Local democracy

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - City Hall, Bradford. View directions

Contact: Yusuf Patel / Fatima Butt 

No. Item



(Members Code of Conduct – Part 4A of the Constitution)


To receive disclosures of interests from members and co-opted members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.


An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.




(1)       Members must consider their interests, and act according to the following:


Type of Interest

You must:



Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Disclose the interest; not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.



Other Registrable Interests (Directly Related)


Non-Registrable Interests (Directly Related)

Disclose the interest; speak on the item only if the public are also allowed to speak but otherwise not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.




Other Registrable Interests (Affects)


Non-Registrable Interests (Affects)

Disclose the interest; remain in the meeting, participate and vote unless the matter affects the financial interest or well-being



 (a) to a greater extent than it affects the financial interests of a majority of inhabitants of the affected ward, and


(b) a reasonable member of the public knowing all the facts would believe that it would affect your view of the wider public interest; in which case speak on the item only if the public are also allowed to speak but otherwise not do not participate in the discussion or vote; and leave the meeting unless you have a dispensation.


(2)       Disclosable pecuniary interests relate to the Member concerned or their spouse/partner.


(3)       Members in arrears of Council Tax by more than two months must not vote in decisions on, or which might affect, budget calculations, and must disclose at the meeting that this restriction applies to them.  A failure to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence under section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. 


(4)       Officers must disclose interests in accordance with Council Standing Order 44.


No disclosures of interest in matters under discussion were made.



Recommended –


That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023 be signed as a correct record (previously circulated).


(Yusuf Patel / Fatima Butt – 07970 411923 / 07970 411746)


Resolved –


That the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023 be signed as a correct record.





(Access to Information Procedure Rules – Part 3B of the Constitution)


Reports and background papers for agenda items may be inspected by contacting the person shown after each agenda item.  Certain reports and background papers may be restricted. 


Any request to remove the restriction on a report or background paper should be made to the relevant Strategic Director or Assistant Director whose name is shown on the front page of the report. 


If that request is refused, there is a right of appeal to this meeting. 


Please contact the officer shown below in advance of the meeting if you wish to appeal. 


(Yusuf Patel / Fatima Butt – 07970 411923 / 07970 411746)


There were no appeals submitted by the public to review decisions to restrict documents.



To note any recommendations to the Executive that may be the subject of report to a future meeting.  (Schedule to be tabled at the meeting). 


(Yusuf Patel / Fatima Butt – 07970 411923 / 07970 411746)


There were no recommendations to the Executive.



(Councillor Ross-Shaw)





The Strategic Director, Place submitted a report (Document “L”) which sought approval to the commencement of the procurement process in relation to the contract for the management and maintenance of the council’s general needs housing stock.


It was explained that the proposed contract was for 335 general needs homes, excluding fletcher court which would form part of a separate contract.  The contract would run for a five-year period partly to meet government requirements on tenant consultation and ballots, whilst allowing for a decision in year three on quality and performance and whether you wanted to do a quo terminus contract, incorporating the current Mears contract.  The principle elements of the contract were set out in 2.7 to 2.11 of Document “L”, central to this was incorporating the voice of residents in particular when it came to tenants and ensuring that community safety and neighbourhood issues as well as the public equality duty, value for money, governance ad regulatory requirements were fully incorporated.  The assessment would therefore cover 60% quality and 40% price, which will give an insight into how the organisations bidding, work rather than relying just on technical procedures, in particular how their existing tenants are heard and how they respond to their concerns.  Subject to the final legal and procurement checks the tender should go live in around two weeks, with the successful tender awarded in early November, with a start date of April 2024.


The Regeneration, Planning and Transport Portfolio holder welcomed the work undertaken thus far and stressed that it was important to ensure that our homes are maintained to the highest standards for the residents of the district, and therefore it was important to get the right organisation, through the tendering process, who would ensure this happened.


Resolved –


(1)    That the commencement of the formal procurement process be approved in relation to the commissioning of housing management and maintenance services for the Council’s general needs housing stock as set out Document “L”.


(2)   That authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place to award the housing management and maintenance services contract to the successful bidder in consultation with the Director of Finance & IT and the Director of Legal and Governance.

ACTION: Strategic Director Place

Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration & Environment

Note: Under Paragraph 8.7.4 of Part 3E of the Constitution, the above decision was marked exempt from call-in for the reasons set out in

Document “L”.


(Councillor Ferriby)



The Strategic Director, Place will submit a report (Document “M”) which updates the Executive on the Council’s Sports Pitches Investment Programme and includes opportunities to attract substantial, additional funding from partners, together with details of specific project delivery.


Recommended –


That Executive approves the following recommendations –                    


(1)    Implementation of Phase 2 of the Playing Pitch Strategy delivery programme and release of the £5.98m remaining balance of the total capital funding previously approved and allocated.


(2)    That a further £1.081m capital funding is identified to allow delivery of the enhanced Phase 2 programme, subject to the additional grant funding being secured.


(3)    Delegation of approval of spend to the Strategic Director, Place in consultation with the Director of Finance & IT to deliver the approved Phase 2 programme including the development projects at Wyke Sports Village, Myra Shay Recreation Ground and Marley Activities and Coaching Centre with regular updates to PAG.


(4)   Authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Finance & IT to apply for, and accept, the grant funding and to enter into the grant funding agreements for the projects.        


(5)    Authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance to explore the future management options for the major hub sites and to implement the option/s that are beneficial to the Council.


(6)    That consideration is given for further funding within the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) as part of the 24/25 budget discussion to allow a third and final Phase to be developed.


(7)    Welcomes both the development of Wyke Community Sports Village as the District’s first new major outdoor sports facility and also the national recognition from the Sports Governing bodies of the Council’s ability to deliver in a timely and cost effective manner.


        Overview and Scrutiny Area:  Regeneration & Environment


(Phil Barker - 01274 432616)


The Strategic Director, Place submitted a report (Document “M”) which updated the Executive on the Council’s Sports Pitches Investment Programme and included opportunities to attract substantial, additional funding from partners, together with details of specific project delivery.


It was stated that this was very much a mid-term report which listed the significant changes since the start of the programme and the successes that have been achieved during the first phase and delivered through the final phase of the project.


It was also explained that there would be opportunities to attract substantial additional funding form partners working in conjunction with national sporting bodies and delivering on the Councils priority outcomes for better health and better lives through recreational and physical activities.  The vision of the playing pitch strategy was about providing the district with a network of high quality outdoor facilities and working with partners to achieve this.


The first phase included the completion of the Wyke Community Sports Village hailed as a great success by our funding partners; work was also continuing with English Cricket Board on delivery of new cricket practice nets and non-turf pitches across the district and the covered practice facilities at Bradford Park Avenue, the first of its kind in the country. Delivery of the next phase of the programme were alluded to, together with details of the financial elements of the programme.


The Leader stated that the Capital Programme already incorporated the elements of the programme that had been outlined.


The Healthy People and Places Portfolio Holder commended the work of officers in delivering the programme thus far and in particular the funding that had been secured from external partners, together with the Council’s investment.  She added that the sporting hubs would increase wider participation in sports and improve the health and wellbeing of participants.


Resolved –


(1)    That implementation of Phase 2 of the Playing Pitch Strategy delivery programme be approved and release of the £5.98m remaining balance of the total capital funding previously approved and allocated.


(2)    That a further £1.081m capital funding be identified to allow delivery of the enhanced Phase 2 programme, subject to the additional grant funding being secured.


(3)    That approval of spend be delegated to the Strategic Director, Place in consultation with the Director of Finance & IT to deliver the approved Phase 2 programme including the development projects at Wyke Sports Village, Myra Shay Recreation Ground and Marley Activities and Coaching Centre with regular updates to PAG.


(4)     That authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Finance & IT to apply for, and accept, the grant funding and to enter into the grant funding agreements for the projects.        


(5)    That authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance to explore the future management options for the major hub sites and to implement the option/s that are beneficial to the Council.


(6)    That consideration be given for further funding within  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.



The Strategic Director, Place will submit areport (Document “N”) which provides aprogress updateon deliveryof theCouncil’s Playable Spaces Investment Programme, seeks approval for the third and final refurbishment phase, release of current earmarked capital funding for this phase and consideration within future budget setting arrangements for additional funding to complete the increased level of works identified as part of this phase.


Recommended –


That Executiveapproves thefollowing recommendations-         


(1)      Implementation of the 3rd and final phase of the Playable Spaces Investment Programme with release of the £3.918m remaining balance of the total capital funding originally approved and held in reserves.


(2)      Authority be given to the Strategic Director of Place in consultation with the Director for Finance & IT to appoint the successful bidder(s) for the works required for the Investment Programme.


(3)      That consideration is given to further funding within the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) as part of the 24/25 budget discussion to allow delivery of the complete Phase 3 programme.


(4)      Welcomes and supportsthe progressmade todate ondelivering theInvestment Programme to refurbish the Districts playable spaces and play facilities.


Overview and Scrutiny Area: Regeneration & Environment


(Phil Barker - 01274 432616)

Additional documents:


The Strategic Director, Place submitted a report (Document “N”) which provided a progress update on delivery of the Council’s Playable Spaces Investment Programme, sought approval for the third and final refurbishment phase, release of current earmarked capital funding for this phase and consideration within future budget setting arrangements for additional funding to complete the increased level of works identified as part of this phase.


Again this was a mid-term assessment of where we are with the Playable Spaces Investment Programme, detailing any significant changes as well as seeking approval for the third and final phase.  The Council provided around 300 playable spaces across the district, encouraging children and young people to engage in physical activity and contributing to the Councils priority outcome for better health and better lives.


The Financial and detailed elements of the programme were alluded to and detailed in Document “N”, together with the consultation that had taken place with residents and ward councillors on specific aspects of the programme to ensure that provision was fit for purpose, safe and sustainable.  Phase 3 of the Programme had been considered by the Council’s Project Appraisal Group; who had recommended the release of the necessary resources to complete the programme as part of the 2024/2025 Capital Programme.


The Leader stated that play areas across the district were crucial in ensuring interactivity with other children as well as improving health, and that this was very much a long term programme.


A number of Members from the main opposition group were present and asked a number of questions on the Programme, the questions together with the responses are detailed below:


  • The current £3.918m currently held in reserves, was this held in revenue grant reserves? The Member also questioned the ability of the Council to deliver capital projects into future years given the current difficult financial situation facing the Council.  In response the Director of Finance confirmed that the £3.918m was held in revenue grant reserves, however all earmarked reserves were currently being reviewed to ensure the adequacy of the reserves. The Leader added that this was a budget consideration and not a budget decision and will be considered accordingly.


  • Whether the Jenny Lane Scheme in Baildon would be delivered in Phase 3 of the programme and the amount allocated for the scheme.  In response the Assistant Director Sport and Leisure confirmed the inclusion of the scheme in phase 3, however a needs based approach would be adopted during phase 3 and he would be happy to discuss any specifics details outside of this meeting.


  • Whether Ward Councillors would also be consulted during phase 3; where the 29 locations mentioned in the report were in the district and when the play are in Oakworth would reopen.  In response to the question regarding consultation, it was explained that where there was like for like replacement of equipment, then no consultation would be undertaken; however, where there is substantial change proposed to a play area and installation of new equipment or a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.



To receive the minutes of the meetings of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority held on 16 March 2023; 25 May 2023 and 22 June 2023 (Please click on the relevant date to launch minutes).


That the minutes of the meetings of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority held on 16 March 2023; 25 May 2023 and 22 June 2023 be received.




As this was the last meeting of Kersten England in her tenure as Chief Executive, the Leader thanked the Chief Executive for her hard work over the last eight years and wished her all the best in her retirement.