Local democracy

Agenda item


A report will be submitted by the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (Document “AO”) in respect of a full planning application for the construction of 17 dwellings and an access road on land to the north of 79-111 Sapgate Lane, Thornton, Bradford - 18/03975/MAF


Recommended -


(1)       That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report.


(2)       That the grant of planning permission be subject also to the completion of a legal planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or such other lawful mechanism for securing the heads of terms as may be agreed in consultation with the City Solicitor, in respect of securing the provision of the affordable housing.


the legal planning obligation to contain such other ancillary provisions as the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (after consultation with the City Solicitor) considers appropriate.


                                                                        (John Eyles – 01274 434380)


A report was submitted by the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (Document “AO”) in respect of a full planning application for the construction of 17 dwellings and an access road on land to the north of 79-111 Sapgate Lane, Thornton, Bradford - 18/03975/MAF. 


The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways confirmed that the application proposed the construction of 17 dwellings and an access road onto a steep sloping vacant scrubland site, which was enclosed by dry stone walls and gardens.  Members were informed that 111 Sapgate Lane had now been demolished and the scheme would provide 14 semi-detached and three detached properties.  The land was a former phase two housing site and planning permission had previously been granted in 2012 for 17 houses.  The District could not demonstrate a five year housing supply, the site was in a sustainable location and the principle of development was acceptable.  The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways explained that the site had constraints due to its topography and, therefore, the slightly low density would be acceptable.  He reported that the properties would be constructed from natural stone and have a tile roof, which would be in keeping with the surrounding houses and others in the area.  The boundary distances were acceptable and the development would not have an adverse impact on residential amenity.  The scheme’s proposed highway layout had been amended as requested by the Council’s Highways Department and the parking provision was within the standards required by the Council.  The Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways stated that the proposed development was not considered to have a negative impact on congestion in the area, as there would only be 17 dwellings.  He then recommended the application for approval, subject to a Section 106 Agreement for the provision of affordable housing and an additional condition in respect of the approved plans.


In response to Members’ questions, the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways confirmed that:


·         The on site assessment had taken into account the existing properties and the scheme was acceptable.

·         The Council’s Environmental Health Unit had been consulted and recommended conditions had been placed on the application to deal with any contamination.

·         Advice had been sought in relation to the drainage system and officers were satisfied that a suitable scheme could be provided.  A condition requiring approval of the scheme by the Council’s drainage experts had been placed on the application.

·         The applicant’s agent had confirmed that garden space would be provided which was suitable and acceptable.


During the discussion a Member stated that insufficient drainage information had been provided, however, as it was a small development it shouldn’t be an issue.    


Resolved -


(1)       That the application be approved for the reasons and subject to the conditions set out in the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways’ technical report and subject to the following additional condition:


(i)            The development hereby approved shall only be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed below:


Location Plan-17:11:7033:04

Site Plan- 17:11:7033:05 REV F

Sections 1 of 2- 17:11:7033:07 A

House Type A and B- 17:11:7033:08 A

House Type C- 17:11:7033:09 A

Sections 2 of 2- 17:11:7033:10 A


(2)       That the grant of planning permission be subject also to the completion of a legal planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or such other lawful mechanism for securing the heads of terms as may be agreed in consultation with the City Solicitor, in respect of securing the provision of the affordable housing.


the legal planning obligation to contain such other ancillary provisions as the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways (after consultation with the City Solicitor) considers appropriate.


ACTION:   Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation and Highways



Supporting documents: