2023.

(2)       In accordance with Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010,             Executive has regard to the information contained in Appendix B and the Annex to Appendix B together with the equality         assessments and the tabled Addendum 1, when considering the             recommendations to make to the Council on budget proposals for      2023-24.

ACTION: Director of Finance

Overview & Scrutiny Committee: Corporate


Supporting documents: