Local democracy

Agenda item


Previous Reference: Minute 24 (2020/21)


The Assistant Director, Planning, Transportation and Highways will present a document (Document “AV”) which details a hybrid application comprising - full planning application for the construction of a retail food store (Use Class A1) and 3 retail units, together with car parking, landscaping and associated works and outline planning for a retail unit (Use Class A1) and coffee drive-thru (Use Class A3/A5) requesting consideration of access.


Members will recall that the Committee deferred determination of the hybrid application at its November meeting in order for the applicant to undertake further consultation with the Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation and Highways) on the layout of the site and the pedestrian link to the town centre at the intersection of East Parade/Coney Lane. The applicant has subsequently revised the application and redesigned the proposed development to include retail units on East Parade and included pedestrian links as part of the full part of the hybrid application.


Recommended –


That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report.


(Mark Hutchinson – 01274 434605)



Previous Reference: Minute 24 (2020/21)


The Assistant Director, Planning, Transportation and Highways presented a report (Document “AV”) which detailed a hybrid application comprising a full planning application for the construction of a retail food store (Use Class A1) and 3 retail units, together with car parking, landscaping and associated works and outline planning for a retail unit (Use Class A1) and coffee drive-thru (Use Class A3/A5) requesting consideration of access.


Members will recall that the Committee deferred determination of the hybrid application at its November meeting in order for the applicant to undertake further consultation with the Assistant Director Planning, Transportation and Highways on the layout of the site and the pedestrian link to the town centre, at the intersection of East Parade/Coney Lane. The applicant had subsequently revised the application and redesigned the proposed development to include retail units on East Parade and included pedestrian links as part of the full part of the hybrid application.


The Assistant Director gave an overview of the application which was detailed in the report, showing photographs of the site and the adjoining area, as well as the elevations and an artistic impression of the proposed development.  He also summarised the representations that had been received.


In response to a question regarding a pedestrian link alongside the existing petrol station, the Assistant Director confirmed that a pedestrian link would be installed at this point.


In relation to the proposed car park layout, the Assistant Director confimed that the car park would be a universal car park serving all the retail units on the site, however details of the car park arrangements and layout were yet to be submitted by the applicant.


A Member stated that Gresley Road and East Parade was already congested with traffic and ascertained if any junction improvements were being proposed, as well as the imposition of parking restrictions.  In response the Assistant Director stated that a 278 highways agreement would include elements such as a pedestrian crossing, parking in the vicinity of the site, including any traffic regulation orders pertaining to East Parade and Gresley Road, however a number of these elements would have to be worked out in consultation with the applicant.


In response to a question regarding the access/agrees from the existing filling station, it was stated that this was outside the remit of this application. However a signalled crossing was being  proposed as part of this development which could aid traffic flows in the area by breaks and gaps in the traffic flows


Two Keighley Town Councillors were present at the meeting, who expressed their full support for the proposals, adding that it would significanlty improve what was currently a vacant site and once developed,  would not only enhance the retail offer but increase footfall and create a better synergy with the town centre as well as the bus and trian station.


The applicant’s representative was present at the meeting and stated that the applicant had worked very closely with the planning department to ensure that the issues raised at the last meeting, and the reasons for refusal were addressed through this application and that as a result, pedestrian links, site layout had been vastly improved, and that negotiations with existing occupiers had also been fruitful, resulting in a well thought out and practical development,and he urged Members to approve the application.


During the discussion, Members expressed broad support for the propsals, however it was suggested that a number of additional highway measures should be looked at, including traffic regulation orders as appropriate along East Parade and Gresley Road.


In addtion it was suggested that a referral should be made to the Keighley Area Committee to look at what measures might be taken to improve traffic

movements and highway safety at the filling station exit, and it was therefore:


Resolved –


(1)       That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out       in the Assistant Director’s technical report, together with the             following additional condtions to be delegated to the Assistant       Director in consultation with the City Solicitor to phrase   accordingly:


(i)         Before the any part of the development is occupied, full details of         the highway works associated with any Section 278 Agreement             shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local             Planning Authority and constructed in accordance with the        Section 278 agreement. The highway works to include but not limited to a pedestrian crossing to East Parade and all associated ancillary works, traffic regulation orders along East Parade and             Gresley Road, closing of all redundant accesses into the site         (return to full height kerb and footway reconstruction),      amendments to street lighting along East Parade as a result of   development and new crossing, reconstruction of existing           footway to site perimeter to accommodate public realm works.           The plans so approved as well as appropriate timescales for the             delivery of these highway improvements shall be implemented in          accordance with the approved specifications.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to accord with policies DS4 and DS5 of the Local Plan for Bradford.


(ii)        The development to which this notice relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years from the date of this consent or two years from the final approval of the last reserved matters application, whichever is the later. 


Reason: To accord with the requirements of Section 92 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).


(iii)       Before any development is begun plans showing the:


            i) appearance

            ii) landscaping

            iii) scale


must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To accord with the requirements of Article 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015.


(2)       That it be recommended to the Keighley Area Committee that they        look at what measures might be taken to improve traffic           movements and highway safety at the filling station exit.


ACTION:       Assistant Director Transportation, Design and                                             Planning


Supporting documents: