Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Interim Strategic Director, Place, (Document “H”) informs Members of the grants awarded to projects within the Keighley Area by the Area Co-ordinator’s Office in municipal years 2021/22.


Recommended –


1.    That it be agreed that, after seeking guidance from the Grants Advisory Group, the Keighley Area Co-ordinator, under delegated powers, has responsibility for making decisions on all grant applications administered by the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office.


2.    That the membership of the Grants Advisory Group (GAG), as the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokesperson of the Keighley Area Committee, for the municipal year 2022-23, be approved.


3.    That the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office be requested to continue to ensure the effective allocation of all grant funding by providing appropriate support and advice to applicants.


(Jonathan Hayes - 01535 618008)


The report of the Interim Strategic Director, Place, (Document “H”) informed Members of the grants awarded to projects within the Keighley constituency by the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office in the municipal year 2021/22.


The report provided details of two grant schemes, the Community Chest Grants 2021/22 and the Sports Community Chest Grants 2021/22 that were administered by Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office during the financial year 2021/22. Those schemes were designed to support a range of projects and activities within the Keighley Area. Applications for grants were considered from groups and organisations working for the benefit of people living in the Keighley Area.


The report recommended the approval of the membership of the Grants Advisory Group and the delegated powers for the Keighley Area Co-ordinator to make decisions on all grants administered by the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office.  A Member questioned if the GAG group could make those allocations directly but was informed that only officers could make those decisions and the function of the GAG was advisory to utilise the local knowledge of Members.  


In response to questions it was confirmed that grants to religious organisations would only be made if the activities were open to all residents.


Details of the award made to the Carers Resource in the Keighley East ward were requested and it was agreed that the information would be provided after the meeting.


Members questioned the methods used to publicise and attract applications for the awards and it was explained that communication included that previous applicants would automatically be informed; Ward Officers would publicise the awards and the Council’s website and social media was utilised.  The Keighley New would only be utilised if they reported on particular schemes.  


Following discussions about monitoring and feedback from successful applicants it was explained that the usual spend period was classed as six months. After that time groups who had not returned monitor forms would be contacted and now additional awards would be allowed until the monitor process had been completed.  It was agreed that relevant feedback would be forwarded to Ward Members.


The financial limits to the awards were questioned and it was explained that Community Chest was awarded to a total of £500 and the Sports Grants would not exceed £2,500.  Groups could apply for only one award for each scheme.  The Community Chest Awards were from the Keighley Area Co-ordinators budget and would not be awarded to successful applicants for the same initiative in the following year.  The Sports Awards were from Sport England and were not subject to that same criteria.


Resolved –


1.    That it be agreed that, after seeking guidance from the Grants Advisory Group, the Keighley Area Co-ordinator, under delegated powers, has responsibility for making decisions on all grant applications administered by the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office.


2.    That the membership of the Grants Advisory Group (GAG), as the Chair, Deputy Chair and Opposition Spokesperson of the Keighley Area Committee, for the municipal year 2022-23, be approved.


3.    That the Keighley Area Co-ordinator’s Office be requested to continue to ensure the effective allocation of all grant funding by providing appropriate support and advice to applicants.


Action: Interim Strategic Director, Place

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