Local democracy

Agenda item


The Committee is asked to consider a  Reserved Matters application for 156 dwellings requesting consideration appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (pursuant to outline approval 16/03804/MAO), on land at the former Riverside Works, Keighley Road, Silsden, BD200EH as set out in Document “S”.


Recommended –


That the reserved matters application be approved. In addition, the Assistant Director of Planning, Transportation and Highways be authorised to agree to the variation of an existing S106 Agreement to secure on-site affordable housing provision rather than a commuted sum of £348,439.


(John Eyles – 01274 434380)




The Committee was asked to consider a  Reserved Matters application for 156 dwellings requesting consideration appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (pursuant to outline approval 16/03804/MAO), on land at the former Riverside Works, Keighley Road, Silsden, BD200EH as set out in Document “S”.


The Assistant Director gave a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans, photographs of the proposed site, layout and house types.  He  also updated Members on the revised plans that had been submitted by the applicant.  That the scheme was for 100% affordable housing and that the proposals were acceptable on highway grounds.


He alluded to a number of additional objections that had been received , but these principally related to flooding and highways issues which had already been addressed at the outline stage.  Additional issues raised regarding Japanese knotweed and landscaping would be covered by way of condition. An issue had also been raised regarding the bee orchid, however this was not addressed by this development.  Finally it was stated that no CIL payments would be payable on this site, given that the development would be for 100% affordable housing.


In response to a question regarding 20mph zones, the Highways Engineer explained that three chicanes were being proposed that would design out any potential for speeding.


An objector was present at the meeting and raised concerns around the drainage and possible damage to a boundary wall.  In response the Assistant Director stated that a reassurance would be obtained from the developer / Councils drainage section on both these issues, prior to construction.


During the discussion Members expressed broad support for the proposal, and it was therefore:


Resolved –


That the reserved matters application be approved. In addition, the Assistant Director of Planning, Transportation and Highways be authorised to agree to the variation of an existing S106 Agreement to secure on-site affordable housing provision rather than a commuted sum of £348,439, and subject to the following additions and amendments:




(ii)        Amend the following conditions (TO LINK TO PHASING OF THE           DEVELOPMENT)


Condition 7-Biodiveristy Mitigation Implementation (amended wording):


The biodiversity enhancement measures detailed in the submitted Biodiversity Management Plan by Brooks Ecological (reference R-4024-01) dated 14.11.2019 shall be implemented in full in accordance with a timescale to be first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The measures shall thereafter be retained in accordance with the approved plan.


Reason: To ensure that the development would contribute positively towards the overall enhancement of the District’s biodiversity resource in accordance with policy EN2 of the Core Strategy


Condition 9- Vehicular and Pedestrian Access (amended wording)


Before each phase of development is occupied, the proposed means of vehicular and pedestrian access hereby approved for that particular phase shall be laid out, hard surfaced, sealed and drained within the site in accordance with the approved plan numbered and completed to a specification approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that a safe and suitable form of access is made available to serve the development in the interests of highway safety and to accord with Policies TR2 and DS4 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the National Planning Policy Framework


Condition 10- Turning Areas Provision (amended wording)


Before each phase of development is occupied the vehicle turning area for that particular phase shall be laid out, hard surfaced, sealed and drained within the site, in accordance with details shown on the approved plan numbered and retained whilst ever the development is in use.


Reason: To ensure that adequate turning facilities are made available to serve the development in the interests of highway safety and to accord with Policies TR2 and DS4 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the National Planning Policy Framework.


Condition 11- Footpath Provision (Amended Wording)


Before each phase of development is occupied is, the footway for that particular phase hereby approved shall be laid out in accordance with details shown on the approved drawings and street lighting installed to a specification to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that a safe and suitable form of access is made available to serve the development in the interests of highway safety and to accord with Policies TR2 and DS4 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document and the National Planning Policy Framework.



(iii)       Delete Condition (duplicated on outline consent)



Condition 13- Tree Protection Measures (Condition to be removed)


Condition to be deleted. Not necessary as condition 29 of the outline approval already requires the submission and approval of tree protection details.


13. Tree Protection Measures


The development shall not begin until tree protection fencing and other tree protection measures have been installed around trees to be retained on or adjoining the site These measures shall be in strict accordance with an Arboricultural Method Statement or Tree Protection Plan prepared in accordance with recommendations in BS5837:2012, details of which shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any demolition, site preparation or ground works are begun, and before any materials or machinery are brought on to the site. Reason: To ensure that trees are adequately protected prior to development activity beginning on the site in the interests of amenity and to accord with Policy EN5 of the Core Strategy Development Plan Document.


ACTION: Assistant Director Transportation Design and Planning


(John Eyles – 01274 434380)


Supporting documents: