Local democracy

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Shipley Town Hall. View directions

Contact: Su Booth/Kanwal Amrez 

No. Item



(Members Code of Conduct – Part 4A of the Constitution)


To receive disclosures of interests from members and co-opted members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.


An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.




(1)       Members must consider their interests, and act according to the following:


Type of Interest

You must:



Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Disclose the interest; not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.



Other Registrable Interests (Directly Related)


Non-Registrable Interests (Directly Related)

Disclose the interest; speak on the item only if the public are also allowed to speak but otherwise not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.




Other Registrable Interests (Affects)


Non-Registrable Interests (Affects)

Disclose the interest; remain in the meeting, participate and vote unless the matter affects the financial interest or well-being



(a)  to a greater extent than it affects the financial interests of a majority of inhabitants of the affected ward


(b) a reasonable member of the public knowing all the facts would believe that it would affect your view of the wider public interest; in which case speak on the item only if the public are also allowed to speak but otherwise not do not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.


(2)       Disclosable pecuniary interests relate to the Member concerned or their spouse/partner.


(3)       Members in arrears of Council Tax by more than two months must not vote in decisions on, or which might affect, budget calculations, and must disclose at the meeting that this restriction applies to them.  A failure to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence under section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. 


(4)       Officers must disclose interests in accordance with Council Standing Order 44.


There were no disclosures of interest made for any matters under consideration.


ALTERNATE MEMBERS (Standing Order 34)

The Director of Legal and Governance will report the names of alternate Members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members.


Cllr J Wheatley



Recommended –


That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2023 be signed as a correct record (previously circulated).


(Su Booth / Kav Amrez – 07814 073884 / 07929 070288)


Resolved –


That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November 2023 be held as a correct record.



(Access to Information Procedure Rules – Part 3B of the Constitution)


Reports and background papers for agenda items may be inspected by contacting the person shown after each agenda item.  Certain reports and background papers may be restricted. 


Any request to remove the restriction on a report or background paper should be made to the relevant Strategic Director or Assistant Director whose name is shown on the front page of the report. 


If that request is refused, there is a right of appeal to this meeting. 


Please contact the officer shown below in advance of the meeting if you wish to appeal. 


(Su Booth/Kanwal Amrez – 07814 073884 / 07929070288)


No requests to view documents were received.



(Access to Information Procedure Rules – Part 3B of the Constitution)


To hear questions from electors within the District on any matter this is the responsibility of the Committee. 


Questions must be received in writing by the Director of Legal and Governance in Room 112, City Hall, Bradford, BD1 1HY, by mid-day on Monday 15 January 2024.


(Su Booth / Kanwal Amrez – 07814 073884 / 07929 070288)



No questions were submitted.



Up to a maximum of 15 minutes will be allowed for SCAPAG members to raise new items of information, questions, requests or suggestions that may have arisen within their organisation/neighbourhood and which are relevant to raise at the meeting.


Issues raised in accordance with the above must be received in writing by the Shipley Area Co-ordinator’s Office in Shipley Town Hall, Shipley, BD18 3EJ, by mid-day on Monday 15 January 2024.


(Damian Fisher – 01274 437146)


No issues were reported.



The Strategic Director, Place, will present a report (Document “Q”) which is provided at the request of the Chair of the Shipley Area Committee. It aims to raise awareness and understanding amongst members of the Area Committee about work they undertake in the Shipley Locality.


Recommended –


(1)  That Members note the information provided relating to community partnerships within Bradford District & Craven Health & Care Partnership and particularly those operating in the Shipley locality as detailed in report (Document “Q”).


(2)  That Members contact their Ward Officer or Assistant Ward Officer for further information or updates regarding individual community partnerships, with any other general enquiries directed to sarah.dick@bradford.nhs.uk


                                                                                                            (Sarah Dick)


Additional documents:


The Strategic Director, Place, presented a report (Document “Q”) which was provided at the request of the Chair of the Shipley Area Committee. It aimed to raise awareness and understanding amongst members of the Area Committee about work they undertake in the Shipley Locality.


The presenting officer addressed the Committee and provided an overview of the report.


It was reported that Community partnerships focused on supporting and improving the health and wellbeing of local communities, which were established by the then NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups in Bradford District & Craven in 2018. Community partnerships were not legal entities, rather they were partnership networks.  Each partnership, therefore, had a specific ‘community partnerships fundholder’ (either a GP practice or a voluntary and community sector organisation) which held monies and contracts on behalf of the partnership.


It was further reported that community partnerships were based on GP

Practice lists and as such did not fit neatly in to ward or locality boundaries.

Nevertheless, work effort had been put into identifying the key wards in which

individual community partnerships operated in order to:


·       More readily define and explain the place / geographic footprint of community partnerships in the Bradford area as a means of improving communications and engagement with stakeholders.

·       Ensure that no geographic areas were missed out due to a lack of clarity as to community partnership areas of responsibility.

·       Assist community partnerships in identifying and prioritising the geographic areas where they particularly needed to collaborate and with which other community partnership(s).

The presenting officer explained that Community partnerships were entirely NHS funded via NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board and predecessor Clinical Commissioning Groups.

Information regarding the Core20+5 frameworks for adults and children and

young people were provided in Appendices D & E of the report.


Following the Officer’s presentation, members were then given the opportunity to comment and ask questions. The details of these and the responses given are as below.


·       A member requested for details of the Chair of the Bingley Medical Practice Patient Participation Group. In response to this request, the presenting officer advised this information was available in Appendix C of the report.

·       A member sought further information regarding Bingley Bubble and WISHH in Bingley. In response, the presenting officer reported that some of the key projects by Bingley Bubble and WISHH in Bingley/Baildon were Mobile Adventure Play, Emotional Wellbeing in Primary Schools (working with Hoyle Court Primary School), Community Transport, Bingley Mini Wellbeing Hub, Social Prescribing Plus, Community Centre Health Partnership, Living Well Champion and Children and Young People Service. The aim was to cover as much of the area as possible and focus on deprived spots.

·       A member commented on how mental health effects people of all ages, race, gender, and background and requested more information on the Framework for young people. In response to this it was reported that the Core20+5 framework and community partnerships focused on reducing healthcare inequalities and those characteristics (termed as ‘inclusion groups’ as stated in the Core 20+5 framework) faced  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.



The Strategic Director, Place, will present a report (Document “R”) which provides a brief overview of the work of Bradford Libraries Service. The report summarises overall developments in the Service, as well as more detailed information about libraries in the Shipley area.  


Recommended –


That Members note and comment on the report. 





The Strategic Director, Place, presented a report (Document “R”) which provided a brief overview of the work of Bradford Libraries Service. The report summarised overall developments in the Service, as well as more detailed information about libraries in the Shipley area.


The presenting officer provided an overview of the report and reported that the Council had a statutory duty under the Public Libraries Act of 1964 to provide a ‘comprehensive and efficient’ library service for anyone that wished to use it, who lived, worked, or studied in the district. There were 5 libraries in the Shipley Area which were in Shipley, Bingley, Baildon, Denholme and Wilsden.  These were managed and overseen by an Area Manager reporting to the District Libraries Manager. This alignment between managerial posts and the 5 constituency areas was the result of a management staff remodelling which took effect from April 2023.


A brief synopsis was provided of each library in the Shipley Area. It was reported that the Shipley library it was the third busiest Council library in the district and was the hub library for the Shipley Area. The Bingley library was a well-used library but unfortunately suffered from regular bouts of anti-social behaviour and as a result the Service has had to employ security guards during the year to support and protect staff and customers which was at an additional cost to the service.

The Baildon library was moved out of Ian Clough Hall as it was no longer fit for purpose and into a temporary premise. There was insufficient space in the temporary library for activities and events, therefore currently the local community venues were being used for regular rhyme times and story times in different parts of Baildon to promote the library.

The libraries in Denholme and Wilsden were smaller community managed libraries and were in regular use.


The presenting officer reported that 2022/23 saw very high levels of participation in activities and events in libraries which was significantly above pre-pandemic levels.


It was further reported that a new self-service kiosk was installed at the Shipley library in December 2023 for testing purposes, ahead of the roll out of the new kiosks across all 10 Council libraries in January 2024. Bradford libraries celebrated 150th anniversary in 2022 and in honour of this, a new illustrated book telling the story of Bradford Libraries has been published by Bradford libraries, which was launched in December 2023.


Following the Officer’s presentation, members were then given the opportunity to comment and ask questions. The details of these and the responses given are as below.


·       A member commented that there had been no reports from the Police or other community services regarding anti-social behaviour incidents at the Bingley library.

·       Members wanted to know if there was a timescale of how long the security services were needed for. In response to this, the presenting officer reported that there was no timescale for the use of security services, however, the management was looking into reducing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.




The report of the Strategic, Director, Place (Document “S”) will be submitted to the Committee. This report gives an update on the progress achieved towards addressing the locality-wide priorities set out in the Shipley Locality Plan during 2023.


Recommended –


That Members of the Shipley Area Committee comment on the Shipley

Locality Plan Progress Update 2023, as set out in Appendix 1 of the

report (Document “S”).



                                                (Damian Fisher/Mick Charlton – 01274 437146)


Additional documents:


The report of the Strategic Director, Place (Document “S”) was submitted to the Committee. The report provided an update on the progress achieved towards addressing the locality-wide priorities set out in the Shipley Locality Plan during 2023.


The Shipley Area Coordinator presented the report and gave a brief overview.


It was reported that the Bingley Menopause Group had an online presence of 600+ women who regularly post a vast array of symptoms and medical concerns. A Ward Officer had approached the lead contact to find out if they would be interested in face-to-face meetings, the group and Ward Officer now meet monthly and were working with a range of health professionals to address key issues and identify best practice in supporting families across the locality.


Following the Area Coordinator’s brief overview of the report, members were given the opportunity to comment and ask questions. The details of these and the responses given are as below.


·       Parks Services and Parish Councils were thanked for their hard work in the local areas.

·       Members asked if the report presented was a draft version. It was reported that this was the final version of the report.

·       Members requested to see evidence to support the report. The presenting officer was to send the details to members via email.


Resolved –


(1)  That Members of the Shipley Area Committee note the Shipley Locality Plan Progress Update 2023, as detailed in report (Document “S”).


(2)  That this Committee requests that a report be presented every 6 months.


To be actioned by: Shipley Area Coordinator