Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director of Health and Wellbeing (Document “N”) provides an update on the Council and CCG’s jointly commissioned Carer Service within Bradford District and Craven.


This report provides information on the emerging needs of unpaid carers as a result of COVID-19 impacts.


Recommended –


That the content of the report be noted.


(Tony Seeky – 01274 433559)




The report of the Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing (Document “N”) provided an update on the Council and CCG’s jointly commissioned Carer Service within Bradford District and Craven.


The Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing accompanied by the Strategic Director, Keeping Well and the Commissioning Manager were in attendance and with the invitation of the Chair, officers gave a detailed narrative of the report, as follows, on 17 of November 2020 the Health and Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committee received an update on the Council and CCG’s jointly commissioned Carer Service within Bradford District and Craven.


The latter included information on the emerging needs of unpaid carers as a

result of COVID-19 impacts. It was then committee then resolved that a further update report on the Carers Service was to be submitted to the Committee in 2021.


This report provides a further update on the jointly commissioned Carers Service focusing particularly on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on service delivery and the further emerging impacts of COVID-19 on unpaid carers.


Following introduction, a question and answer session ensued:

·         How was the public in need of vital support made aware of availability of services?

o   Such challenges, the Carer Navigator servicehad promoted the use of a website with a promotional video, actively promoted on local and community radio broadcasts. Stepped up efforts to maintain contact with ward staff and social work departments to maintain a flow of referrals and reinforce positive relationships. Provided support to carers referred to the Carer Navigator provision by telephone, text, email and Zoom; and,

·         In terms of supporting 168 parent carers, 149 of these being female and 19 being male and 57 belonging to the BAME community. Was this data contained in the report accurate.

o   Yes, however, the two statistics may not have probably detailed enough in terms of local statistics nevertheless the service could probably put some more work into getting the true global picture of statistics.


The following comments were made by the committee:

·         It was paramount for protection safety issues be included in line with processes for accountability for the purpose of coming across situations where an individual who needs support but care resources are under pressure;

·         As well as analysis of data on unpaid carers support throughout the Bradford District, it was equally paramount to evaluate whether the Council and CCG’s jointly commissioned Carer Service within Bradford District and Craven gave same emphasis to LGBT people. Information on whether the services were being used and what attitudes towards these services among their users were appropriate. There was vast information about LGBT people’s experiences of using the health system on the internet and therefore service needs to be equally focused on LGBT communities with their day-to-day interaction with health and social care services across the board rather than only addressing problems that exist with specific services. There was much work still to do to improve carer service provisions with LGBT communities as such aspects are an important part of the approach to equality and diversity of the Council and CCGs;

o   In response to comment, officers will report on observations made by the committee in the next report that will focus on identifying specific gaps.

·         There was a continuing need for support for communities consisting of families that had a diverse intergenerational makeup but found it extremely difficult getting help due to lack of information on knowing how to navigate within service provisions.


The Chair thanked officers for the detailed content within the report.




That an update report, including information on safeguarding and LGBTQ issues, be presented as part the Committee’s 2022/23 programme of work.


Action: Strategic Director, Health and Wellbeing



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