Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Director of Finance (Document “AA”) provides Members with an update on the forecast year-end financial position of the Council for 2021-22.


It examines the latest spend against revenue and capital budgets and the forecast year-end financial position based on information at Qtr 2. It states the Council’s current balances and reserves and school balances. 



Recommended -


That the Executive


(1)       Note the contents of Document “AA” and the actions taken to manage the issues highlighted.

(2)       Approve the following capital expenditure schemes as outlined in sections 14.9 and 14.10 of Document “AA”.


·      £0.127m to deliver the necessary highway works to allow the Parry Lane Enterprise Zone scheme to be developed and delivered in accordance with the planning application.

·      £0.167m for the three schemes identified as part of the Sports Pitches Improvement Programme.

·      The Executive is asked approve a budget of £0.3m and delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place and Director of Finance & IT to approve the award of individual small grants for schemes linked to the Sports Pitches Improvement Programme. 

·      £1.7m for Year 1 of the IT Refresh Programme. This would be funded by the 2021-22 capital budget and bringing forward 2022-23 capital budget, both are currently included in Reserve Schemes.

·      £0.1m of Council match funding to increase the number of Changing Places Toilets in the District.

·      £1.898m for Phase 2 of the Playable Spaces Strategy Investment Programme to ensure that the District’s playable spaces are improved sufficiently to continue to provide fit for purpose, safe and sustainable play facilities.



Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

(Andrew Cross – 07870 386523)


The report of the Director of Finance (Document “AA”) provided Members with an update on the forecast year-end financial position of the Council for 2021-22.


It examined the latest spend against revenue and capital budgets and the forecast year-end financial position based on information at Qtr 2. It stated the Council’s current balances and reserves and school balances. 


The report covered the forecast outturn of the Council’s revenuebudget including main changes since Qtr 1, the forecast financial impact of Covid-19, an update on Council Tax and Business Rates collection, a statement on the Council’s reserves including movements, an update on the Capital Investment Plan and the Councils Strategic Risk Register.


The Leader noted that while the Covid restrictions had ended the cost of Covid to the authority continued and that Government Covid grants would cease in the future.


The Director of Finance referred to the impact of Covid on revenue from parking, theatres and leisure centres.  He also referred to the effect on expenditure to deal with peeks in demand for services such as support for families, domestic violence services, the increasing cost of children’s services and care services and the need for longer term support in the future.


The Leader called for continued support for Local Authorities in dealing with the impact of Covid and providing services that people relied on.


In response to a question from the Children and Families Portfolio Holder the Acting Strategic Director of Children’s Services stated that with regard to agency costs a rolling programme to recruit to all vacant posts in the service was being refreshed to attract people to Bradford.  Regarding agency staff, she recognised that there was an increase in churn and staff turnover and that it was proposed to recruit fixed term teams to reduce churn and increase stability and beneficial impacts were being seen.  However she added that there would always be gaps in the service where agency staff would be required.  With regard to sufficiency she noted that an external review of the quality and quantity of children’s homes provision was being undertaken.  The demographic of children in care was being looked at to ensure sufficiency.  The pool of foster carers was continuing to be expanded and support provided to them to see foster care as a career opportunity and provide support to a wider range of children.  She added that the estate was out of date and the type of estate to fit the needs of the current and future children in care was being looked at.


A member of the opposition group referred to slippage on the markets project and One City Park.  He also noted that the risk score for the Ofsted Improvement Plan was set at 6 in the risk register and considered that this should be higher.


The Leader responded that growth in the district had to be generated.  She referred to £20m levelling up funding granted to Swire Lane Leisure and Wellbeing Centre and stressed that grant support was needed to generate growth.


The Strategic Director of Place referred to national pressures, increased cost elements such as material and supply costs and stressed the need to look at investment in the district.  He added that the market was more volatile than in the last 20 years and that teams were actively working on this.


Resolved -


(1)       That the contents of Document “AA” and the actions taken to manage the issues highlighted be noted.

(2)       That the following capital expenditure schemes as outlined in sections 14.9 and 14.10 of Document “AA” be approved.


·      £0.127m to deliver the necessary highway works to allow the Parry Lane Enterprise Zone scheme to be developed and delivered in accordance with the planning application.

·      £0.167m for the three schemes identified as part of the Sports Pitches Improvement Programme.

·      The Executive is asked approve a budget of £0.3m and delegate authority to the Strategic Director of Place and Director of Finance & IT to approve the award of individual small grants for schemes linked to the Sports Pitches Improvement Programme. 

·      £1.7m for Year 1 of the IT Refresh Programme. This would be funded by the 2021-22 capital budget and bringing forward 2022-23 capital budget, both are currently included in Reserve Schemes.

·      £0.1m of Council match funding to increase the number of Changing Places Toilets in the District.

·      £1.898m for Phase 2 of the Playable Spaces Strategy Investment Programme to ensure that the District’s playable spaces are improved sufficiently to continue to provide fit for purpose, safe and sustainable play facilities.



Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

ACTION: Strategic Director of Finance



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