Local democracy

Agenda item


The Business Advisor (Schools) will present a report, Document MS, with Appendices 1-5.


Appendices 1a, 1b and 1c show the indicative values of allocations to be delegated to individual maintained primary and secondary schools and academies within the Schools Block.


Appendix 1d provides an analysis of the change in cost of Schools Block formula funding following the use of the data collected in / based on the October 2020 Census. Modelling previously presented to the Forum has been based on October 2019 Census data.


Appendices 2a, 2b and 2c show the proposed indicative rates of funding for early years settings for the 2021/22 financial year. Please note that the rates of funding for maintained nursery schools, shown in Appendix 2a, are for the period April to August 2021 only at this stage.


Appendix 3 provides a more detailed analysis of how the High Needs Block planned budget has been constructed at individual setting level. Please note however, that Appendix 3 does not show the values of allocations that high needs providers will actually receive in 2021/22 (as these will be based on monthly occupancy during the year).


Appendices 4 and 5 show the draft Primary and Secondary and Early Years pro-formas, which summarise the Authority’s proposed formula funding arrangements. Please note that these pro-formas are subject to the final decisions and recommendations to be made by the Schools Forum under agenda item 12 as well as to the finalisation of our early years arrangements, as explained in agenda item 9.


Recommended –


The Forum is asked to note the information provided. This will inform decisions and recommendations to be made under agenda item 12. 


         (Andrew Redding – 01274 432678)




The Business Advisor (Schools) presented Document MS, with Appendices 1-5.


The Business Advisor focused on Appendix 1d, which presented the cost of change by factor for the Schools Block funding formula when the October 2020 Census data has been used. The Business Advisor highlighted key themes, especially the increased spending through the flat ‘here and now’ FSM factor and the continued reduction in spending through the SEND prior attainment factor. A Member asked why flat FSM is significantly increasing at the same time that Ever 6 FSM is reducing. The Business Advisor explained that this is related to how Ever 6 looks back in time, especially to the period from the 2008 financial ‘crash’ onwards and that we will likely see Ever 6 beginning to increase as Flat FSM has now also been steadily increasing in recent years.


Resolved –


That the information presented in Document MS and Appendices 1 to 5 be noted.



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