Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Chief Executive (Document “C”) provides an update to and builds on the report presented to the District Area Committees previously regarding the issue of Child Exploitation (CE). It focuses on the Strategic Response to all forms of exploitation in Children and Adults and how partners from the Working Together to Safeguard Children – the Bradford Partnership and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board work to drive improvements across the District and to hold agencies to account for their work in their area. This report also outlines the emergence of other complex safeguarding themes and outlines how partners are effectively collaborating and focussing upon the protection of vulnerable Children and Adults.


Recommended –


1.    That the contents of the report be noted and Members be requested to consider how they can support local activity against Child and Adult Exploitation.


2.    That a further report on the progress of the response to Exploitation be provided in 12 months’ time.


3.    That Partners from the Working Together to Safeguard Children – the Bradford Partnership and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board, be requested to seek further funding opportunities from Government funding streams to enable continuation of service provision as outlined in Document “C”.


(Children’s Services & Health & Social Care Overview and Scrutiny Committees)

(Darren Minton   01274 434361)





The report of the Chief Executive (Document “C”) provided an update to Members and built on the report presented to the District Area Committees previously regarding the issue of Child Exploitation (CE).


The report focused on the strategic response to all forms of exploitation in children and adults and how partners from the Working Together to Safeguard Children – the Bradford Partnership and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board worked to drive improvements across the District and to hold agencies to account for their work in their area. The report also outlined the emergence of other complex safeguarding themes and outlined how partners were effectively collaborating and focusing on the protection of children and adults. 


Appended to Document “C” were reports on Working Together to Safeguard Children – The Bradford Partnership; the Strategic Response to Risk and Vulnerabilities in Complex Safeguarding; Information and Data for Keighley Area; Case Studies; Trusted Relationships Statistics and Cyber Team Statistics.


The Bradford District Cyber Team Bradford Cyber Prevention Early Intervention Summary Report 2019/20, also appended, detailed the current level of engagement with all schools.  It was questioned whilst 156 primary schools had engaged and had Cyber Safety workshops none of the secondary schools had been involved in those initiatives.


In response it was confirmed that all secondary schools had a dedicated police officer providing input on cyber safety. There was much support provided to secondary schools, including those in the private sector, and schools’ officers continued to be deployed throughout lockdown.  The measures contained in the report were in addition to what was ordinarily provided.


A pattern of emerging risk seen in Ilkley was raised and it was questioned how that was being addressed.  It was explained that in response to any referral reported measures would also be taken with their peer group and that could be the reason data showed bundles or cohorts in a particular area.  Referrals were discussed in multi-agency meetings held daily and consideration was given to all young people at risk.  Risks were managed and monitored to allow information to be gathered and hot spot locations identified. 


A Member referred to data included in the report depicting the average number of children at risk of exploitation.  He questioned if the figure depicted was a total or children identified in the that month.  He also queried if when that figure reduced in October was that because the children were no longer at risk or because they had moved out of the area.  In response it was clarified that this was the cumulative number.


In response to a request for additional clarity about the figures reported it was explained that the numbers indicated the number potentially at risk per 10,000.  It was agreed to make future reports easier to understand. 


A Member, whilst welcoming the report and the work undertaken to help people susceptible to risk, questioned what was being done to catch the perpetrators. 


In response it was confirmed was that there were hundreds of officers and staff working to investigate, arrest and convict perpetrators of abuse.  In addition, there was a significant number working on Operation Dalesway investigating non recent CSE and dealing with investigations from a number of years ago.  Thematic reviews were undertaken to learn lessons and assess if further changes were required. Daily risk meetings allowed for information sharing with all parties involved in disrupting people who harmed children.


The report referred to the Young Lives consortium and it was asked if that organisation had taken over from a group known as E5.  It was clarified that the Youth Consortium comprised of a number of voluntary sector partners formed to be stronger and attract funding and was part of ‘Young Lives Bradford’.  It was explained that ‘E5’ was a conglomeration of separate funding streams. 


 A Member expressed concern that the report provided only statistical evidence.  He referred to the District’s history regarding unknown CSE cases and a lack of confidence that the situation was improving.  He suggested that a report containing more detail including an indication of where the incidents were occurring and how the statistics had been calculated was needed. It was felt that it was difficult to understand the situation with only statistical information.  He found the case study appended to the report helpful but requested the reassurance he needed to give his constituents confidence that the best was being done. 


The point made about the granular information in the report was acknowledged and it was agreed to take those comments on board.  Assurance that the last Ofsted report referenced the good work being done in the District was provided.  It was explained that during the Ofsted inspection officers had spent time in the Hub where all cases were discussed.  The report was published on the website and officers were happy to provide copies to Councillors on request. 


Members were advised that the purpose of the report under discussion had not been to provide the level of detail requested and it would be very difficult to provide that level of accountability in a short presentation report.  All Members were invited to visit the Hub and observe the meetings being held and whilst GDPR issues were acknowledged Members were assured that responses would be made within seven days to their enquiries. 


It was reported that more detailed information was provided to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Area Co-ordinator agreed to liaise with officers to allow that information to be shared with the Committee. 


A debate ensued about the level of assistance which Members could provide and it was acknowledged that their relationships with local communities and their local knowledge and information which they could share with was invaluable. 


Resolved –


1.    That the contents of the report be noted and Members be requested to consider how they can support local activity against Child and Adult Exploitation.


2.    That a further report on the progress of the response to Exploitation be provided in 12 months’ time.


3.    That Partners from the Working Together to Safeguard Children – the Bradford Partnership and the Bradford Safeguarding Adults Board, be requested to seek further funding opportunities from Government funding streams to enable continuation of service provision as outlined in Document “C”.


4.    That the Keighley Area Co-ordinator be requested to liaise with the Chair of the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to ascertain if the evidence provided in reports to that Committee on Child Exploitation could be shared with Keighley Area Committee Members to provide them with additional information to enable them to support local activity against exploitation.



Health & Social Care

ACTION: Chief Executive

Supporting documents: