Local democracy

Agenda item

One City Park The Tyrls City Park Bradford - 21/03653/MAF

The Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation & Highways) will

submit a report (Document “K”) which sets out an application for

construction of a 5-storey office building with a retail and/or leisure unit at ground floor, with associated site works, creation of public realm and access works site of former Police station, Princes Way, Bradford.


Recommended –


That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out

in Appendix 1 to Document “K”.


(Hannah Lucitt - 01274 434605)


The Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation & Highways)
submitted a report (Document “K”) which set out an application for
construction of a 5-storey office building with a retail and/or leisure unit
at ground floor, with associated site works, creation of public realm and
access works at the site of former Police station, Princes Way, Bradford.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a detailed PowerPoint presentation setting out the proposals for the new office block, public realm works and the new access arrangements.  Photographs of the site, drawings showing the elevations and plans were alluded to, as well as five objections that had recently been received on the application.  The objections cited funding cost to the Council and whether a new office block was a good use of public funds at a time when working from home and more flexible working arrangements had become the norm; that there was already ample office accommodation within the city centre with low occupancy rates with many office blocks  currently vacant and therefore this proposal made little sense; that the proposal would adversely impact on the conservation area, given its proximity to the Odeon and the Alhambra Theatre; that the current use of the site as a park and its synergy to the City Park would be lost.


In considering the application, the Council’s Highway’s section had been consulted, and they had raised no objections to the application and were content with the transport assessment and travel plan, and that the traffic flows on the adjacent roads would not be adversely affected by the proposal.


Additional conditions were alluded to covering the submission of a Construction Plan; the proposed means of vehicular and pedestrian access; Prior to occupation of the building, full details of the highway works associated with any Section 278 Agreement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority together with the proposed means of vehicular and pedestrian access; construction of the new access on Princes Way and prior to it being brought into use; developer shall prevent any mud, dirt or debris being carried on to the adjoining highway as a result of the site construction works, and prior to the occupation of the approved development, details of the installation of bird and bat boxes.


During questions, a Member raised a concern regarding the proposed layby and that it could be used for parking on an evening, particular given its proximity to the Alhambra.  In response it was stated that this had already been flagged up as a potential issue and therefore a traffic regulation order would be imposed to control parking on this layby, and this would then be enforced in the normal way.


A Member raised concerns around the environmental impacts of the proposed development, given the amount of surplus office accommodation within the city centre.  In response it was stated that it was a judgement call around the demand for office accommodation; however the applicant will have done their own viability assessment.


In response to a question regarding access and exit arrangements, it was stated that a construction plan condition would cover this aspect in order to minimise the impact on existing traffic flows.


A Member stated that this site had become an area of congregation and there had been incidents of anti-social behaviour, so a development of this nature would be welcomed.


The applicant together with a number of supporting officers were present at the meeting and stated that 1 City Park would create much needed Grade 1 office accommodation; that much thought had gone into its design and end use, creating an adaptable, modern and sustainable office space which would attract high calibre companies into the city centre.  It was stressed that the pandemic had changed the working environment and 1 City Park would build on the new found working arrangements.  Similar office space had been created elsewhere, nationally, and the aim was replicate this in Bradford and as such would be a major lynchpin in the city’s regeneration journey.


A Member expressed concerns that in the context of many unoccupied offices in the city centre, 1 City Park may also remain vacant.  In response it was stated that research undertaken as part of the proposals, had indicated demand for high quality office space, particular given its adaptable nature.


In response to a question regarding social value, it was explained that a development of this kind would enable local labour and materials to be used during construction, and this would be an important component of the proposal.


In response to a question regarding timescales, it was stated that completion of the project would be around March 2023.


Members welcome the proposed 1 City Park development in that it would create an iconic building in the city centre and be a cornerstone in the ongoing regeneration of the district, and it was therefore: 



That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out
in Appendix 1 to Document “K” and also subject to the following additional conditions:


(i) Prior to the commencement of a material operation (as defined in Section 56 (4) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) in relation to the development full details of the new roads, any alterations and accesses - as indicatively shown on drawing 6244-ARP-XX-XX-DR-C-28600 Revision P03 - shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, including longitudinal and cross sectional gradients, street lighting, parking & turning facilities, layby facilities, access widths, gradients, surfacing, visibility splays, drainage & outfall proposals, construction specification, provision of and diversion of utilities services, materials and any proposed structural works. Drawings must indicate key dimensions. All details submitted for approval shall comply with the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council current highways design standards and shall be implemented as approved at Section 38 Agreement stage and/or Section 278 Agreement stage under the Highways Act 1980.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to accord with policies DS4 and DS5 of the Local Plan for Bradford.


(ii) Notwithstanding the provision of Class A, Part 4 of Schedule 2 of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015, or any subsequent legislation, the development hereby permitted shall not be begun until a Construction Plan specifying proposals for the management of construction site access and the layout of construction site facilities has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The construction plan shall include the following details: i) full details of the position and width of the contractor's means of access to the site including measures to deal with surface water drainage; ii) intended hours of construction work, including any works of demolition; iii) intended hours of delivery of materials; iv) location of materials storage compounds, loading/unloading areas and areas for construction vehicles to turn within the site; v) car parking areas for construction workers, sales staff and customers; vi) a wheel cleaning facility or other comparable measures to prevent site vehicles bringing mud, debris or dirt onto a highway adjoining the development site; vii) the extent of and surface treatment of all temporary road accesses leading to compound/storage areas and the construction depths of these accesses, their levels and gradients; viii) temporary warning and direction signing on the approaches to the site The construction plan details as approved shall be implemented before the development hereby permitted is begun and shall be kept in place, operated and adhered to at all times until the development is completed. In addition, no vehicles involved in the construction of the development shall enter or leave the site of the development except via the temporary road access comprised within the approved construction plan.


Reason: In order to safeguard the amenity of neighbouring occupiers and the safety of road users it is essential that the detail of these facilities is satisfactorily resolved before any work begins. To accord with Policies DS5, DS9, TR2 and DS4 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.


(iii) The developer shall prevent any mud, dirt or debris being carried on to the adjoining highway as a result of the site construction works. Details of such preventive measures shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences and the measures so approved shall remain in place for the duration of construction works on the site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to accord with policies DS4 and DS5 of the Local Plan for Bradford.


(iv) Prior to the occupation of the approved development details of the installation of bird and bat boxes within the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. The development to be carried out in accordance with the approved details and retained thereafter.


Reason: In the interests of biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy of the Core Strategy.


ACTION: Assistant Director Planning Transportation and Highways



Supporting documents: