Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director of Health and Wellbeing (Document “P”) follows the Report to the Executive Committee on 5th October 2021 that recommended the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and the last update to Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 18th November 2021.


Recommended –


Members are invited to comment on and/or endorse the approach detailed in the body of the report and to raise any issues /questions.


(Jane Wood – 01274 432942)




The report of the Strategic Director of Health and Wellbeing (Document “P”) updated the members on the Report to the Executive Committee on 5th October 2021 that recommended the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and the last update to Overview & Scrutiny Committee on 18th November 2021.


The following questions were asked by members and co-opted members about the scheme and responses given:

·         Despite positives outlined in the report, had any negatives been encountered?

o   There was a new choices event on the 1st November with around 70 people to see what they like or dislike. They took the first 6 months to understand concerns with the family e.g. short breaks. How are the short break services supporting individuals in their homes and linking the issues? There are concerns that the services will go. Not aware of any dissatisfaction and the service needs to change but, others can meet the change and it depends on people’s experiences;

·         Were people from outside of the Bradford District wanting to attend and how do you interact with services?

o   We have to identify and meet individuals needs with key expertise and skills.

·         At some point down the line, will some of the homes be moved out of the area?

o   There are financial risks involved and not all buildings are great;

·         What does a solution need to look like and how fit for the purpose are these houses?

o   How we work in partnerships, gas and electricity;

·         What places are owned by the Council and how does it work financially?

o   The Council is the only shareholder. Policies are approved within the council inherited from HSE. The breaking up of New Choices: How to deliver, what is the best operation for the service, are there other services and if there is experts out there;

·         Everything is different now, will the decisions made prior hold in this environment with inflation, cost of living?

o   Before going live, an analysis was performed that put forward a budget caused by challenging cost of living and solved by higher pay for staff;

·         How many Customers/appliances were there?

o   4851;

·         Can you include critical feedback?

o   Yes – user groups will ease into transformation which includes what works and doesn’t work;

·         What do consumers want delivered?

o   A number of consumers had made a preference for various activities on a weekly basis. However, what some consumers preferred was not a preference for all participants. In addition, the costs associated with weekly activities would entail significant manpower and resources;

·         How are the questionnaires?

o   Need to check preferences (swimming, Christmas part, Blackpool etc.) of 60-70 people;

·         How do you stay aware of variety?

o   There are different expectations. 66% of people want to join and 6% don’t; and,

·         How will you cater to individuals’ preferences?

o   This scheme is to help individuals needs through referral boards, pushing back and doing what is right.


Resolved: -


That a further update be provided in January 2024.


Action: Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing



Supporting documents: