Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director Place will submit a report (Document “S”) which provides an update on Bradford Libraries Service since the previous report to this Committee about Libraries, in March 2019.  It summarises the new vision and model for the Service, adopted by Executive in March 2020, and how this is being implemented, with a particular focus on the Bradford South area. 


Recommended –


Committee Members are recommended to comment on and note the report. 


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration and Environment


(Christine May - 07970 829265)





The Strategic Director Place submitted a report (Document “S”) which provided an update on Bradford Libraries Service since the previous report to this Committee about Libraries, in March 2019.  It summarised the new vision and model for the Service, adopted by Executive in March 2020, and how this is being implemented, with a particular focus on the Bradford South area. 


A positive new Vision and Model for the service was agreed by Executive in March 2020, following extensive local public consultation.  This saw a reduction in the savings requirement for the service, based on libraries offering a wider range of services to meet local priorities.  Implementation of the new model had been delayed by the pandemic but is underway, with Wibsey Library in the Bradford South area being one of the pilot libraries.  The model was also being aligned to the Council’s developing ‘Localities’ approach. 


During the discussion, a Member thanked officers for the work done in Wibsey Library during the pandemic and that the library was at the heart of the community; however she expressed some concerns around the maintenance of the building and how the services at the library could be extended in consultation with local people. In response it was stated that a number of issues had been identified with the building such as issues with the flooring and outside lighting visibility and they were being addressed.  In addition there was a focus to develop the library to make it more of a flexible space for community use and this will be looked at in due course.


In addition there was a concerted effort to work with partners to improve the offer across all libraries as well as raise public awareness.


A Member raised concerns around the access and staffing issues at Wyke Library.  In response it was stated that the access issues had improved and that in terms of staffing, there was an existing issue around cover and the use of casual staff, particularly during the pandemic, and this needed addressing going forward.


The Chair stated that more information was required on library usage and that certain libraries like Great Horton only opened for six hours a week and this was far from ideal.  In response it was stated that information on usage could be made available to Members and that the Library service was also actively looking at recruiting additional volunteers, as well as extending opening hours.


It was highlighted that a number of events were planned in the district as part of the engagement process and the Service was keen to work with ward officers on how this could be rolled out effectively.


A Member also expressed concerns about the ongoing closure of Holme Wood Library due to refurbishment and that some sort of alternative provision should be looked at.



Resolved –


(1)       That the report be welcomed and noted, and that in the meantime        Members be provided with data on library usage in Bradford      South.


(2)       That a further report be presented in 12 months’ time.


ACTION: Strategic Director Place


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration and Environment




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