Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, Place, will present a report (Document “D”) which seeks approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Keighley area for 2022/23.


Recommended –


1.    That the programme of Casualty Reduction schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 2 to Document “D” be approved.


2.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Management schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 3 to Document “D” be approved.


3.    That the progression of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2021/22 listed in Appendix 4 to Document “D” be noted.


4.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 5 to Document “D” be approved.


5.    That it be agreed that any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which become necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


6.    That any valid objections to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders, traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Traffic Regulation Orders be sealed and implemented and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.


(Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee)

(Simon D’Vali – 01535 618375)






The report of the Strategic Director, Place, (Document “D”) sought approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Keighley area for 2022/23.


The Strategic Director apologised to Members for being unable to discuss the proposals included in the report before they were presented and assured them he would discuss the schemes in their individual wards prior to implementation.


It was explained that an amendment since the production of the report was that £85,000 of the budget was now required to be used to complete the previous years’ ongoing schemes.  It was agreed that the previous schemes requiring the additional funding would be discussed with Members after the meeting. 


Keighley Area Casualty Reduction schemes recommended for approval were contained in Appendix 2 to Document “D” and were to a total value of £125,000.  


Appendices to the report also included an outstanding list of Traffic Regulation Order including those recommended for inclusion in the 2022/23 Area-Wide Traffic Regulation Order.  It was explained that each of the proposals would have arisen from a request from a Councillor or members of the public and those containing little details would be discussed with Ward Members.  The proposals were combined into one TRO to maintain the successful initiative of promoting a constituency wide TRO and in the interests of economy. 


In response to questions about the costs of an individual TRO it was confirmed the that the staffing and other costs totalled £7,000.  The constituency wide order was utilised but, in the interests of economy and to prevent the costly procedure to contest objections, the schemes which were opposed would be removed from the order.  The list was contained at Appendix 5 to the report and the schemes highlighted were those which were recommended. 


A Member suggested the substitution of schemes contained in Appendix 5 but was advised that those schemes required separate TROs due to the nature of works required.  It was agreed that the works suggested at Surrey Street (installation of a one-way traffic system) could be included in the Appendix 2 Reserve List for Casualty Reduction Schemes for 2022/23.


The 20mph speed restrictions in Exley were discussed.  It was reported that the speed limit was not being adhered to and it was requested that measures to make the restriction more visible be implemented.  It was agreed that signage was required and it was agreed that discussions would be held with Members after the meeting.


A Member suggested that the installation of a traffic island on the A65 junction with Easby Road, Ilkley be added to the reserve list in Appendix 2 and questioned why the extension of double yellow lines at Kings Road/Easby Drive, Ilkley had not been recommended.  In response it was agreed that the pedestrian island suggested would be added to the reserve list in Appendix 2 and the Kings Road/Easby Drive would be included in the constituency wide TRO.   Following an additional request, it was agreed to add proposals for double yellow lines at the junction of St Mary’s Close/Little Lane, Ilkley to the suggested programme for TROs in 2022/23 (Appendix 5).


In response to questions it was explained that schemes from the reserve list (Appendix 5) could be suggested for inclusion in the constituency wide TRO list in the following municipal year.


A Member queried a request for resident only parking order contained in Appendix 5 for Kensington Street, Keighley and he suggested a more appropriate location would be Victoria Road.  It was reported that the request had arisen from a member of the public and the Strategic Director could not comment on the validity of the request.  It was agreed that the request would remain in Appendix 5 and that Victoria Road would also be added to that list.


Requests for inclusion on the reserve list for Casualty Reduction measures in 2022/23 also included Traffic Calming measures at Goose Eye, Keighley; an extension of 40mph speed limit at Moorside Road, Oxenhope; signage to warn motorists of a pedestrian island outside the Lemon Tree Café and Bistro at Bogthorn and a request for double yellow lines at Oakworth Road junction with Sunnyhill Grove. 


Weight restrictions required at Brow Road, Haworth, contained in the list of ongoing TROs in Keighley but not highlighted for progression in 2022/23 were discussed and it was agreed that a sum of £5,000 be removed from Appendix 5 to allow that scheme to be included in the list of Casualty Reduction Schemes for implementation in 2022/23 (Appendix 2).


The Strategic Director, Place, reported that feasibility studies would be conducted on schemes suggested and reiterated that he would discuss schemes with Ward Councillors prior to implementation.


In conclusion the suggested additions to Document “D” were summarised and it was agreed that the following schemes be included in the Safer Roads Devolved Budget works approved. 


Appendix two (Casualty Reduction Schemes for 2022/23 recommended for 2022/23) to include Brow Road, Haworth (Weight Limit order).


Appendix two (Casualty Reduction Schemes for 2022/23 Reserve List) to include:


·         Surrey Street (installation of a one-way traffic system)

·         A65 junction with Easby Road, Ilkley (installation of a traffic island)

·         Goose Eye, Keighley (traffic calming measures)

·         Moorside Road, Oxenhope (extension of 40mph speed limit)

·         Bogthorn, Oakworth outside the Lemon Tree Café and Bistro (signage to warn motorists of a pedestrian island)

·         Oakworth Road junction with Sunnyhill Grove (double yellow lines)

·         Kings Road/Easby Drive (pedestrian Island)


Appendix five (Outstanding Traffic Regulation Orders)


·         Junction of St Mary’s Close/Little Lane, llkley (double yellow lines)

·         Victoria Road, Ilkley (residents only parking)


The Chair raised concerns about delays to the delivery of the programme for safer roads schemes which he felt was due to a lack of communication between officers and ward members.  The significant increase in costs were also discussed.  It was agreed that communication between members and officers were being hampered by limited staff resources and it was questioned how the Highways Service was resourced.  


It was acknowledged that there could be issues in candidate recruitment and requested that a report be presented explaining the number of vacancies in the Council’s Highways Service and how the resulting budget savings were being utilised. 


Resolved –


With the amendments agreed and documented in the minutes of the meeting -


1.    That the programme of Casualty Reduction schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 2 to Document “D” be approved.


2.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Management schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 3 to Document “D” be approved.


3.    That the progression of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2021/22 listed in Appendix 4 to Document “D” be noted.


4.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2022/23 listed in Appendix 5 to Document “D” be approved.


5.    That it be agreed that any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which become necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


6.    That any valid objections to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders, traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Traffic Regulation Orders be sealed and implemented and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.


7.    That The Strategic Director, Place, be requested to present a report explaining the number of vacancies in the Council’s Highways Service and how subsequent budget savings were being utilised.  


OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE: Regeneration and Environment

ACTION: Strategic Director, Place


Supporting documents: