Venue: Council Chamber
Contact: Jill Bell / Yusuf Patel
No. | Item | |
DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST (Members Code of Conduct - Part 4A of the Constitution)
To receive disclosures of interests from members and co-opted members on matters to be considered at the meeting. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.
An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.
(1) Members may remain in the meeting and take part fully in discussion and voting unless the interest is a disclosable pecuniary interest or an interest which the Member feels would call into question their compliance with the wider principles set out in the Code of Conduct. Disclosable pecuniary interests relate to the Member concerned or their spouse/partner.
(2) Members in arrears of Council Tax by more than two months must not vote in decisions on, or which might affect, budget calculations, and must disclose at the meeting that this restriction applies to them. A failure to comply with these requirements is a criminal offence under section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
(3) Members are also welcome to disclose interests which are not disclosable pecuniary interests but which they consider should be made in the interest of clarity.
(4) Officers must disclose interests in accordance with Council Standing Order 44.
MINUTES Recommended –
That the minutes of the meetings held on 2 and 7 January and 4 February 2020 be signed as a correct record (previously circulated).
(Jill Bell - 01274 434580)
INSPECTION OF REPORTS AND BACKGROUND PAPERS (Access to Information Procedure Rules – Part 3B of the Constitution)
Reports and background papers for agenda items may be inspected by contacting the person shown after each agenda item. Certain reports and background papers may be restricted.
Any request to remove the restriction on a report or background paper should be made to the relevant Strategic Director or Assistant Director whose name is shown on the front page of the report.
If that request is refused, there is a right of appeal to this meeting.
Please contact the officer shown below in advance of the meeting if you wish to appeal.
(Jill Bell - 01274 434580) |
RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE EXECUTIVE To note any recommendations to the Executive that may be the subject of report to a future meeting. (Schedule to be tabled at the meeting).
(Jill Bell / Yusuf Patel - 01274 434580 434579)
The report of the Strategic Director Children’s Services (Document “BE” ) provides an update of the Industrial Centres of Excellence and Bradford Pathways including details of achievements and future plans.
The report highlights the progress of the Districts Careers and Technical Education approach particularly in respect of the Industrial Centres of Excellence (ICE). It also includes the considerations that have shaped the development of the Plan and the next steps, subject to approval of the Plan by the Executive.
Recommended -
(1) That the content of Document “BE” be noted, that the continued success of the Careers and Technical Education approach for young people across the district be welcomed, and that members promote it with their networks.
(2) That the Careers and Technical Education (CTE) plan (Appendix 1 to Document “BE”) be approved and the CTE partnership core team as the single point of contact for schools and employers to engage with Careers and Technical Education Provision be supported.
Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Jenny Cryer – 01274 432438) Additional documents: |
LEADER OF COUNCIL & CORPORATE (Councillor Hinchcliffe) |
CLIMATE EMERGENCY UPDATE: SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ACTION PLAN 2020-21 PDF 128 KB The report of the Strategic Director Corporate Resources (Document “BF”) sets out proposals to adopt a Sustainable Development Action Plan in order to respond to the challenges and opportunities for sustainable, clean and inclusive economic growth, a fairer society and a healthier environment presented by the Climate Emergency. It follows the Climate Emergency declaration at Full Council and the Council’s decision to join the Leeds City Region Climate Coalition. The Sustainable Development Action Plan sets out clear direction and guiding principles for the Council and District building on existing activity and stated commitments. The plan reviews current activity and proposes actions for 2020-21 for business, public sector partners, communities, citizens and investors to take forward positive action at pace and scale. Those actions include delivering progress on emissions reductions, improving communications and community engagement and the developing of a comprehensive evidence base and performance framework. The plan includes establishing a new Sustainable Development Partnership for the Bradford District.
(1) The Sustainable
Development Action Plan (2020-2022) including its guiding
principles is approved and endorsed and the Strategic Director,
Corporate Resources instructed to implement its proposed
(2) The establishment of
a Sustainable Development Partnership for the District and terms of
reference as set out at Appendix B to Document “BF” is
approved. (3) That the Director of Finance and Strategic Director of Corporate Services are instructed to identify appropriate resources to meet the costs associated with the communication, co-ordination and delivery of the Climate Action Plan in 2020-21, with a view to funding being built into the Council’s base budget requirement from April 2021.
(4) That partners,
businesses, not-for-profit and community organisations, residents
and visitors be thanked for their efforts to date and encouraged to
work with the Council to accelerate practical action. (5)
That public communication and
engagement are undertaken, in line with the 2040 Vision, to seek
views, advice and contributions to the next version of the action
plan and our shared efforts in sustainability and that partners
working on UN Child Friendly status and City of Culture 2025 are
requested to ensure that their engagement activity connects to
climate action and environmental stewardship. (6) That effective environmental management and performance be developed including rapid and significant reduction in harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
(7) A dedicated report on the key developments in UK environmental legislation and environmental protection be brought to the Executive in autumn 2020.
(8) That as a matter of
urgency support, training and guidance is provided to elected
members, officers, suppliers, contractors and partners and citizens
on taking forward sustainable development and climate action
2020-2025. (9) That an annual progress report be brought to the Executive.
Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee (David Walmsley – 01274 432131) Additional documents: |
DEVOLUTION DEAL FOR WEST YORKSHIRE - REVIEW OF GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS PDF 152 KB On the 11th March 2020, the Chancellor announced a “minded to” Mayoral Devolution Deal for the West Yorkshire area (which covers the Local Authority areas of Leeds, Wakefield, Kirklees, Calderdale and Bradford).
This devolution deal unlocks revenue and capital funding worth £1.8 billion over the next 30 years. It follows similar deals in metropolitan areas including Greater Manchester and the West Midlands and will be the largest per person deal to date. The deal includes commitments on transport, business support, skills, innovation and tackling climate emergency.
Specific commitments for Bradford District include:
o An additional £500,000 in direct funding to help Bradford Council develop a masterplan for Bradford city centre, maximising regeneration opportunities from Northern Powerhouse Rail. o A package of measures to transform Bradford City Centre through pedestrianisation, new cycle infrastructure and better access to Bradford Interchange o A new park-and-ride for South Bradford providing alternative access to the city centre and key employment sites o Support for an ActEarly research hub (building on the Born in Bradford work at Bradford Royal Infirmary) which focuses on early interventions in childhood health to improve lives and opportunities for children and their families.
The proposed deal from the Government requires a number of governance changes . It is required that there will be a directly elected Mayor for West Yorkshire to be elected by May 2021. It will also unlock a number of central Government powers and funding to allow more local and accountable decision making. There are now a number of governance steps to take to ensure we can take advantage of this deal. The report of the Chief Executive (Document “BG”) outlines the next steps of this process
This report seeks members endorsement to the “minded to” Deal. It also seeks authority for a statutory Review to be undertaken jointly by Constituent Councils and the Combined Authority, and for a further report to be prepared in due course to include a draft Scheme for consideration (subject to the outcome of the Review).
Recommended -
(1) To note and endorse the Deal agreed and attached as Appendix 1 to Document “BG”.
(2) To agree that City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council should be party, together with the four other Constituent Councils of Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield and with the Combined Authority to a review of the Combined Authority’s constitutional arrangements and of the functions carried out by the Combined Authority over the Combined Authority’s area, as set out in paragraph 2 of this report and pursuant to S111 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009.
(3) To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Executive of the other Constituent Councils and the Managing Director of the Combined Authority, to carry out the Review on behalf of each Constituent Council and the Combined Authority.
(4) To authorise the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Chief Executive of the other Constituent Councils and the Managing Director of the Combined Authority to prepare a ... view the full agenda text for item 108. Additional documents: |
QTR. 4 FINANCE POSITION STATEMENT FOR 2019-20 PDF 471 KB The Director of Finance will submit a report (Document “BH”) which provides Members with an overview of the forecast financial position of the Council for 2019-20.
It examines the latest spend against revenue and capital budgets and forecasts the financial position at the year end. It states the Council’s current reserves and forecasts school balances for the year.
Recommended –
That the Executive
(1) Note the contents of Document “BH” and the actions taken to manage the issues highlighted in the report.
(2) Approve the following
capital expenditure
· £0.433m to extend the fitness facilities at Bowling Pool. This will be funded by the additional income generated through increased membership.
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Andrew Cross - 01274 436823)
THE COUNCIL'S CAPITAL & INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2020-21 PDF 223 KB The Director of Finance will submit a report (Document “BI”) which proposes the Council’s revised Capital & Investment Strategy 2020-21 for approval by the Executive.
Recommended –
That the Executive requests Council to approve the revised Capital and Investment Strategy 2020-21 with the attached Appendices and Tables contained in Document “BI”.
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
(Chris Chapman – 01274 433656) |
That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of Not for Publication Appendix C to Document “BJ” on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the proceedings, that if they were present, exempt information within paragraph 3 (financial or business affairs) of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) would be disclosed and it is considered that, in all the circumstances, the public interest in allowing the public to remain is outweighed by the public interest in excluding public access to the relevant part of the proceedings for the following reasons:
It is in the public interest in maintaining these exemptions because it is in the overriding interest of proper administration that Members are made fully aware of the financial and legal implications of any decision.
(Jill Bell – 01274 434580)
The proposals around the development of a joint West Yorkshire UTMC service (WY-UTMC) were previously presented to the Executive on 11 September 2018. The Executive endorsed the proposal that work should begin to develop the establishment of a joint service, hosted by Leeds City Council, and that fuller information regarding this should be presented to the Executive at a future meeting.
The purpose of the report of the Strategic Director Place (Document “BJ” that contains Not for Publication Appendix C) is to inform the Executive on progress made regarding the establishment of the joint service and to seek a formal decision regarding the arrangements and obligations of such a service on the Council.
Recommended -
(1) That Bradford’s support for the formation of a Joint West Yorkshire UTMC Service be confirmed. (2) That subject to Leeds Council’s confirmation, it be agreed that Leeds City Council hosts the West Yorkshire UTMC Service (which in the first instance will be based at the Joint Services building in Morley). (3) That the pro-rata allocation of £379,323 revenue funding from the 2020/21 UTMC budgets for the purposes of the first year’s revenue budget allocation to the joint service be approved.
(4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to progress all outstanding matters in order to implement the Joint West Yorkshire UTMC Service.
(5) That the approval of the setting of annual budget for the WYUTMC service be delegated to the Assistant Director - Planning, Transportation & Highways in conjunction with the Director of Finance / Section 151 Officer as the Council’s representative on the Chief Highway Officers board in line with the provisions of Schedule 11 of the Partnership Agreement.
Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Richard Gelder – 01274 437603) |
That the public be excluded from the meeting during the discussion of Not for Publication Appendices A and B to Document “BK” on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the proceedings, that if they were present, exempt information within paragraph 3 (financial or business affairs) of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) would be disclosed and it is considered that, in all the circumstances, the public interest in allowing the public to remain is outweighed by the public interest in excluding public access to the relevant part of the proceedings for the following reasons:
It is in the public interest in maintaining these exemptions because it is in the overriding interest of proper administration that Members are made fully aware of the financial and legal implications of any decision.
(Jill Bell – 01274 434580)
BRADFORD SHIPLEY ROUTE IMPROVEMENT SCHEME WEST YORKSHIRE PLUS TRANSPORT FUND PROJECT PDF 155 KB Bradford Council in partnership with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority is planning to improve the Bradford to Shipley Corridor. The report of the Strategic Director Place (Document “BK” that includes Not For Publication Appendices A and B) will:
1) Update the Executive on the outcome of preliminary enquiries with some landowners and affected parties, along with recommendations on whether it may be necessary to rely on the use of compulsory purchase powers to support the scheme.
2) Seek approval in principle, to the use of relevant Orders required for the acquisition of land and any rights needed.
Recommended -
(1) That the Executive approve the following recommendations:
(2) That the Executive is satisfied that at this stage there is little or no prospect of the land and rights being acquired through voluntary means, that the proposed Bradford to Shipley Route Improvement Scheme is in the public interest and that any harm caused by the use of compulsory purchase powers to acquire and interfere with third party land and rights needed for the scheme is outweighed by the public benefits which the improvement scheme will generate, having also taken into account at this stage, the Council`s statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to the differential impact a Compulsory Purchase Order might have on various groups of persons with protected different characteristics;
(3) That in principle, the following Orders be made -
a) The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Bradford to Shipley Route Corridor) (Improvement Scheme) Compulsory Purchase Order 2020, pursuant to Sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980; and Section 40 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and Section 2 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 for the purpose of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic by providing off-street parking places together with means of entrance to and egress from them and Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011 and all other relevant and enabling powers to secure the compulsory acquisition of the land and rights needed to promote the scheme within the land shown edged red on the plan annexed hereto and displayed at the Executive and marked (Not for publication Appendix A) and as the case may be, the additional land shown edged red on the plan annexed hereto and displayed at the Executive and marked (Not for publication Appendix B).
b) The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Bradford to Shipley Route Corridor) (Improvement Scheme) (Side Roads) Order 2020, pursuant to Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980.
(4) That the Strategic Director: Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport be granted delegated authority to:
a) Determine whether and the extent to which a CPO and Side Roads Order need to be made and submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation, subject to being satisfied that there is sufficient justification to support the making of a CPO and Side Roads Order and that there is ... view the full agenda text for item 114. Additional documents: |
THE FUTURE OF BRADFORD DISTRICT LIBRARY SERVICE PDF 152 KB The report of the Strategic Director Place (Document “BL”) seeks approval to adopt a new strategic direction for the library service including a new “vision” and “library service model” following a period of formal public consultation on the proposals as detailed in the report.
Recommended -
(1) That the Council adopts the vision and library model for 2020-25 and delegates to the Strategic Director of Place to implement the delivery and development of the model for the future. (2) That delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director Place to arrange for further consultation to be undertaken as required as proposals affecting individual libraries are developed.
Regeneration and Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Phil Barker – 01274 432616) Additional documents: |
OUTCOME FROM THE OFSTED MONITORING VISIT - 25TH AND 26TH FEBRUARY 2020 PDF 109 KB The service was subject to the fourth monitoring visit which took place on the 25th and 26th of February 2020. During this visit, Inspectors reviewed the progress made in achieving permanence for Children in Care. Inspectors also considered whether performance management information and quality assurance activity provides managers and leaders with an accurate view of social work practice and children’s experiences.
The letter following the monitoring visit will be published by Ofsted on the 19th of March 2020, until such a time there is an embargo in place.
The report of the Strategic Director of Children’s Services (Document “BM”) includes a brief summary of findings based upon verbal feedback.
Recommended –
The Executive is asked to note the contents of Document “BM”.
(Mark Douglas – 01274 431266) Additional documents: |
MINUTES OF THE WEST YORKSHIRE COMBINED AUTHORITY PDF 487 KB To receive the minutes of the meeting of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority held on 9 January 2020, attached. |
THE COUNCIL'S ON-GOING EMERGENCY RESPONSE TO COVID 19 PDF 159 KB The Chief Executive will submit a report which provides a summary of the Council’s approach to COVID 19. The on-going situation around COVID 19 is evolving rapidly. A verbal update will be provided at the Executive meeting.
Recommended –
(1) That Executive note
the content of this report and the significant action that the
Council, its partners and our communities and volunteers are taking
in order to combat COVID-19, keep our most vulnerable residents
safe and well, make sure everyone gets the support they need and
help our businesses and workforce to remain resilient. (2) That the Executive puts on record its thanks and appreciation to Council staff for their on-going efforts to address the emergency and urges all staff to take the appropriate measures to stay safe and well and to minimise the spread of the virus. (Kersten England)