Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “K”) provides an update on progress made in the delivery of budget savings for 2019-20 for the libraries services since the last report to Members on 22 January 2019.


It also sets out progress made in developing options for the delivery of savings of £1.05m (Libraries) and £500k (Museums) in 2020-21.


Recommended –


That Regeneration and Environment Committee consider the updates provided and advise Officers on any future reporting requirements.    


(Jacqui Buckley – 01274 437835)




The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “K”) provided an update on progress made in the delivery of budget savings for 2019-20 for the libraries services since the last report to Members on 22 January 2019.


It also set out progress made in developing options for the delivery of savings of £1.05m (Libraries) and £500k (Museums) in 2020-21.


The Assistant Director, Sport and Culture (ADSC) and other Council representatives were present and at the invitation of the Chair, gave a synopsis of the report.


Following introductions, the Committee acknowledged the delivery of the community needs assessment however expressed disappointment to the fact that the current process had not met with the resolutions of 22 January 2019. During previous discussion of this item, the Committee stressed the need of extending consultations to include the Manningham and Bingley Wards whilst covering other areas as this would then reflect the diversity of the district and, meet best practice standards of the Council. It was further resolved that all future options for both the libraries and museums service should be presented to this Committee in July 2019. An explanation was sought as to reasons for not meeting the agreed requests of the Committee.


The ADSC responded that, whilst analysing the missing gaps of the process, officers had been unsure of certain aspects such as the methodology of the delivery of consultations due to one area being different to another, hence the delay. However, having not met the previous resolution, the current community needs assessment was now significantly better shaped and officers would be knowledgeable to the extent of delivering all options for the Libraries and Museums Service to the Committee in September 2019.


The Chair then phased the discussion into a further question and answer session–

·         What means had been utilised to undertake the current community needs assessment?

o   A third party had been brought in to undertake the consultations and means such as telephone surveys, focus groups and direct conversations with users would also be used;

·         How can the Committee be assured that the Wards, including select areas within Wards that would be impacted and previously not consulted, would be consulted as opposed to previous consultations carried out?

o   The delivery method on this occasion was a prescribed, more focused, process concentrating on areas that would have a direct impact following a change in services;

·         Was the current consultation process being undertaken having regard to the Equality Rights Act?

o   The process was being delivered according the law;

·         Appreciate that it was not possible to consult every single person but the Committee, on the next occasion had to be satisfied that the consultation was delivered that in reflection of the geographical diversity of the district?

o   Officers will ensure that Ward Members would be kept updated on developments throughout the process in line with legislative requirements;

·         What was the deadline for the final decision of the Libraries and Museums Service?

o   February 2020;

·         Even if young people were not using libraries for books due to the ever-increasing use of technology, they were still accessing other services provided by libraries therefore could assurances be given to the Committee whether young people were presently being consulted with?

o   Yes they were an integral part of the consultation process; and,

·         Further to 5.22 of the report, “Investment in the service being a vital ingredient for future success of services however recent funding bids had not been successful as a result of strong competition from neighbouring authorities together with an inability to meet certain criteria”, what was the basis of this Council’s failed funding bids for Bradford’s museums services?

o   Some Council’s museums services had restructured and Bradford had been slow in this process hence the failed bids. However following this process, Bradford’s museums services should still move towards the right direction through national standards.


At this stage, the Chair called upon attendees outside of Committee membership to make representations to the Committee.

  • Baildon Ward Councillor - She stated that following her continuous engagement with residents, it had become apparent that many libraries in the district were not accessible. Many schools contained library sections but not accessible for Reception age pupils and that this resulted in serious detriment towards younger children. Libraries presently were more closed than open and therefore vital services were not being delivered to residents within communities. Parish Councils echo her sentiments.
  • Unite Union representative – Explained that following Council’s proposed savings of £950k for 2019-20 and despite numerous meetings, nothing had come to fruition. The budget highlighted in the report was incorrect as previous reports / documents gave differing figures. Due to 65% of cuts to the Council, this was a significant threat to Council services and the Libraries and Museums Service played an important role within and for communities. Libraries was a statutory function of the government and it was an obligation of the Council to provide a suitable and reliable mandatory service to meet the aspirations of communities. Council officers had explained that due to the current community needs assessment, options could not be presented to the Committee until September however surely the service had officers of years of experience who should have undertaken the consultation weeks before meeting of this Committee today.
  • Learning Officer for Museums – She stated that staff were concerned to be made aware of further reduction of resources and thus the possible closure of the Industrial Museum and Bolling Hall. She further mentioned that she recognised the fact of need for change due to insufficient funding but it was equally paramount for officers to consult with staff on proposed restructure as opposed to decisions being made by officers who had never worked in the Museums Service.


During the closure of discussion, the Strategic Director, Place touched on the sensitive nature of the process for everyone and that Council’s officers had worked tirelessly whilst under pressure. However all comments raised at this Committee had been noted and would be deliberated on before the finalising of proposal for restructure.


Resolved –


That officers meet with Members of the Regeneration and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in early September 2019 to discuss the Libraries, Museums and Galleries Service Needs Assessment and proposals that come from that assessment.


ACTION: Strategic Director, Place



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