Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/01/2022 - Executive (Item 77)


The report of the Strategic Director of Place (Document “AN” that contains NFP Appendix A) will provide Executive an update on the development of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing project and to seek Executive’s endorsement of the schemes further development, benefits and proposals.


It will also request that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director Place in consultation with the portfolio holder to progress a range of issues to ensure delivery of the scheme within the required timescales, including the use of compulsory purchase powers to achieve the desired objectives.


Recommended –

That the Executive approve the following recommendations:


(1)       Support and approve the proposals including further development as the preferred approach to the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


(2)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to manage the scheme programme as appropriate to meet changing circumstances.

(3)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to make any necessary applications to obtain planning permission for any aspect of the scheme that may require such consent.

(4)       That the Strategic Director: Corporate Resources be authorised to promote and take whatever action is necessary to submit the CPO and SRO to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation.

(5)       That the Executive is satisfied that the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project is in the public interest and that any harm caused by the use of CPO/SRO powers to acquire and interfere with third party land and rights needed for the scheme is outweighed by the public benefits which the improvement scheme will generate, having also taken into account at this stage, the Council`s statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to the differential impact a CPO/SRO might have on various groups of persons with protected different characteristics;


(6)       That in principle, the following Orders be made -


a.    The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Steeton and Silsden Crossing) (Highway Improvement Scheme) Compulsory Purchase Order 2022, pursuant to Sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980; and Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011 and Section 40 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984  for the purpose of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic by providing off-street parking places together with means of entrance to and egress from them and all other relevant and enabling powers to secure the compulsory acquisition of such land and rights that are needed to promote the scheme.


b.    The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Steeton and Silsden Crossing, Bradford) (Highway Improvement Scheme) (Side Roads) Order 2022, pursuant to Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980.



(7)       That the Strategic Director: Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport be given delegated authority to:


a.    Progress and develop the scheme proposals through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Assurance Processes and undertake consultation on scheme proposals.


b.    As may be required, secure the procurement of specialist external services having regard to the Council’s Contract Standing Orders and national  ...  view the full agenda text for item 77


Resolved –

That the following recommendations be approved:


(1)       Support and approve the proposals including further development as the preferred approach to the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


(2)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to manage the scheme programme as appropriate to meet changing circumstances.

(3)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to make any necessary applications to obtain planning permission for any aspect of the scheme that may require such consent.

(4)       That the Strategic Director: Corporate Resources be authorised to promote and take whatever action is necessary to submit the CPO and SRO to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation.

(5)       That the Executive is satisfied that the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project is in the public interest and that any harm caused by the use of CPO/SRO powers to acquire and interfere with third party land and rights needed for the scheme is outweighed by the public benefits which the improvement scheme will generate, having also taken into account at this stage, the Council`s statutory obligations under the Equality Act 2010 in relation to the differential impact a CPO/SRO might have on various groups of persons with protected different characteristics;


(6)       That in principle, the following Orders be made -


a.    The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Steeton and Silsden Crossing) (Highway Improvement Scheme) Compulsory Purchase Order 2022, pursuant to Sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980; and Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011 and Section 40 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984  for the purpose of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic by providing off-street parking places together with means of entrance to and egress from them and all other relevant and enabling powers to secure the compulsory acquisition of such land and rights that are needed to promote the scheme.


b.    The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (Steeton and Silsden Crossing, Bradford) (Highway Improvement Scheme) (Side Roads) Order 2022, pursuant to Sections 14 and 125 of the Highways Act 1980.



(7)       That the Strategic Director: Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport be given delegated authority to:


a.    Progress and develop the scheme proposals through the West Yorkshire Combined Authority’s Assurance Processes and undertake consultation on scheme proposals.


b.    As may be required, secure the procurement of specialist external services having regard to the Council’s Contract Standing Orders and national procurement legislation in order to advice the Council on matters relating to the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


c.    Investigation of land ownership of land required for the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


d.    Undertake negotiation with land owners to secure by private treaty any land required outside of Council ownership for the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


e.    Where necessary, issue requisition notices requiring those believed to have an interest in relevant property to provide title information and details of their  ...  view the full decision text for item 77


The report of the Strategic Director of Place (Document “AN” that contains NFP Appendix A) provided the Executive with an update on the development of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing project and sought Executive’s endorsement of the scheme’s further development, benefits and proposals.


The report also requested that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to progress a range of issues to ensure delivery of the scheme within the required timescales, including the use of compulsory purchase powers to achieve the desired objectives.


A Ward Councillor attended the meeting and welcomed the scheme, however, she expressed concern and asked why a further £9.5m of funding was required for the scheme.  She was of the opinion that Ward members should be consulted on the proposals at this stage.  The Leader responded that the Portfolio Holder would provide a briefing for Ward members.


The Leader of the Opposition Group noted that this was the second major project being discussed at this meeting where Ward members had not been kept informed and stressed that this should happen at an early stage.  She also asked for an explanation of the increase of £9.5m. In addition, she asked about the extent and cost of the footpath improvements from Silsden to the proposed crossing.


Members were advised that the Outline Business case had included a number of options, and the scheme had since been developed to address active and sustainable travel such as cycling and walking.  A consultation strategy would be established which would include communication events with the public and Councillors as part of the full business case development . The footpath network would be examined in the full business case development.


The Leader responded that this project for Silsden and Steeton had been enhanced, and that increased construction costs were being seen on projects across the country.


The Regeneration, Planning and Transport Portfolio Holder noted that the scope and ambition of the scheme had been enhanced to provide a landmark development for the area with improved connections within its local setting.


Resolved –

That the following recommendations be approved:


(1)       Support and approve the proposals including further development as the preferred approach to the delivery of the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project.


(2)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to manage the scheme programme as appropriate to meet changing circumstances.

(3)       That the Strategic Director: Place be authorised to make any necessary applications to obtain planning permission for any aspect of the scheme that may require such consent.

(4)       That the Strategic Director: Corporate Resources be authorised to promote and take whatever action is necessary to submit the CPO and SRO to the Secretary of State for Transport for confirmation.

(5)       That the Executive is satisfied that the Steeton and Silsden Crossing Project is in the public interest and that any harm caused by the use of CPO/SRO powers to acquire and interfere with third party land and rights needed for the scheme is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77