Local democracy

Agenda item


A progress report on the SEND and SEHM reviews will be presented, Document KE. This report responds to the request made by Members at the last meeting for clarification on alternative provisions and on the SEMH continuum of provision. An update will also be provided verbally on SEND places sufficiency.


Recommended –


The Schools Forum is asked to consider and to note the information provided.

(Marium Haque – 01274 431078)





A progress report on the SEND and SEHM reviews was presented, Document KE, by the Intelligence and Sufficiency Manager and the Deputy Director, Education and Learning. This report responded to the requests made by Members at the last meeting for clarification on alternative provision review and on the SEMH continuum. An update was also provided on work taking place to address the sufficiency of SEND places.


Following from matters arising, Members agreed that the methodology that the DfE has used to distribute high needs capital funding should be challenged in the strongest terms possible. The Deputy Director responded that elected members would support the Forum’s concerns that the methodology has resulted in a disproportionate and insufficient capital allocation for Bradford. The Deputy Director advised that she will speak further with the Deputy Leader on this and that the Schools Forum could write directly to the Minister on this matter. The Chair agreed that the Forum should do this.


In responding to the update in Document KE, Members made the following main comments and asked the following main questions:


  • What is the status of the new SEMH Free School? The Intelligence and Sufficiency Manager responded that no decision has yet been received from the DfE in response to the options document we have submitted. It was reported additionally that we have just been notified that our bid for an ASD Free School has been unsuccessful due to a lack of identified site. A Member expressed his significant disappointment at this news, offering his view that the DfE appears simply not to be providing the level of support around places creation that we could reasonably expect.


  • Will the intended move to require schools to pay for alternative provision in the PRUs (top up and place funding changes) lead to a tendency towards permanent exclusion to avoid the cost? How will this change affect the process for managed moves? The Deputy Director responded that the Authority is currently working with the BACs on a transition and new whole system approach, including a clarification of financial responsibilities and processes that will prevent ‘off rolling’ practices (‘illegal’ permanent exclusion). This is a matter that is coming under increasing scrutiny nationally. The Authority is seeking to develop a more integrated system where schools continue to control their alternative provision decisions and have a clear understanding that PRU provision is short term provision.


  • The Primary Behaviour Centres currently support some pupils that are not on a roll of any school. This issue needs to be resolved as a priority. The Deputy Director responded that conversations are already being had to resolve this; the intention is that the pupils at the Behaviour Centres will come onto the roll of Primary PRU going forward. The Member who asked the question requested that the Behaviour Centres are given more information on this and the Deputy Director agreed to speak to them.


  • The volume of review of alternative provision currently taking place provides a good opportunity to look at the whole system including issues related to ‘off-rolling’ and ‘informal’ pupil selection. The Deputy Director responded that the Admissions Manager is currently reviewing our Fair Access Policy (FAP) and is working with other local authorities to capture strong practice, including that which supports the fair distribution of in year admissions. It is anticipated that there will be changes to our FAP as a result of this work.


  • What is the status of Ellar Carr? The Deputy Director responded that there are a number of incorrect rumours. The Authority will be meeting with the Management Committee to correct these rumours and to confirm the number of places we wish to commission.


  • The Member representing the PRUs stated that the new intended model for alternative provision is very positive. However, critical to the successful establishment of this model is the ‘unblocking’ of PRU provision through the creation of a sufficient number of SEND places. The blocking of the PRUs with long-term EHCP placements is an acute problem, which is affecting young people currently in the system and decisions now about placements. The Deputy Director responded to agree with the Member’s comments about the importance of the development of SEND provision. She reminded Members that ‘sufficient’ places creation is an iterative process, which will require regular review. The movement to the new alternative provision model will take time to achieve and will need transition. One of the complicated issues that needs to be unpicked is that Bradford has incorrectly ‘blended together’ its SEND / SEMH provision with its PRU provision.


  • It will be helpful for the Forum to be presented with a diagrammatical representation (a map) of what the Authority is aiming for in respect of the future shape of the District’s alternative provision.


  • It was identified that the Forum, through its sub-groups, has the option to discuss, in more detail, and with wider representation, the strategic developments set out in this report. This option will be considered as further information is presented to the Forum in future meetings.


Resolved –


(1)       That the information contained in Document KE be noted.


(2)       That the report to the next Schools Forum meeting on 22 May    incorporates the information requested by Members, as recorded    in the minutes, including diagrammatical presentation of the             current SEMH continuum of provision, and the current structure           of alternative provisions, and of what the Authority is working to             establish. 


(3)       That the Schools Forum, via an initial letter from the Chair to the            DfE, requests further explanation, and challenges the            appropriateness and fairness, of the methodology used by the      DfE to allocate high needs capital funding, where Bradford has             received only £1.1m of a £365m national pot.



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