Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation & Highways) will submit a report (Document “C”) which sets out a full application for the construction of 72 residential dwellings and associated site access at the former site of the Station Sawmill, Station Road, Denholme.


Recommended –


That the application be approved subject to the completion of the Section 106 Agreement and conditions contained in Appendix 1 to Document “C”.

(John Eyles - 01274 434380)





The Assistant Director (Planning, Transportation & Highways) submitted a report (Document “C”) which set out a full application for the construction of 72 residential dwellings and associated site access at the former site of the Station Sawmill, Station Road, Denholme. He shared slides of the site plan which showed an upgrade of Station Road to an adoptable standard and shared photographs of the site, showing the present standard of the road. Plans of the proposed development were also shared and it was highlighted that the Great Northern Railway Trail ran along one side of the site. A variety of house style was proposed and it was noted that a nearby war memorial would suffer no adverse effect as a result of this proposal due to the intervening topography. The biodiversity and landscaping of the proposal had also been assessed.


Members were advised that a number of objections had been received from local residents and the basis of those objections were explained. In response to those objections, it was explained that the number of houses proposed was welcome, especially the 72 affordable homes. Members were also advised that the plans had been revised a number of times in order to address concerns and that, on balance, the Assistant Director considered that the benefits of the proposed development offset the element of some sub-standard design to the layout of the development and the application was, therefore, recommended for approval.


A member queried whether the site could revert to its former use if these properties were not built and was advised that this could be the case.


Another member queried whether this site would potentially compromise any future plans for a bypass in the Denholme area as this possibility had previously ben considered by WYCA but was informed that it had not been raised as a concern during consultation. He also asked whether any improvements to the nearby junction would be made as he considered it to be dangerous. He was advised that there was a proposal in place to increase traffic calming and to change the priorities at the junction, which should be helpful. He was also shown where vehicle barriers would be sited.


The vice-chair of the Great Northern Railway Trail Committee joined the meeting and expressed his concerns about the application, explaining that it had previously been the intention to keep the trail completely separate from this development but that, this application included a section which he considered to be unsafe as the trail would share access with the development. He also considered that the high wooden fence being proposed would mean users of the trail would feel enclosed and would encourage anti-social behaviour on the trail. He concluded by stating that the current design presented went against the ethos of the trail.


In response, the Assistant Director explained that there had been a number of revisions to the scheme and that this final version brought the trail onto the southern edge of the development, with the pathway being no less than three metres wide at any point and going up to five or six metres wide at some points. He accepted that this was slightly sub-standard in one corner of the development but had taken the view the shared surface would differentiate that part of the trail from other areas and would highlight that it was a multi use area. A balanced view had been taken to prevent the possible removal of three properties from the development.


A representative of the applicant joined the meeting and spoke in support of the application, stressing that it utilised a brownfield site and that fewer homes were being proposed than on previous applications. He stated that the total number of houses now being proposed was necessary to ensure the viability of the development. He also noted that the previous use of Station Road by HGV vehicles would cease and that there was capacity in local schools and GP practices. The site was identified for connectivity with the Great Northern Railway Trail and the section of the trail which joined the highway would only serve six of the properties. He concluded by stressing that this scheme provided high quality affordable homes for local people.


A member commented that he was pleased that the surface to Station Road was to be improved.


Resolved –


That the application be approved subject to the completion of the Section 106 Agreement and conditions contained in Appendix 1 to Document “C” and subject to the amendment of condition 1 to state P3 and P4.


ACTION: Assistant Director, Planning, Transportation & HIghways


Supporting documents: