Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Interim Strategic Director, Place (Document “U”) will be submitted to the Committee to provide Members with a description of the service provision and all Waste related activities during 2022 and those planned for 2023, to improve the management of waste to more sustainable levels in line with the Waste Strategy (Municipal Waste Minimisation and Management Strategy 2015).


Recommended –


1.         That Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee consider the information presented in this report and request a further progress report in twelve months’ time.


2.         That a site meeting/plant tour be arranged for the Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to visit AWM’s waste processing plant at Leeds and also the Ferrybridge FM2 waste to energy plant.


(Richard Galthen – 01274 431217)






The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “U”) was submitted to the Committee to update Members on the service provision and Waste related activities during 2022 and those planned for 2023.  Officers summarised the activities for 2022 along with statistics from the report and gave an overview of the following year’s plans which included more sustainable waste management levels, to minimise residual waste and to increase recycling.  These measures would be in accordance with the Waste Strategy (Municipal Waste Minimisation and Management Strategy 2015 and the imminent waste strategy implementations from Central Government.


Officers advised that, in order to comply with waste regulations, whose requirements increased significantly in January 2022, they were waiting for an announcement from DEFRA relating to mandated changes to segregated DMR collections.  The service faced an ongoing challenge within the District from contaminants in recycling caddies.  There had been a decrease in contamination and a subsequent decrease in enforcement measures.


Officers also informed Members that an all-electric RCV had been purchased for the vehicle fleet and there was a view to increase this provided it proved to be fit for purpose.


A WRAP service review was completed to benchmark the various service provisions that would contribute to the changes needed in light of imminent DEFRA announcement and would predict the best options for service delivery. 


Performance statistics indicated that there was a reduction in the amount of waste per household and the missed bin collections were at their lowest level since 2015/16.  Other statistics shared from the report included the tonnage amounts taken to the District’s HWRC’s and performance figures in respect of residual household waste per household and waste recycled/composted.


A representative from the waste contractor, AWM was also present at the meeting and provided some additional details relating to the challenges of processing recyclates whilst the traditional markets for these remained, resale markets were not as profitable.  He also confirmed that the contract with Ferrybridge was going well with minimum outages.


The Chair also reminded Officers that a visit to the site was still outstanding.


Members were then given the opportunity to comment and ask questions, the details of which and the responses given are as below.


·            A Member raised an ongoing issue relating to odours in the Bradford East area and was advised that they were aware of the issue and had completed an analysis of the site in question.   The West Yorkshire treatment and composting operation was compliant with its permit

·            A Member raised the issue of storage and the impact on residents and queried if there could be a breach of the permit issues.  Officers advised that they were unable to pinpoint the source due to the 12 week cycle on-site.  The contract was going out to tender and Officers stated that they would be liaising with Yorkshire Water

·            A Member asked if Officers had been out and spoken to residents directly and was advised that although not directly they had information via the Environment Agency, neighbourhood forums and residents’ groups

·            A Member highlighted a section in the report regarding possible closures of HWRC sites in the District and asked if consultation would take place, with whom and in what form.  Officers advised that consultation was underway and proposals were needed.  Four sites out of eight were being considered.  Residents could submit comments via a forum and on the Council’s website

·            A Member commented that closures could be problematic if residents did not have access to a car and asked how they would be able to recycle without access to transport.  Officers advised that recycling was available at some supermarkets and electronics banks plus a collection service was available from the Council

·            A Member asked what considerations were being given to bins in built up areas and were ‘superbins’ under consideration.  Officers advised that they had already attended a meeting in relation to using subterranean bins and had visited another local authority who were using them.  They were in the process of trying to arrange a trial.  A potential trial site was already identified as there were a large number of office to residential conversions without space for bins.  There were no formal timescales available but the concept was being actively pursued

·            A Member asked about the situation around incinerators and the options being considered for one of the HWRC sites which was under threat of closure such as reduced operating hours.  Officers responded that the situation was not straight forward relating to the site in question as maintenance was needed and it was not operating efficiently.  The site required a minimum number of staff in order to operate safely.  Officers further confirmed that the transfer loading station would remain as well as the weighbridge on one of the sites under consideration

·            A Member asked about missed bin collections and was advised that there was an in-cab system that recorded misses including whether bins were presented for collection – problems with access were communicated back via telephone but the numbers of missed bins were very low

·            A Member also asked whether staff were trained to handle sharps and were provided with the necessary equipment to do so and was advised that staff were trained and had the equipment needed

·            A Member asked about the underground ‘superbins’ and whether they were fed by a chute and was advised that they were and notification was automatically sent when full.  There were some safety aspects still to be considered

·            A Member asked about the tonnage levels going to the incinerator and whether there were any issues with the amount and was advised that there were no issues with the contract as the levels were well above the minimum and no upper limit existed.  They also confirmed that persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were collected by a dedicated vehicle and were segregated for disposal

·            A Member asked about CO2 emissions and energy from waster (EFW) in relation to the levels being produced and what plans there were for reducing them.  Officers responded emissions were lower than Members might think and were promised that details would be circulated by AWM

·            A member asked if the visits made to schools by the CYP team advisor were logged and was advised that they were and the figures could be circulated to Members

·            The portfolio holder for Healthy People and Places was present at the meeting and advised that no decisions had been taken relating to HWRC and reiterated that budget consultations were still taking place.  Residents would be listened to



Resolved –


1.          That a further progress report be presented in twelve months’ time.


2.          That a site meeting/plant tour be arranged for Members of the Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to visit AWM’s waste processing plant at Leeds and also the Ferrybridge FM2 waste to energy plant.


Action: Strategic Director, Place

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