Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Interim Strategic Director, Place (Document “Q”) will be submitted to the Committee to provide an update on progress with the implementation of the new vision and model for Bradford Libraries, agreed by Executive in March 2020.  It describes how progress was severely impacted by the Covid19 pandemic, and how libraries are now showing good signs of recovery, with progress made in many areas. 


Recommended –


That Members note and comment on the progress made by Bradford Libraries on service recovery following the pandemic and the implementation of the vision and model for the Service. 


(Christine May - 07970 829265)




The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “Q”) was submitted to the Committee to provide Members with an update on progress of the implementation of the new vision and model for Bradford Libraries that was agreed at Executive in March 2020.


The vision set out to develop a 21st century library service providing a core library service that was flexible and would enable the service to enhance the quality of life for people and communities.  It would be inclusive, vibrant and supportive of wider district priorities enabling users to learn, engage and remain connected to their communities with locally focussed outcomes.


The service was severely impacted by the pandemic and delayed implementation of the vision and the numbers of users.  Officers were expecting that they would see a 65% recovery by the end of 2022 which was in line with national figures.


Officers gave Members a summary of the report in relation to the work carried out, funding details including the innovative work to win external funding and to take part in a national pilot scheme, the investment in IT and to help children become school-ready with auto enrolment when registered at birth.


The new vision and model would be rolled out with plans for each library in place by April 2024.  Officers also advised that investment was made by the Public Health department as it would enable people to connect and engage in health services.


·                A Member stated that there was no ethnicity or cultural classification and asked if it had been improved

·                Junior engagement theatres – considered by Members to be important

·                Libraries and museums needed to provide access to theatre and culture

·                Theatres and media were still considered to be for white, middle class people


Officers responded to the above comments and agreed that libraries should be integrated, safe spaces.


·                One Member stated that, as a parent of 2 young children, that the library had been very useful and asked about an exit strategy for the city centre library site.  Officers advised that the lease would expire in 2026 and were planning to explore the options.  They would like to see it form part of the work for BD2025

·                In relation to projected visitor numbers, A Member asked if the numbers could be higher than forecast due to provision of warm spaces and was advised that they were projected so may be higher than expected

·                A Member raised the issue of libraries opening as per their advertised hours and whether relief staff were available – they also asked how it was being managed and would it improve.  Officers agreed that the situation was not ideal and recruitment was being carried out following an injection of funding which was helping to improve the service.  Some small libraries were staffed by volunteers only so they were vulnerable to some opening time issues

·                A Member asked about whether the service could be an off-shoot of 1 City Park as an example of a possible option and was advised that a range of options were being explored including ‘pop-ups’ during transition

·                A Member raised concerns regarding the upskilling of some staff and whether they would be able to undertake new roles.  Officers advised that duties should be within existing capabilities as the new aspects of their role would be at a basic level to sign-post visitors and raise awareness of services

·                A Member asked if Ward Officers would be based or accessible in libraries and Officers confirmed that it aligned with locality working with re-structuring to form hubs


Resolved –


That the report be noted and a further update be presented in 12 months’ time. 


Action: Interim Strategic Director, Place


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