Local democracy

Agenda item


The Strategic Director, (Place), will present a report (Document “H”) which seeks approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Keighley area for 2019/20. 


Recommended –


1.    That the programme of Casualty Reduction schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 2 to Document “H” be approved.


2.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Management schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 3 to Document “H” be approved.


3.    That the progression of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2018/19 listed in Appendix 4 to Document “H” be noted.


4.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 5 to Document “H” be approved.


5.    That any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which are necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


6.    That any valid objections to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders, traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Traffic Regulation Orders be sealed and implemented and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.


(Simon D’Vali – 01274 321000)


The Strategic Director, (Place), presented a report (Document “H”) which sought approval for a programme of Safer Roads schemes in the Keighley area for 2019/20. 


Appended to the report were Keighley Casualty Reduction Schemes – previous years Capital programme schemes; Keighley Casualty Reduction Schemes recommended 2019/20; Keighley Traffic Management Schemes recommended for 2019/20; a list of on-going Traffic Regulation Orders in Keighley and an outstanding list of Traffic Regulation orders in Keighley including those recommended for inclusion in 2019/20 area wide Traffic Regulation Order.


Following presentation of the report Members raised a number of issues to which the following responses were provided:-


·         A Zebra crossing was often utilised in low traffic areas and a Puffin crossing often where there was a higher volume of traffic.

·         A Puffin crossing was a more modern version of the older Pelican crossing.  The main difference was the lights controlling the pedestrians were on the same side of the road as the pedestrian user, rather than on the opposite side as in the older pelican crossing. The reason was that when pedestrians were using a Puffin crossing they were more aware of approaching traffic as they can’t see a ‘green man’ light when actually crossing the road.

·         A Toucan crossing was designed to assist cyclists as well as pedestrians and a Pegasus crossing was designed to assist horse riders as well as pedestrians.

·         Delays had been incurred with the installation of traffic measures at Ashlands Primary School due to the necessity to order signs and connect an electricity supply.

·         The use of the term “traffic measures” was to allow officers the opportunity to determine the most appropriate actions. 

·         The temporary Speed Indication Device (SID) signs in Bolling Road, Ilkley were funded by the Parish Council.  In response a Member reported the success of the SID’s in Bolling Road, Ilkley, and requested they become a permanent fixture.

·         When plans were developed for TROs local Ward Councillors would be informed via email to ascertain their support prior to advert.  

·         TRO’s for waiting restrictions could be installed on an unadopted highway if the road had tarmac surface so yellow lines could be applied to it to indicate the length of the restriction.


A Member questioned the exact location of the traffic measures and improvements to an existing zebra crossing on Keighley Road/Oakworth and it was agreed to provide that information.  During discussions about the ward in which the crossing was located it was agreed that the speed and details of accidents would be considered and the Ward Members for those locations would be contacted before any action was taken.


Concern was expressed about parking problems near to a school on Dockroyd Lane and it was feared that the situation would escalate.


The intention to advertise a ‘global’ Traffic Regulation Order for 15 to 16 non contentious locations was reported and the cost savings of advertising those schemes collectively were discussed.   Members were advised of an additional request to install No Waiting At Any Time (NWAAT) restrictions on Chapel Road, Steeton and it was agreed to add that scheme to the appropriate list.


The status of ‘No Entry’ restrictions on North Street in Keighley Central Ward was queried and it was agreed that the issue would be investigated.


In response to questions from Members it was explained that funding for TROs in Ben Rhydding, which it was envisaged may be required following parking restrictions in Ilkley, would be funded separately and did not appear on the lists under discussion. 


Concern was expressed about speeding vehicles on Fell Lane following the implementation of 20mph zones in Oakworth.  The sporadic implementation of 20mph zones in the area was also discussed and, whilst welcoming the restrictions, Members suggested the need for a strategic approach to the implementation of speed restrictions.  In response it was acknowledged that this was being considered and further information would be provided.


The progress of a Councillor request to consider prohibiting access to Hartington Street at the junction with Strawberry Street was queried and it was agreed to investigate residents’ concerns and report back to that Member.  The status of measures at Albert Street would also be investigated and reported back.


In response to queries it was confirmed that the schemes highlighted on Appendix 5 were the schemes being recommended for approval and to be implemented during the current municipal year. 


Resolved –


1.    That the programme of Casualty Reduction schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 2 to Document “H” be approved.


2.    That the proposed programme of Traffic Management schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 3 to Document “H” be approved.


3.    That the progression of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2018/19 listed in Appendix 4 to Document “H” be noted.


4.    That, with the addition of a scheme at Chapel Road, Steeton, the proposed programme of Traffic Regulation Order schemes for 2019/20 listed in Appendix 5 to Document “H” be approved.


5.    That any Traffic Regulation Orders, or any legal procedures linked to the processing of traffic calming measures or pedestrian crossing facilities which are necessary to implement the chosen schemes be approved for processing and advertising subject to the scheme details being agreed with the local Ward Members.


6.    That any valid objections to the advertised Traffic Regulation Orders, traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be submitted to this Area Committee for consideration or in the event of there being no valid objections the Traffic Regulation Orders be sealed and implemented and the traffic calming or pedestrian facilities be implemented as advertised.



ACTION: Strategic Director, Place


Supporting documents: