Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation & Highways will submit a report (Document “E”) which sets out a reserved matters application requesting consideration of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 53 dwellings, associated car parking, landscaping and areas of public open space (pursuant to outline approval 15/00378/MAO) on the Former Station Yard, New School Lane, Halifax Road, Cullingworth, Bingley.


Recommended –


That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to Document “E”

(Hannah Lucitt - 01274 434605)


The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation & Highways submitted a report (Document “E”) which set out a reserved matters application requesting consideration of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 53 dwellings, associated car parking, landscaping and areas of public open space (pursuant to outline approval 15/00378/MAO) on the Former Station Yard, New School Lane, Halifax Road, Cullingworth, Bingley.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed PowerPoint presentation setting out the reserved matters application, showing photographs of the site and the adjoining area; site plans; sections through the site and proposed house types.


He stated that a further objection had been received asking for the inclusion of the cycleway within the Section 106 Agreement; which had already been included, if the Committee was minded to grant permission.  In addition concerns had been raised about the damage to the existing trees during construction, again protection measures would be incorporated as part of the construction plan to be submitted by the applicant.


One of the main concerns expressed had been around overlooking, privacy and security issues and the applicant had given assurances, to work closely with residents to overcome these concerns.  To this end an additional condition was being proposed regarding the proposed fencing, planting and reducing the levels of the Great Northern Trail, and details would need to be submitted by the applicant, and subject to the above, the application was recommended for approval.


A Member asked what assurances we had that the overlooking and reductions in levels would be achieved by the applicant to the satisfaction of residents.  In response, it was stated that as part of the discharging of the conditions, plans will have to be submitted by the applicant and the levels arrived at will be shown on those plans, and approval will only be granted once we are satisfied with the plans.


In response to a question regarding existing trees and damage during the construction phase, it was explained that the trees to be retained as well as the ones to be lost, will also be shown on the plans, adding that any replacement planting would be by way of heavy standard trees.


In response to a question regarding the proposed fencing, it was stated that a 2 metre high palisade fence was being proposed with appropriate landscaping to prevent overlooking; however as stated we were awaiting further details on this from the applicant.


A Member suggested that the applicant should also make provision for Metro cards as not everyone will have access to a car.


A Cullingworth Parish Councillor was present at the meeting and stated that the drawings submitted by the applicant were not to scale; that all those that had been consulted had not been advised regarding the security issue and the proximity of the footpath to the houses, and that overlooking will occur; that the visual amenity of existing and new residents would be severely affected by the development; was contrary to policy; that the level of tree retention was low; that the proposed cycleway needed relocating; will affect the wildlife and that any new tree planting would take years to establish; that the path would lead to incidents of anti-social behaviour; compromise security and privacy and that residents views had not been taken into consideration in drawing up the application.


A number of objectors were present at the meeting and stated that the proposed fencing needed to be at least two metres high to ensure the  security and privacy of residents, and urged that the Committee visit the site.


In response to some of the Issues raised, the senior planning officer stated that it was important that the applicant and residents work together to ensure that the issues raised were resolved to everyone’s satisfaction.


The applicant’s representative was present at the meeting and gave a summary of the benefits the proposed new housing would have on the area and that the current site would be enhanced considerably as a consequence; adding that in relation to the issues raised around the fencing and the footpath, further detailed would be submitted by the applicant, however the applicant was keen to work with residents and the Parish Council to come to a solution that all parties were happy with.


During the discussion Members’ acknowledged that the main issues pertaining to the levels of the Great Northern Trail, the proposed fencing and the screening of the fence needed resolving, and urged that the applicant works closely with the residents and the Parish Council to come up with a workable solution, and it was therefore:


Resolved –


That the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement and the conditions set out in Appendix 1 to Document “E”, and also subject to the following additional conditions:


(i)         Great Northern Trail condition:


Development above damp proof course level on any dwelling within the Development shall not take place until a scheme of works to the Great Northern Railway Trail has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Council. The Scheme of Works shall include the following details;


(i)           Details of existing and proposed levels of the Great Northern Railway Trail.

(ii)          Details of a fence and or other infrastructure designed to protect the privacy of adjoining domestic curtilages from users of the Great Northern Railway Trail.

(iii)        Details of planting on the Great Northern Railway Trail.


The approved scheme of works shall be carried out in full before the Occupation of [any Dwellings] within the Development.


That following submission of the above, the Parish Council is consulted prior to a final decision by the Chair of this Committee.


(ii)        Public transport infrastructure condition


The development shall not begin until a scheme for public transport infrastructure improvements, including the provision of a bus shelter at local bus stop number 20075 and bus only Residential MetroCards for the future occupiers of the development for a 1 year period, together with a timetable for the implementation of the agreed scheme has been submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Approved scheme shall then be implemented in full in accordance with the approved details.


Action: Assistant Director Transportation Design and Planning



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