Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “N”) provides an overview of the work of the District Youth Work team and gives an update on work undertaken by the District Youth Service during the last 12 months.


Recommended –


1)        That the work undertaken by the Youth Service District team, as detailed in this report be welcomed. 


(2)       That staff working in the District Youth Service Team be congratulated on the quality and impact of the work they are delivering to the young people and communities across the Bradford district, and specifically young people in the Bradford West area.


(Heather Wilson – 01274 431781)




The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “N”) provided an overview of the work of the District Youth Work team and gave an update on work undertaken by the District Youth Service during the last 12 months.


The Commissioner (Youth Provision) along with the Assistant Director Neighbourhoods was present at the meeting to give an overview and respond to Members’ questions. A number of young people involved in the Breaking the Cycle Project were also present at the meeting.

At the meeting of the Area Committee held on 20 October 2022, the Committee had requested some specific information around the role and structure of the District Youth Team as well as how the teams were deployed; what work had been undertaken in each ward and the funding mechanism.  In response, detailed information was set out in the body of the report and was alluded in the presentation.

It was stated that the wok of the District Youth Team had grown year on year and the value of the work undertaken by them was commendable, with the majority of the work having been funded from a number of different external funding streams, such as the West Yorkshire Deputy Mayor’s Office.

Breaking the Cycle formed a part of the overall offer; with this piece of work being intelligence led and in its fourth year of operation, with feedback on the work indicating good impact on some the most vulnerable children in the district.

During the discussion the Chair ascertained that where youth workers were seconded from the Area Team to the District Team, if those vacancies were then backfilled. In response it was stated that many Youth Workers did undertake additional work, however no staff had been taken out of the Area Teams.

It was also stressed that the District Youth Team was externally funded from the Council and that it was needs led; however, they worked closely with colleagues in the Area Teams.

In response to a question regarding the Breaking the Cycle logo visibility on vans, and whether it exposed young people to additional harm, it was explained that that the work undertaken in this area was seen as an exemplar; making a real difference to the lives of young people.  In situations where specific intelligence/risk assessment indicated specific issues, a different approach would be adopted.

The Chair stressed that a number of concerns had been brought to his attention regarding Breaking the Cycle and it was important that the Area and District Youth Team worked together in the interest of the young people.

In response to a question regarding the number of Section 18 cases currently open and the percentage of those that had achieved a positive outcome, it was stated that a resilience framework measured the outcomes of the young people concerned, however without the specific data, the outcomes were generally positive in moving young people away from harm and criminality.

It was also stressed that the Cost of Living crisis was also adding to pressures in this area, and it was therefore important to pick up issues earlier through our early intervention work.

In response to a question regarding future funding of the work of the District Team, it was stated that the Service was looking at imaginative ways to ensure funding continued, including commercialisation where possible, where other authorities could buy-in services.  In addition, all other existing and new funding streams would be explored to continue this invaluable work.

A Member stressed the need to adopt a localised model as opposed to a district model as this would yield greater results and be more responsive to local needs. The Assistant Director added that issues also had to be seen in the context of reductions in the Youth Service budget over a number of years, and that there was always room for improvements to be made.

Resolved –


That a review be undertaken of the Area and the District Youth Work

Teams, with a view to ensuring how they can work more closely and

share resources more effectively.


ACTION: Strategic Director Place        


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