Local democracy

Agenda item


The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways will submit Document “AP” that relates to an application for outline planning permission, including access, for the construction of 24 assisted living units (C2) at Oakville, 1 Keighley Road, Oakworth, Keighley, Bradford - 17/03126/MAO


Recommended -


(1)       That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report.


(2)       That the grant of planning permission be subject also to the completion of a legal planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or such other lawful mechanism for securing the heads of terms as may be agreed in consultation with the City Solicitor, in respect of securing the occupation of the units on an assisted living basis.


the legal planning obligation to contain such other ancillary provisions as the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (after consultation with the City Solicitor) considers appropriate.


                                                                        (John Eyles – 01274 434380)



The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways submitted Document “AP” that related to an application for outline planning permission, including access, for the construction of 24 assisted living units (C2) at Oakville, 1 Keighley Road, Oakworth, Keighley, Bradford - 17/03126/MAO.


The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways reported that the application proposed the construction of 24 assisted living units on a site that was accessed via a steep sloping driveway.  There were a number of detached buildings within the curtilage, however, the nearest property would be 10 Oakbank Mount.  The application was outline with all matters reserved except access.  Members were informed that 10 representations had been received, two in support, seven objections and a general comment.  Keighley Town Council had supported the application on the proviso that the Council’s Highways Department did not raise an objection and the access had now been amended to one which was suitable.  The development would provide 23 parking spaces and three visitor spaces, which was considered acceptable.  It was noted that visual amenity was a reserved matters issue, however, a proposal had been submitted that confirmed it would be possible to accommodate the development on the site.  Bat roosts had been found and surveys undertaken, therefore, a condition had been placed on the application in relation to mitigation measures.  The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways stated that a Section 106 Agreement would be required to ensure that the units were provided on an assisted living basis and he then recommended the application for approval, subject to the Section 106 Agreement, the conditions as set out in the report and an additional condition regarding the approved plans.


Members raised questions and were informed that:


·         It needed to be ensured that the use class was C2 (residential institution), which was defined as people in need of a minimum of two hours per week of care, however, other definitions could be looked at when drafting the Section 106 Agreement.

·         The access would be widened to allow two way traffic and the gradient would be amended.

·         The trees on the site would not necessarily need to be removed.

·         It would be a private drive and no standards were required.

·         The site was in a sustainable location and the requested contribution from West Yorkshire Combined Authority would not be necessary.  


Resolved -


(1)       That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report and subject to the following additional condition:


(i)            The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed below:


Location Plan- 1205-01-MAB

Site Plan- 01 1474-100(OP) REV C


(2)       That the grant of planning permission be subject also to the completion of a legal planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or such other lawful mechanism for securing the heads of terms as may be agreed in consultation with the City Solicitor, in respect of securing the occupation of the units on an assisted living basis.


the legal planning obligation to contain such other ancillary provisions as the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (after consultation with the City Solicitor) considers appropriate.


ACTION:   Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways



Supporting documents: