Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place will be submitted to the Committee The draft Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25, including the six Ward Plans for the Area Committee’s approval.  The Council, working with partner agencies, is undertaking work to strengthen its approach to Locality Working.  A key part of that approach is the development of Locality Plans.


Recommended –


1.          That the Shipley Area Committee approves the draft Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25 as detailed in this report Appendix A.


2.          That the Committee requests a progress report be presented by the Shipley Area Co-ordinators in 6 months’ time, setting out the progress and achievements made for each of the priorities detailed in the Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25, including the six Ward Plans.


(Mick Charlton – 01274 437146)


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “I”) was submitted to the Committee as a draft of the Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25. 


The Council, working with partner agencies, was undertaking work to strengthen its approachto Locality Working. With stakeholders empowered to work with public agencies and partners to address local needs and issues, utilising local assets, resources and opportunities.  The aim being to enhance community capacity and tackle inequalities, with a people centred approach and coordinated support to help promote better outcomes by focussing on prevention and early help


Officers advised that statistics being used from surveys carried out with both young people and adults enabled them to focus on priorities with a good level of response arising from these.  They also stated that an event, held in June 2022 hosted with partners and other Council services enabled them to understand issues and contribute to strengthening communities.  Officers were seeking approval from the committee for the draft plan with a view to providing updated progress reports on an agreed schedule.


The plan would be fluid to allow a response to major events and would determine the work carried out by Ward Officers, co-ordinators and partners.  The format of the plan document was explained by Officers and had been circulated as an appendix to the main report for information.


Members were then given the opportunity to comment and ask questions, the details of which and the responses given are as below.


A Member asked about amends that were due to be included and whether changes to the plan would reflect points and issues raised by Members.  As some amendments were in and some were not, it was agreed that Ward Officers and Members would discuss these outside of the meeting.


A Member asked if the draft plan was shared with WYCA as there was commonality across the region on some priorities identified for which work was underway.  The decline in attainment was linked to jobs and skills shortages and was there any link up with further education establishments and colleges.  In response, Officers advised that they were working with Regeneration, who in turn work with WYCA as there was a skills agenda set across West Yorkshire.


Members asked whether they could influence what was included to help identify sub sets of those who needed support.  Officers advised that if it related to skills they would endeavour to communicate the information to where policy was decided.  There was scope to investigate how it could be done.


In relation to skills, development and partnerships etc, a Member asked if it could it be assumed that it included Council departments and was advised that work with Council Regeneration team was an ongoing conversation.


Members wanted the specific details of the partners involved in the Localities Plan and were advised that it could be included in future reports.


Members had been given the opportunity to feed back but asked whether other groups had also been consulted and if they had been given the opportunity to contribute into the plan.  They also asked if it had been sent out for comment, to whom e.g. town councils and had it been shared consistently across all Wards.  Officers advised that it had been left to Ward Officers to use their judgement, but it was not consistent when relating to particular locations.


Resolved –


1.      Members approved the first draft Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25 (Document I, Appendix 1)


2.      Members provide feedback on the draft Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25 as soon as possible to the Area Co-ordinators office.


3.      That the Committee requests a progress report be presented by the Shipley Area Co-ordinators on a quarterly basis, setting out the progress and achievements made for each of the priorities detailed in the Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25, including the six Ward Plans.


4.      A copy of the draft Shipley Locality Plan 2022-25 is shared with all relevant Parish and Town Councils


Action: Members and Area Co-ordinators

Supporting documents: