Local democracy

Agenda item

MEMBER QUESTION TIME (Standing Order 12)

To deal with supplementary questions arising from the attached questions of which written notice has been given. 




(i)         Answers to written questions shall be circulated at the commencement of the meeting.


(ii)        The Lord Mayor will have regard to the list of questions and the political composition of the Council in calling on Members to put their supplementary question to the Leader of Council and Portfolio Holders.


(iii)       A period of up to 30 minutes shall be available for supplementary questions to Members of the Executive. 




1.         Councillor Shafiq

Could the Leader advise what lessons have been learned by the local authority from the report published this week on the imposition of an IEB at Laisterdyke?



2.         Councillor Ellis

Can the Deputy Leader of Council inform colleagues of whether she agrees with Councillor Darryl Smith, Leader of the Conservative Group on Rossendale Borough Council, who says of licensing people to drive passengers, that Rossendale cannot “carry on the way we have been, if it is causing problems for us and neighbouring authorities” and would she further agree with Councillor Smith, that “it must be very frustrating when you are focussing on safeguarding and then look at neighbouring boroughs issuing licenses like confetti?”



3.         Councillor Jeanette Sunderland

To ask the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture - Does the Portfolio Holder believe that the standard of education in Bradford should be judged by the progress of the most vulnerable?



4.         Councillor Ahmed

Could the Portfolio holder update us on the percentage of Bradford Schools now judged to be Good or Outstanding by Ofsted?



5.         Councillor Warnes

Does the Leader of Council welcome the recent decision by Norwich City Council to build 105 new Passivhaus homes and agree that this is a low carbon policy that Bradford Council should adopt immediately in line with our corporate commitment to decarbonise our district?


6.         Councillor Hawkesworth

Will the Leader please confirm that should any community or group within the District wish to mark the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II by holding a street party to mark Her Majesty’s outstanding record of dedication and service all legal and administrative work necessary to secure an appropriate street closure will be carried out by Council staff without charge to the organisers of the party?


7.         Councillor Farley

Bradford has a long standing tradition of acting as a safe haven for refugees fleeing from other countries, can the leader tell us what the current position is regarding the possibility of further Syrian refuges being welcomed to the District?

8.         Councillor Dunbar

Have the recent cuts in ESOL funding in places like Bradford College been raised with the Government particularly in light of recent plans to accept more Syrian refugees?



9.         Councillor Pennington

Can the Leader of the Council confirm whether the old Keighley College building in North Street will be demolished?



10.       Councillor Hassan Khan

Can the leader update Council on progress with sub-national devolution?



11.       Councillor Shafiq

Can the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture  outline how the performance of students will be monitored at Laisterdike school?



12.       Councillor Davies

At the last Full Council meeting, I asked about how the effectiveness of employing a Recruitment and Retention Strategy manager for Teaching would be measured and I was informed that you were “working on the criteria” – is it possible for the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture provide an update on any progress to date?



13.       Councillor Dunbar

With one in 8 households living in fuel poverty in the Bradford District what is the anticipated impact on people in those households of the uncertain future of the Energy Company Obligation and the government’s decision to end the Green Deal Scheme on fuel poor households in Bradford? What are the wider implications for the District of the Government’s decision to cut subsidies for green energy?



14.       Councillor Stelling

To ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Transport - Winter is coming, can the Portfolio Holder detail what support local residents who signed up to the snow warden scheme can expect?



15.       Councillor Swallow

Can the leader tell us how many working families in the District will lose money as a result of the Government’s cuts to Working Tax Credits?



16.       Councillor Cooke

Can the Leader of the Council advise when and by whom the decision was made to grant a license for test drilling on Harden Moor?



17.       Councillor Jabar

What is Bradford Council are doing to tackle the problem of Dog Fouling? How many tickets/prosecutions has the Council issued in the last two years and how many in the Great Horton Ward?



18.       Councillor Ahmed

What criteria are used for accepting local community asset nominations and what criteria are used for rejecting local community asset nominations in Bradford?



19.       Councillor Greenwood

What numbers of psychiatric patients were sent to hospitals out of Bradford last year and how many since the Mental Health crisis care concordat was launched?



20.       Councillor Sykes

As a result of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Planning’s apparent change of stance regarding the need to concrete over the Green Belt, can we expect the Council to revise downwards the number of houses planned to be constructed in the Green Belt, as contained in the Council’s Local Development Plan?



21.       Councillor Swallow

Could the Portfolio Holder comment on the take up of household recycling bins across the District - what percentage of households broken down by ward and constituency have taken a recycling bin?



22.       Councillor Ferriby

Can the Portfolio Holder update the Council on Bradford’s nomination for Social Worker of the year?



23.       Councillor Leeming

To ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Transport - On the 10th September the Telegraph published comments from the Chair of the Bradford Area Planning Panel regarding retrospective planning applications. Do Cllr Lee’s comments signal the Executive’s commitment to alter the current planning process?



24.       Councillor Davies

Can the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture explain why there is no mention of childminders in the new Education Covenant, as it isn’t merely nurseries who provide valuable early years provision?



25.       Councillor Dunbar

Will the leader support the work of 'Just a Ball Game?' and their aim to promote the core values of 'safety, inclusion and respect' around LGBT people, sexual orientation and gender identity in sport and what could the local authority do to further support such work in schools and youth services?N.B. check justaballgame.co.uk for more i?



26.       Councillor Swallow

Could the Portfolio Holder comment on the standards of housing in the Bradford District and on the numbers of empty properties there are? Could she also comment on the work this Council has done to improve standards of housing and bring empty properties back into use?



27.       Councillor Cooke

Can the Deputy Leader of the Council confirm whether she has met with her counterpart in Leeds to discuss the impact of land allocations in the sensitive Green Belt between Leeds and Bradford and if so how did it go?



28.       Councillor Wainwright

What can Council Wardens and PCSO’s do to discourage unsafe and anti-social parking for example across driveways, on pavements forcing pedestrians non to the road and on grass verges and playing fields?







29.       Councillor Dunbar

Can the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture please cite good examples of political education that is developing awareness of and participation in politics and democracy in our schools across the district and what more we could do to support schools who are less developed in this area?



30.       Councillor Sykes

Does the Council consider that the holding of a public consultation exercise regarding the Community Infrastructure Levy during August was conducive to maximising public participation?



31.       Councillor Swallow

Can the Council quantify the cost of cleaning up chewing gum and what can be done to deal with the issue?



32.       Councillor Reid

To ask the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Transport - How many people work in the Network Resilience Team which deals with road closures?



33.       Councillor Ahmed

Can the leader please tell us how many children that the Council is responsible for went missing from care last year and the year before?



34.       Councillor Warnes

Since the light timings at the pedestrian crossing on Saltaire Road (near the junction with Victoria Road) were altered to allow much swifter pedestrian access at the request of the ward councillors, how many other crossings have been similarly adjusted across our District?



35.       Councillor Davies

Can the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture confirm the benefit of Bradford being a literacy hub when Key Stage 2 reading standards have fallen this year?



36.       Councillor Whiteley

Could the Portfolio Holder for Health and Social Care please provide an update of the working of the BEST team, who assess the needs of patients prior to them leaving hospital in preparation for admission in to residential care homes? How many patients required their service on leaving Bradford hospitals and how many assessments were carried out in September by this team?



37.         Councillor Sykes

Can the Portfolio Holder for Education, Skills and Culture advise colleagues of how many schools hold booster sessions before and/or after school for pupils who are struggling in key subjects such as English and Maths?



38.         Councillor Fear

To ask the Leader of the Council - How much does the West Yorkshire Combined Authority have in its reserves?



39.         Councillor Townend

Would the Portfolio Holder for Environment, Sport and Sustainability agree, that instead of just trying to squeeze every last drop of recycling from Baildon and other wards where recycling rates are high, it would be worth increasing the focus on areas with poor recycling rates as this is where the more significant improvements can be achieved and would he confirm who by and why it was decided to roll out the new bins system in the order of the areas that it is to be?


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