Local democracy

Agenda item


The Panel is asked to consider the planning applications which were

set out in Document “E” relating to items recommended for approval

or refusal.


The sites concerned are:


(a)  12 Grange Grove, Riddlesden, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD20 5AQ - 21/04361/HOU – (Approve) - Keighley East


(b)  13 Cavendish Drive, Eldwick, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD16 3BT - 21/03853/HOU – (Approve) - Bingley


(c)  25 Branshaw Grove, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD22 6NH - 21/03790/HOU – (Approve) – Keighley West


(d)  Land 403553 434450 Back Leeming, Oxenhope, Keighley, West Yorkshire - 21/01571/FUL – (Approve) – Worth Valley


(e)  Land at Grid Ref 414347 439165, West Lane, Baildon, West Yorkshire - 21/04198/VOC – (Approve) - Baildon 


(f)   101 Harecroft, Haworth Road, Wilsden, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD15 0BX - 21/03897/HOU – (Refuse) – Bingley Rural


(Mohammed Yousuf – 01274 434605)











The Chair advised that the order of the agenda would be considered as follows: items, C, D, B, E and A.  For the purpose of the minutes, items were minuted in the order they appeared in the published agenda.



 (a)      12 Grange Grove, Riddlesden, Keighley, BD20 5AQ


Proposal: Householder application for demolition of conservatory and construction of two-storey rear extension at 12 Grange Grove, Riddlesden, Keighley, BD20 5AQ.


The Strategic Director, Place, provided a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans and photographs of the proposal. The Panel was informed that the proposal was not deemed to be harmful to the overlooking or overshadowing to the neighbouring properties.


Members noted that an objection had been received expressing their concerns in relation to the excessive size of the extension and the impact of light which would have a detriment impact to the living conditions and the amenity of the residents at 14 Grange Grove, Keighley.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was




That the application no 21/04361/HOU be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report (Document “E”).


Action: Strategic Director, Place


(b)       13 Cavendish Drive, Eldwick, Bingley, BD16 3BT


Proposal: Householder application for two-storey side and single-storey rear extensions at 13 Cavendish Drive, Eldwick, Bingley, BD16 3BT.


The Strategic Director, Place,provided a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans and photographs of the proposal. It was noted that no objections had been received in relation to the extension to the rear to the property, however, an objection had been received from a Parish Council on the grounds of loss of space between the dwelling and the adjacent dwelling.


Members noted that the application had previously been refused relating to design issues, subsequently amendments had been received with the width of the two-storey side extension had been reduced which would provide a 0.7-metres gap to the side boundary.


In response to a Member’s questions, the Senior Planning Officer stated that other proprieties in the area provided a 1.7-metres gap and that the SPD guideline states a 1.0-metres gap to be pertinent.  


Members noted that the proposed extension would result in loss of car parking space, however, this would have no detrimental impact to the neighbours.


Councillor Geoff Winnard had registered to speak, and at the request of the Chair, addressed the Panel the concern to the neighbouring property in relation to loss of sunlight. The resident benefitted from day and sun light in and around her home as she was visually impaired.


In the ensuing debate, Members’ raised a number of points and in response to Members’ questions and comments, the Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the proposed development was not considered to be visually harmful or loss of daylight to neighbouring immunity and that the exiting gap between the two properties was 3.5 metress.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was




That the application no. 21/03853/HOU be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report (Document “E”).


Action: Strategic Director, Place


(c)       25 Branshaw Grove, Keighley, BD22 6NH 


Proposal: Householder application for demolition of conservatory, construction of front porch, first floor front, single-storey side, and single-storey rear extensions at 25 Branshaw Grove, Keighley, BD22 6NH.


The Strategic Director, Place,provided a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans and photographs of the proposal. Members were informed that all planning applications on this site had previously been refused on the grounds that the extension would dominate the area and have a detrimental effect on neighbouring properties. Furthermore, the proposed application had been significantly amended and was in character with the existing properties to the area.


Whilst Members noted the conditions imposed, it was acknowledged that condition 2 that the development shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plans was strongly adhered too.


Councillor Julie Glenworth had registered to speak, and at the request of the Chair, addressed the Panel the concern raised by residents in relation to parking and delivery vehicles parked on the streets,


An objector had registered to speak in relation to the proposed scheme, and at the request of the Chair, had raised a number of points, including


·         the proposal would exacerbate the parking and delivery vehicles issues on the small narrow road and concerns to highway safety;

·         number of vehicles parked on road and struggled to access to turning;

·         impact on noise and disturbance during the construction process

·         the proposal and the adjacent house would be within close boundaries and would cause loss of privacy.


During the debate members’ raised and number of questions and comments, The Area Planning Manager addressed the following points including:


·         the development had no adverse impact on the neighbouring immunity in terms of overlooking or overshadowing;

·         Council’s Highways had no control where people parked their cars.

·         any debris to be cleared would be the responsibility of the constructers.


The Chair moved to the vote on the officer’s recommendation and it was




That the application no. 21/03790/HOU be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Strategic Director, Place’s technical report (Document “E”).


Action: Strategic Director, Place


(d)       Land 403553 434450 Back Leeming, Oxenhope, Keighley


Proposal: Full application for the construction of one dwelling with access and landscaping at land on the south side of Back Leeming, Oxenhope.



Resolved –


That the application no. 21/01571/FUL be deferred pending a report to be submitted regarding whether a tree replacement notice is to be served and if so the details of that notice is to be taken account of in the determination of this application.


Action: Strategic Director, Place



(e)       Land at Grid Ref 414347 439165 West Lane, Baildon


Proposal: Section 73 application for the variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission 20/02294/FUL to raise the house and road levels.


The Strategic Director, Place,provided a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans and photographs of the proposal. Members noted that the application was for a variation of condition 2. The proposed development was not considered to be visually harmful or loss of daylight to neighbouring immunity.


In response to a Member’s question, Members were informed that the details in relation to drainage was to be submitted by the applicant and any issues would be addressed accordingly. Members felt it was prudent for a drainage report to be submitted prior to any approval of this application.




That the application no. 21/04198/VOC be deferred in order for a Drainage report to be submitted.


Action: Strategic Director, Place



(f)        101 Harecroft Haworth Road, Wilsden, Bradford, BD15 0BX 


Members were advised that the application no 21/03897/HOU has been withdrawn.




                                                (Mohammed Yousuf – 01274 434605)


Supporting documents: