Local democracy

Agenda item


The Chief Executive will submit a report (Document “AM”) which provides an annual update regarding the issue of exploitation. It focuses on the strategic partnership response to all forms of child and adult exploitation and how partners from the Bradford District Safeguarding Children Partnership, and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board work to drive improvements across the district and hold agencies to account for their work in their area.



Recommended –


(1)       That the report be noted.


(2)       That the Executive commit to working closely with partners to continue to raise awareness of exploitation of both adult and children.



Overview and Scrutiny Area:  Children’s Services


                                    (Darren Minton/Janice Hawkes – 01274 434361)


The Chief Executive submitted a report (Document “AM”) which provided an annual update regarding the issue of exploitation. It focused on the strategic partnership response to all forms of child and adult exploitation and how partners from the Bradford District Safeguarding Children Partnership, and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board work to drive improvements across the district and hold agencies to account for their work in their area.


The Leader welcomed the Chair of the Safeguarding Board to the meeting and highlighted the importance of continuing to prosecute historic crimes of exploitation; she expressed concerns about online cyber exploitation and reported that there was current legislation on cyber-crime being looked at and asked officers what was being undertaken to educate parents and other agencies in this area.


It was reported that there was a package being developed in relation to cyber exploitation which would be rolled out through the safeguarding partnership and would target people that worked with children. Bernardo’s had undertaken a lot of research and work on how parents could support their children in this area.


The Leader requested that a press release be undertaken so that parents were aware of the work Bernardo’s had undertaken in this area to support parents about online safety.


The representative of the Police attended the meeting and reported that Bradford was the only place in the Country that had agreed the profile of what exploitation looked like; in terms of what to look out for in relation to modern slavery would be examples such as were people being provided with an opportunity to speak to people or were people being hidden from plain sight; there was a Partnership Intelligence Portal to report information directly, information submitted to the Portal was reviewed on the same day as it was received; if something did not seem right it was best to report it.


The Leader of the Opposition welcomed the report and the work that was being undertaken.  She reported that in the future it would be good to see examples of work undertaken in the hubs and requested clarification on the terminology used in the report relating to significant, moderate and emerging.


The Children and Families Portfolio Holder welcomed the comprehensive report and reiterated the concerns relating to cyber-crime and looked forward to the legislation on cyber exploitation.


The Police representative spoke about the strong partnership working that Bradford had and that regular meetings were held almost daily to share intelligence and identify levels of threat, risk and harm and identify immediate intervention.  The Safeguarding Office was the biggest office in the Police Station which included various teams – Domestic Abuse Team, Safeguarding Children and Adults, Early Help Officers who visit schools etc.



The Leader welcomed the valuable work of the Safeguarding Partnership.


Resolved –


(1)      That the report be noted.


(2)      That the Executive commits to working closely with partners to continue to raise awareness of exploitation of both adult and children.


ACTION:Chief Executive


Overview and Scrutiny Area:  Children’s Services



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