Local democracy

Issue - meetings


Meeting: 14/09/2021 - West Yorkshire Pension Fund Pension Board (Item 16)


The report of the Director, West Yorkshire Pension Fund (Document “J”) informs Members that The Pension Regulator’s (TPR) Code of Practice 14 and The Public Service Pensions (Record Keeping & Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014 set out the requirements for public sector pension funds to maintain comprehensive and accurate data on their members and their member’s pension contributions.


The West Yorkshire Pension Fund Data Improvement Plan 2020/21 is appended to the report.


Recommended –


That Document “J” and the WYPF Data Improvement Plan, appended to that Document, be noted.

(Caroline Blackburn – 01274 434523)


Additional documents:


Resolved –


That Document “J” and the WYPF Data Improvement Plan, appended to that Document, be noted.


Action: Director, West Yorkshire Pension Fund


The report of the Director, West Yorkshire Pension Fund (Document “J”) was submitted to the Board to provide Members with an update on how WYPF managed and maintained accurate data in accordance with The Pension Regulator’s (TPR) Code of Practice 14 and The Public Service Pensions (Record Keeping & Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014.


The report detailed what the requirements were and an explanation of the types of data collected and assessed for accuracy, including the key objectives and desired outcomes.  The report also gave details of additional responsibilities that rested with Officers and employers.  The report was submitted along with two appendices which showed the details of the Data Improvement Plan and a breakdown of errors including their type.


There were a number of ongoing checks and mechanisms to prevent duplication and errors:


·         LGPS national insurance database – data sharing to prevent duplicate payment of death grants

·         ‘Tell us once’ Service – this allows the Department of Work and Pensions(DWP) to pass on information to other Government and Council services when a death is registered

·         National Fraud Initiative – a service that matches data between public and private sector bodies to detect and prevent fraud

·         Mortality Screening and Tracing service – WYPF would engage with a Tracing Bureau for both monthly mortality screening and to obtain addresses for members if we do not have one

·         Annual Benefits Statements checks – checks for accuracy of data for active accounts before statements are produced

·         Deferred Pensions increase - As part of the annual deferred pensions increase process certain data errors are identified and pensions increase is blocked until they are resolved

·         Annual Deferred Benefits Statements checks – data error checking that prevents potentially inaccurate statements being issued


Data Quality reports would be produced each quarter to measure data quality scores and identify areas where further action may be required.


Resolved –


That Document “J” and the WYPF Data Improvement Plan, appended to that Document, be noted.


Action: Director, West Yorkshire Pension Fund