Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation & Highways will submit  a report (Document “AG”) which sets out a full application for mixed-use development comprising of event/exhibition venue (D2) and ten B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) and B8 (Storage or Distribution) units.


Recommended –


That the application be refused for the reasons set out in the report of the Assistant Director Transportation, Design and Planning.


(John Eyles - 01274 434380)


The Assistant Director Planning, Transportation & Highways submitted  a report (Document “AG”) which set out a full application for mixed-use development comprising of event/exhibition venue (D2) and ten B1 (Business), B2 (General Industrial) and B8 (Storage or Distribution) units.


The Assistant Director gave a detailed overview of the planning application, showing plans, photographs of the proposed site, and artistic impression of the proposed event/exhibition venue.  The Assistant Director advised that the site had been vacant for decades, however the site had been designated as waste management site and therefore this application was considered unsuitable and thus contrary to the Core Strategy.  The applicant was proposing significant investment on the site, however the sequential test promoted main town centre uses with the town centre first, and this development  did not satisfy the sequential test and as a consequence there would be an impact on the viability of existing city centre facilities, and it was therefore recommended for refusal.


A Member questioned the viability of the site for a waste management use and that a permit would have to be sought from DEFRA, however given the constraints and proximity to existing properties it was difficult to see how the site would be viable in this regard.  In response it was stressed that any waste management use would be principally around processing activity, rather than an intensive use.

In response to a question on how the site had been marketed, it was explained that the current owner had purchased the site in 2016 and that in submitting his application he had been aware of the sites designated use.  The Council had worked with the applicant over a number of months, however no exceptions could be found to overcome the site designation.

A Member questioned whether the sequential test had been met in refusing the application, as this was not in close proximity to the city centre, nor was it within walking distance.

A City Ward Councillor was present at the meeting and stated that this site had been vacant for a number of years and that the applicant had already invested significant sums of money in clearing up the site, which had been fly tipped for a number of years as well as incidents of anti social behaviour.  The local residents were glad to finally see the site being developed and the applicant was injecting a significant amount of investment in developing the site, which would result in the creation of over 100 jobs. She questioned the logic of designating the site as a waste site and despite it being marketed, no operator had come forward, and she urged Members to approve the application.

The applicant’s representative was present at the meeting and stated that there were ample alternative superior waste sites and despite the marketing of this site, no waste operator had expressed an interest, which led you to question its suitability; that the applicant was intending to inject £5-6m into the project and create over 100 new jobs and that it would result in a bespoke wedding/ events venue, unrivalled in terms of its design and functionality, and he urged approval of the application.

During the discussion Members queried the viability of the site in terms of its waste designation and agreed that it was unlikely that it would ever be developed as such, any time soon.  It was argued that the applicant was keen to develop the site and that the Council should facilitate this investment as it would regenerate a long standing vacant site.

A Member stressed that in his opinion any waste related operation on this site was highly unlikely, given the unsuitability of the site and its proximity to residential properties and for this reason no operator had shown an interest to date.

Members felt that the sequential test had also not been met in terms of the sites proximity to the city centre; however this application would create an economic boost in terms of its investment and job potential, and it was therefore:

Resolved –


That the application be approved for the following reasons:


  1. It is considered that there is a low probability of the site receiving an Environmental Permit for a waste development and as such the site is no longer suitable for such a use. The site has also been previously marketed for use as a waste development site using a local professional agent without success leading to the conclusion that no waste operator is interested in carrying out such a development. It is of note that the site has remained vacant for over 37 years and this proposed development is the first scheme to come forward in that time period. There is also considered to be sufficient other allocated waste sites in the district to meet future demands for new waste developments. It is considered that the applicant has demonstrated the other particular circumstances under Policy WDM3 (Criteria a) (BMDC Waste Management DPD) to justify the loss of an allocated waste management site.


  1. It is not considered that there is a city centre site or other more suitable closer to centre site available that could accommodate this events/exhibition venuedevelopment, including a requirement to have suitable on-site parking provision. As such it is considered that the proposal meets the requirements of paragraph 86 of the NPPF AND Policy EC5 of the Local Plan in relation to the location of sequentially preferable sites. Furthermore, it is considered that the development would not have an adverse impact on the viability or vitality of existing or future planned D2 uses in Bradford City Centre.


ACTION: Assistant Director Transportation Design and Planning


Supporting documents: