Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director of Children’s Services will present a report (Document “O”) following Ofsted’s Inspection of Children’s Social Care Services from the 17 to 28 September 2018, the sixth of a series of Monitoring Visits took place on the 7 to 8 September 2021.  


The focus of the Monitoring Visit was around Children in Care and Residential Services.


The findings were published by Ofsted on 22 October 2021.


The report includes as an appendix the Children’s Services Improvement Plan.




The Committee is asked to note the contents of the letter from Ofsted.


(Marium Haque - 01274 431266)



The Strategic Director of Children’s Services presented a report (Document “O”) following Ofsted’s Inspection of Children’s Social Care Services from the 17 to 28 September 2018, the sixth of a series of Monitoring Visits took place on the 7 to 8 September 2021. The focus of the Monitoring Visit was around Children in Care and Residential Services. The findings were published by Ofsted on 22 October 2021. The report included as an appendix the Children’s Services Improvement Plan.


The Strategic Director for Children’s Services provided a summary statement of the report following Ofsted’s Inspection of Children’s Social Care Services, and following a monitoring visit focusing on Children in Care and Residential Services.


The strategic director for Children’s services outlined plans for an independent review into the Star Hobson case in order to improve services, and commented that the purpose of the report was to update members and not to talk about the successes of the service.


Officers explained to members the focus of the Improvement Plan following the 2018 inspection was a focus on children in care, and on performance planning and decision making. Furthermore, the voice of the child being evident as well as the standard of care in residential services, were highlighted in the report.


Officers also stated that the 7 outcomes of the Ofsted Improvement plan had been made visible to staff around offices etc. in order to ensure these are understood and used consistently.


Members presented concern about the problems in children’s homes and that it demonstrated a failure in corporate parenting. As a result of this Members asked what officers can do to assure them the weaknesses in theory and practice have been resolved.

Officers from Children’s Services stated that young people recognising the service and the council as good corporate parents. This is supported by the new terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Panel which will change what the panel can achieve. Furthermore, a new Child Protection Plan is being drafted with a focus on work pertaining to residential homes. Improvement were seen here. This is supported by a consistent and collaborative approach to all homes.


Members were made aware of a new Level 4 position in the Mockingbird structure, providing provision for mother and baby placements which are traditionally hard to place. The Mockingbird is something that has been tried before, however it is starting again in the new year and will provide for more complex needs.


Members asked officers to include reports which had been referenced. In this case the Ofsted report as this was left out of the Agenda and members had to source this themselves.

Additionally, Members sought to understand whether the service had been bought into after a consultation with staff and partners, so when Ofsted come back in 6 months’ time there will be improvements. Members were assured by officers that the Ofsted Commissioner was well sighted on the plan, and subsequently can hold officers to account. Members were assured that the plan is fit for purpose.


Members sought to understand how many children and young people had been collaborated with and what their view is. Officers explained there were events held in summer, which regards to participation, officers outlined a need to be more inclusive in order to represent a breadth of views. Use of a care leaver survey regarding young people’s experience of the service. Officers explained to members that information is still being gathered so feedback cannot be given at this stage. Officers will feedback when it is possible to do so.


Members asked whether children or young people would understand what a corporate parent is. Officers explained that the use of the ‘Talk to Marium’ email inbox for children in care to inform of experiences. As a result of this, officers can check in and have conversations as a parent would do. Officers stated that with regards to Corporate Parenting and children’s understanding of this, there was 244 comments, 61 young people, of which 40% understood what a corporate parent is and does. This reflects that work needs to be done with the language used rather than in the CP itself.


Members concluded this item by asking members and officers to come back on 23 March 2022. Members also requested more supplementary information on the plan.



Resolved –


(1)  The Committee requests that the Outcomes Improvement Plan also contains within it, an outcomes column.


(2)  For the Committee to keep and overview of the revised Outcomes Improvement Plan and at its meeting on Wednesday 23 March 2022, members request a report which specifically focuses on one aspect of the priority area in the Outcomes Improvement Plan; with that priority area being children and young people recognising Bradford Council as good Corporate Parents.


Action – Interim Strategic Director Children’s Services


                                                                  (Marium Haque – 01274 431266)

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