Local democracy

Agenda item


As part of the Council-wide programme of ‘Strengthening Locality Working’, the Neighbourhood Service is working with other Council services and partner agencies, to develop five Locality Plans, one for each constituency that make up the Bradford District. 


The Strategic Director Place will submit a report (Document “R”) which sets out the Bradford South Locality Plan, and the associated Ward Plans, for 2022-25.


Recommended –


That the Executive:


(1)       Review and recommend any amendments to the draft Bradford South Locality Plan 2022-25, as set out in Appendix A to Document “R”.


(2)       Agree that the Bradford South Area Co-ordinator and Chair of Bradford South Area Committee, presents a progress report to the Executive in 12 months, setting out the progress and achievements made for each of the priorities detailed in the Bradford South Locality Plan 2022-25.


Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Social Care


(Ishaq Shafiq - 01274 431155)




As part of the Council-wide programme of ‘Strengthening Locality Working’, the Neighbourhood Service was working with other Council services and partner agencies, to develop five Locality Plans, one for each constituency that make up the Bradford District. 


The Strategic Director Place submitted a report (Document “R”) which set out the Bradford South Locality Plan, and the associated Ward Plans, for 2022-25.


The Chair of the Bradford South Area Committee was present at the meeting and he thanked the area office for their hard work in drafting the Plan, as well as local residents for their input.  He stressed that the Plan was a live document that will evolve as new priorities emerge, and it was important that we learn the lessons on how we can better engage and consult in the future.  The main issues identified in the Plan centred around anti-social behaviour and traffic and highways, adding that although the south area did not have an identified town or district centre, a strong village identity existed and residents were keen to see that they remained vibrant centres.  A number of large companies were also situated in the area and these companies should be given the appropriate support from the Council, in order to unlock the job potential for those living in the area. Support should also be afforded to small businesses so that they remain viable and bolster the local economy. The issue of quad bikes remained a pertinent issue across south and the Council needed to continue to work with the Police, as well as with our health partners to improve on dementia services and make improvements on the overall health of local residents.


The Healthy People and Place Portfolio Holder also extended her thanks to officers in devising the Plan and she acknowledged the points made by the Area Committee Chair, adding that the addition of Low Moor station had created good transport links to Leeds and London, and in turn this had improved business connectivity and opportunities for existing and new businesses in the area.  Wyke sporting village continued to provide a good offer, enhancing and regenerating the area further, and with the excellent transport links, would only go to make the area more viable in the future.


The Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Portfolio Holder added that the additional investment in Neighbourhoods would go to strengthen locality and partnership working.


The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods commented that a real energy had been seen through renewed partnership working across a number of organisations including fire and rescue and health colleagues on shared priorities and joint working, which would be further strengthened through the Locality Plan.


The Leader thanked the Area Committee Chair, adding that in tackling the plethora of issues identified, one of the main needs was for more police officers on the ground, as Neighbourhood Policing was crucial to effective localities working and reducing crime.


Resolved –


That the Bradford South Area Co-ordinator and Chair of Bradford South Area Committee, presents a progress report to the Executive in 12 months, setting out the progress and achievements made for each of the priorities detailed in the Bradford South Locality Plan 2022-25.


ACTION: Bradford South Area Coordinator

Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Health and Social Care



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