Local democracy

Agenda item


The Business Advisor (Schools) will present a report, Document JU, which asks Members to consider the outcomes of the consultation of Schools Block formula funding and centrally managed funds. Please note that an appendix to Document JU will be tabled at the meeting, which will set out the feedback received. This report includes further information on the proposal for the establishment of a Falling Rolls Fund, as well as further discussion on place-planning matters, which have been raised by Members in the last two meetings.


Recommended –


(1)       The Forum is asked to consider the outcomes of the consultation        and whether any of the proposals on the primary and secondary            funding formulae for 2019/20 should be changed in the light of      responses.


(2)       The Forum is asked to consider the additional information          presented on the matters raised by Members in September and October regarding place-planning and the proposal for the             establishment of a Falling Rolls Fund.


(3)       Members are asked to note that they will be asked to make final             recommendations on the Schools Block formulae, and the criteria             for the allocation of Schools Block funds, on 9 January 2019. As    such, Members are asked to consider whether sufficient information has now been provided to enable these   recommendations to be made.


            (Andrew Redding – 01274 432678)




The Business Advisor (Schools) presented a report, Document JU, which asked Members to consider the outcomes of the consultation on Schools Block formula funding and Schools Block centrally managed funds. The Business Advisor summarised the proposals and referenced the responses analysis, which was presented to the meeting. He also summarised the feedback from the sub-group, which met on the 27 November to discuss place-planning, falling rolls and under-subscription.


The Business Advisor stated that, although there was a low response rate to the formal formula consultation, from presentations at a number of forums, there appears to be general approval of the proposals, including an acceptance of the necessity for a transfer of monies from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block in 2019/20.


The bulk of the Forum’s discussion responded to the feedback from the sub-group on falling rolls.


·         An Academies Member asked the Business Advisor to clarify that the potential cost of a new Falling Rolls Fund for the primary phase in 2019/20, if this is established, will be met within the existing funds structure i.e. will not require further top-slice of delegated budgets. The Business Advisor confirmed that this is the case – that the cost of a new Falling Rolls Fund of £0.25m is planned to be funded from the release of funds from the reduction in the value of the Growth Fund. He also confirmed that the Authority is minded to propose that, where the Forum agrees to support eligible maintained primary schools, that this would be done using existing de-delegated funds and / or brought forward balances within these funds and / or will be asked to make provision retrospectively through de-delegation in 2020/21 rather than via new provision now.


·         The Chair stated that a clear theme from the sub-group meeting was for the Authority to take appropriate action, outside of the DSG, to adjust PANs and to control the expansion of schools. A Maintained Primary School Headteacher Member added that the whole-school impact of adjustments to PANs as a solution needs to be carefully considered and managed.


·         A Maintained Primary School Governor Member stated that the use of spare school building space for SEND provision is also now part of a potential solution and that place-planning and SEND planning are more closely working together on this.


·         The Deputy Director, Education and Learning stated that the Authority must act to resolve the current system issues as quickly as possible. This includes taking an approach to expansion that is more measurable and sustainable. We must also learn from past mistakes so that we manage more effectively the profile of demographic change as this moves from the primary into the secondary phase.


·         An Academies Member added that the needs of local communities must continue to be included in the Authority’s planning.


Resolved –


(1)       That the analysis of the consultation responses be noted.


(2)       That sufficient information has been provided to enable the        Schools Forum to make its final recommendations on 9 January   2019 on the Schools Block formulae and the criteria for the             allocation of Schools Block funds for 2019/20.



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