Local democracy

Agenda item


The report of the Chief Executive/Interim Strategic Director of Children’s Services (Document “AO”)provides updated information about the Council’s response to the OFSTED ILACS judgement published on 29 October 2018.


Recommended -


(1)          That the actions taken in response to OFSTED inspection findings be noted.


(2)          That the draft Statement of Action to be tabled at the meeting be considered.


(Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee)

(David Walmsley – 01274 431241)



The report of the Chief Executive/Interim Strategic Director of Children’s Services (Document “AO”)provided updated information about the Council’s response to the OFSTED ILACS judgement published on 29 October 2018.


The Interim Strategic Director tabled the draft Statement of Action at the meeting for consideration.  She reminded members that the Improvement Plan had to be submitted to OFSTED by the beginning of February 2019.  She explained that the draft Improvement Plan had been divided into 6 key themes that referenced the 10 OFSTED recommendations and 28 other wider Areas for Improvement.  It described the actions to be taken against areas for improvement, measures of success, who would be taking them forward and a Red Amber Green rating for progress.  She added that 6 Task Groups had been established to look at each of the key themes.  The Task Group Leads would report to the Partnership Steering Group on a monthly basis on progress and any barriers to progress.  It was anticipated that the appointment of the Independent Advisor, who would take over chairing the Improvement Board from the Chief Executive, would be known shortly.  She stressed that now that the key actions were contained in a single plan work could progress on putting them into action. 


She summarised the progress made to date and advised members that additional resources had been agreed;

·         a robust communication plan had been agreed;

·         Doncaster had undertaken a peer review of the Front Door and Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) arrangements;

·         a recruitment and retention strategy for social workers was being developed;

·         revised manager and social work standards were being looked at;

·         new key interim and permanent appointments had been made;

·         audits on children in need were being examined;

·         a 6 month programme had been agreed with the Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee;

·         an external provider had been commissioned regarding the voice of the child;

·         all existing forums and groups were being asked for their views on the draft Improvement Plan and their experiences of services in Bradford;

·         integrated children’s systems of recording were being reviewed;

·         work was being undertaken on user friendly, reliable and accurate data gathering;

·         a multi agency group was considering the Front Door and MASH arrangements;

·         work was being undertaken on a sufficiency strategy for looked after children;

·         a tracker of key milestones in the next 12 weeks had been created. 


She explained that the first monitoring visit would take place on 7-8 March 2019 that would focus on the front door and MASH.  She stressed that the council was working closely with Regional colleagues, the Local Government Association and high performing authorities nationally to model good practices.


The Chief Executive was pleased to note that all departments would have to show how the voice of the child was embedded in their work.  She added that work was also being undertaken with partner organisations such as police and health colleagues.


The Children and Families Portfolio Holder thanked the Interim Strategic Director and staff in Children’s Service’s and the Officer of the Chief Executive in producing the report.  He asked the Interim Strategic Director whether she was confident that the staffing and  infrastructure of the department was at a level required to deliver the Improvement Plan.  She replied that resource implications were indicated in the plan either by way of additional infrastructure or support from corporate colleagues.  She added that they were not all in place but that there was a plan identifying additional resources and support from the rest of the Council.


The Children and Families Portfolio Holder asked whether the actions in the draft Improvement Plan were deliverable in the time frame.  The Interim Strategic Director responded that the time frame was tight but that it had to be delivered as OFSTED would judge the authority on achieving it.  She added that if there were issues about meeting the deadline they would have to be reported to the Improvement Board and to the Executive.


The Children and Families Portfolio Holder asked about tracking progress.   The Interim Strategic Director responded that clear accountability and progress mapping was a work in progress.  She added that consideration was being given to adding in tests of how the outcomes for children are improved.


The Leader emphasised  that the Interim Strategic Director had the support of the whole of the Council and that nothing was more important than the voice of the child.  


Resolved -


That the actions taken in response to OFSTED inspection findings and the draft Statement of Action tabled at the meeting be noted.


Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee

ACTION:        Chief Executive/Interim Strategic Director of Children’s Services


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