Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Resources (Document “BL”) is an update on the Council and District climate and environment emergency response and key issues arising.


Recommended –


(1)       That Members comment on and support the on-going work to   address the Climate and Environment Crisis, as summarised in            Document “BL”.


(2)       That the Committee supports the partnership working with WYCA        and reinforces the need for climate and environment investment           to form part of the Devolution process and through the UK Budget    2020.


(3)       Reflecting the dynamic nature of the context for this work            including the awaited government and city region material, it is       recommended that a further report be brought to the             Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee       in Autumn 2020.


(David Walmsley – 01274 432131)




The report of the Strategic Director, Corporate Resources (Document “BL”) was an update on the Council and District climate and environment emergency response and key issues arising.


The Assistant Director, Office of Chief Executive was accompanied by the Policy Officer, Policy and Performance and with the invitation of the Chair gave a joint detailed synopsis of the report.


Following introduction, a question and session ensued:

·         Was the strategy in place at present?

o   A public report is to be put together on the climate and environment emergency for Executive for 24th March 2020. This report will set out the core principles and an interim action plan to achieve the Council’s ambitions top tackle the climate emergency and other sustainable priorities;

·         What was entailed in Document “BL” that was different to previous reports on climate emergency?

o   As opposed to the Council working on its own previously, on this occasion officers had been working with neighbouring Councils and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) in order for joint working to accelerate work streams for all authorities involved;

·         There were an ever-increasing number of cars in the Bradford district and this was a clear sign of either people not taking responsibility towards climate change or the fact that they were not fully aware of future consequences. In any case, a key issue was that it would probably be difficult to enforce behaviour change between the general public due to the keen interest in people owning own cars and therefore what was being considered by the joint authorities to change the behaviour of the general public?

o   Detailed air quality work had been ongoing for a number of years and as a result air quality and clean air zone work was at a progressing stage on a Clean Air Plan, Clean Air Zone and air quality improvement arrangements with a significant bid being prepared for HM Government approval. The clean air zone would be a fundamental change and investment for the Bradford district.

o   This was not about a one off climate control but a wider sustainable permanent development;

·         How was awareness of present and future information on climate change being discussed and managed by the Council?

o   The Council was, alongside other authorities and the WYCA developing robust and structured communications, awareness raising and engagement plans and content for working with citizens, communities and partners; and,

·         How the Council was presently or would in the future be working with local businesses to maximise on improving energy efficiency?

o   There was now an opportunity for the Council to think about local businesses and how we enable services and facilities to local businesses towards tackling climate change.


The Chair thanked the officers for the detailed report and praised the joint working with other authorities, therefore –


Resolved –


(1)       That the Committee supports the ongoing work to address the climate and environmental crisis.


(2)       That the Committee supports the partnership working with West           Yorkshire Combined Authority and the need for climate and            environment investment to form part of the devolution process.


(3)       That a further report be presented to the Committee in Autumn 2020.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Corporate Resources



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