Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Chair of the Equalities Group (Document “H”) provides Members with a high-level summary of the proposed projects and ideas generated by the Equalities Group to date. The report also includes an updated recommendation regarding the governance of the Equality Group


Recommended -


1.    That the Wellbeing Board consider the recommended projects identified in section 2 of this report.  


2. That the Wellbeing Board agree to the proposed updated governance framework for the Equality Group.              


(Dermot Bolton - 01274 238440)



The report of the Chair of the Equalities Group (Document “H”) was submitted to the Board to inform Members about the proposals from the group which was formed to support the Wellbeing Board to fulfil its commitment to equalities.  The group was chaired by Professor Udy Archibong and consisted of EDI professionals from the public, third sectors and business.  The group agreed to frame its work around the thematic areas that aligned with the equality objectives of the LA Equality Plan.  Four work streams were established to address Leadership, Workforce, Community and Service Delivery and Design.   Each was assigned to a Lead who took on the role of steer to sub-groups.  Each of the working groups guiding principles consisted of interventions which aimed to be Sustainable, Transformative, Dismantling, Structural and Intersectional.


The definitions for the four groups were analysed and amended and the sub-groups met to produce ideas that would be formed into action plans.


Members were then given an overview of the work and progress for each work stream. 


Bradford’s HR Director, Anne Lloyd would take over the leadership workstream and combine this with the work being led by local HRD’s on increasing representation in leadership positions.  The main ideas in this area included the creation of cross-sector development opportunities, creation of volunteering opportunities,  a review of recruitment and interview processes, a central point for people to find out about development opportunities, establishing a Bradford Leadership Scholarship, coaching and mentoring and to establish some form of Equality charter mark or membership for organisations to sign up to.


The main recommendations for work stream 2 (workforce) included a district wide induction programme, a co-ordinated district wide recruitment campaign/movement and a Positive Action Toolkit would be developed to support employers.


For work stream 3 (community) it was proposed to develop a Diversity Exchange web based portal and a community hub.  These would work as a depository for all the work being carried out by all organisations involved.


A Bradford approach to EDI would be set up so that a consistent standard would be adopted by all.


The four proposals would not need a great deal of additional resource and positive Covid recovery provided an opportunity for reflection on dismantling inequalities that existed in the District.  We needed to fix system structure and cultures bringing structural equality.  Longer term, sustained interventions were the focus as these had previously been short term interventions.  There was a need to work on consultations and work with communities of interest.


Members then had the opportunity to ask questions and make comments, the details of which and the responses given are as below:


The Chair noted that we as a district focus on equality, diversity and inclusion, to help us succeed


Clarification of Governance was sought and Officers advised that the only change was the lead on the Leadership work stream. 


Names were allocated to the strands and was a strength for service delivery, was it a task and finish scenario as names were put against them?  It was confirmed by Officers that it was and that those named as responsible were from a cross section and spread the contributions being made.


The charter work would be linked with other responsible employer work to provide overall positive experiences for employees and employers across the District.


Members commented on the work of regional the Inequalities Alliance which would bring everything together as it was important to work together. 


A Member commented that there were several overlapping points between work streams 1&2 and 3&4 which would need to be separated and clarified to facilitate a clear focus on efforts.


The Chair commented that work streams 1 and 2 were structural with 3 and 4 being short term, providing information and asked how they would be treated differently.


It was further noted that employment and service delivery should be separate with the outcome that workforce training would be included in both rather than as a tool to measure of the impact of the other.


Members asked how it was proposed to treat work stream 4 separately and was advised that the overlaps were healthy and each one could not be completely separated and detached from the other but interdependencies mapped and worked through.  The point was noted to ensure duplication was avoided  The overlap between workforce and leadership was acknowledged and efforts would be made to avoid duplication.


Members commented that the words used were impactful with the focus on transactional which could be measured – a shared narrative so that all could understand each other better.  Encouraging more dialogue between people was needed to increase understanding.


Shared Equality outcomes: The ‘Bradford Standard’ was positive and the ambition was exciting, however further information was needed on how impact and performance would be measured.  It needed to show progress with measurable and achievable goals which would be meaningful to the city.


It was noted that all would be irrelevant if staff were not included so a Bradford charter was suggested to support organisations to formalise their commitment to equality.


It was agreed that Diversity dialogue would need to be opened up to the city for people to tell their stories with realistic expectations on colleagues.


The Chief Executive of Bradford Council stated that a peer review was being carried out in November by the LGA on Bradford Council’s Equality work and the outcome would be shared.


Professor Shirley Congdon commented that the University had resources the EDI work and that an under graduate programme was being developed with a need to look at curriculum based integration which was values led.



Resolved –


1.    Plans are developed for the projects outlined in the report (Dcoument “H”) and that these are timed to ensure that they can be factored into organisational budget planning. 


2.    That the Wellbeing Board consider the recommended projects identified in section 2 of the report (Document “H”).  


3. That the Wellbeing Board agree to the proposed updated governance framework for the Equality Group.      


Action: Chair of Equalities Group

Supporting documents: