Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director, Waste, Fleet and Transport Services will present a report (Document “A”) that seeks approval to increase the current scale of gambling premises licence fees charged bythe licensing service by 2% in line with inflation, for the financial year 2019/20.


Recommended -


That the current scale of fees be increased by 2% in line with inflation for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix 1 to Document “A”.


(Tracy McLuckie – 01274 432240)


The report of the Assistant Director, Waste, Fleet and Transport Services (Document “A”) sought the approval of Members to increase the current level of fees by 2% in line with inflation, for gambling premises licences processed and issued by the Council under the Gambling Act 2005, for the financial year 2019/20.


 The proposed scale of fees was attached at Appendix 1 to Document “A” and the existing scale of fees was attached at Appendix 2.

The report revealed that under the Gambling Act 2005 the Council had responsibility for dealing with applications for gambling premises licences, gambling permits, lottery registrations and other miscellaneous permissions.

            It was explained that the Secretary of State had prescribed a series of bands for gambling premises licence fees, with a maximum fee payable for each band. Licensing Authorities must determine their own fees within those bands. Fees for permits and small lotteries were set by the Secretary of State. The maximum bands prescribed by the Secretary of State for Premises Licences were included in Appendix 1 to the report.  Members were advised that although the costs were increasing the authority’s fees were below the maximum fee in each band.

Members were advised that fees must be set upon the basis of full cost recovery, including the cost of administrating the licence system, processing applications, and seeking compliance. Fees should be reviewed annually.

A costing exercise had been undertaken for premises licence applications which had taken into account the full cost of administering and processing applications from receipt to issue of a licence and on-going enforcement costs.  Calculation of costs consisted of a full proportional share of overheads including accommodation, telephone, ICT, printing, stationery and postage. Staff costs included salary, pension, travel and proportional senior management costs. Legal and central support costs had also been included.


In response to questions it was confirmed that comparisons were made to the costs of neighbouring authorities. The powers relating to fee setting were set out in regulations and clarity on the fee setting process could also be found in Local Government Association guidance.  It was explained that it was important to be able to demonstrate how charges were calculated. 


It was reported that the increase in fees must be presented for Member approval or it would be unlawful.  In responses to questions it was believed that 2% would be sufficient to cover the costs incurred.


It was explained that problem gambling had been the subject of a report to Corporate Overview and Scrutiny and recommendations from the Committee would be forthcoming.  There had already been a particular increase in the enforcement work required around gambling and it was felt that the proposed increased cost was justified. 


The number of gambling premises in the district was questioned and it was confirmed that there were three casinos; four bingo halls; 60 betting premises; one track betting premise and 14 adult gaming centres.  Members were advised that the majority of gambling premises in the district had been the subject of inspection by enforcement officers.


It was queried if the reduction of maximum stakes in betting terminals from £100 maximum to £2 maximum had resulted in the closure of premises and it was explained that this had not seemed to be the case.


Resolved -

That the current scale of fees be increased by 2% in line with inflation for 2019/20, as set out in Appendix 1 to Document “A”.


Action: Assistant Director, Waste, Fleet and Transport Services


Supporting documents: